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    There’s got to be some entertainment value in talking about some of this stuff. Probably more so than in actually watching A Prince Among Men, Captain Butler or I, Lovett.

    Any suggestions? Their stand-up shows, maybe? Craig’s awful book? Crime Traveller?


    I’ve always had a soft spot for Crime Traveller. A real 90s time capsule of trying to do respectable tech/crime sci fi (Bugs, etc – no cheesy alien monsters, god forbid) with a Mulder & Scully dynamic spoiled by a weirdly miscast male lead. It’s also curious how Anthony Horowitz stifles himself with extremely restrictive time travel rules, though these might have started to break down even earlier than Red Dwarf’s rules. It’s just a shame the actual plots were completely unmemorable, beyond always having to beat the clock and get back on time (The Crystal Maze, etc).


    If we’re talking Crime Traveller we need to rename the thread. 

    I always like Robert Llewellyn’s Carpool, and was annoyed when dickhead comedians stole the idea. 


    Some of Robert Lewellyn’s one man shows/ mild stand up/ Ted Talks are solid.

    A bit ‘of their time’ in places but you know his heart is in the right place.

    The Reconstructed Heart was on All4 a while back and I enjoyed it, a glowing review, he can have that.


    If we’re talking Crime Traveller we need to rename the thread.

    I’ll let myself out…


    Couple of interesting Dwarf connections in what I’ve seen of Captain Butler so far – Shend is in episode 1 as a tongueless Spaniard, Bobby is in episode 2 as Admiral Nelson, and in episode 3 the Captain gets turned into a male version of Miranda.






    Just learned that Gary Martin voiced Zordrak in The Dream Stone, who set the template for big, scary baddies in my early childhood.


    Who remembers CyberZone? That’s uh looking pretty dated now!


    Pretty novel concept at the time, a virtual reality game show set in a prison. Just a shame the technology really wasn’t there yet.


    We were talking about it a bit recently, I misremembered it as Craig presenting GamesMaster 


    how could anyone confuse this with Gamesmaster? He’s got a hat on!


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