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    12 pints in a night will get them wasted? Pussies.

    Jonathan Capps

    That looks bloody awesome.

    Jonathan Capps



    Yep, that’s my annual cinema visit sorted. (It was Cabin in the Woods last year, if you’re interested)

    Pegg/Frost movies are the only ones I *have* to see on day of release. I’ve still got my tickets from Shaun, Fuzz and Paul – I always shove them in the DVD sleeve when it comes out.


    Don’t think I could be anymore excited for this film. I’m sure I’m not the only person on this site who has been waiting for this for what feels like an eternity. Was it first announced around the release of Hot Fuzz?

    To be fair though, when you’re a Red Dwarf fan half a decade doesn’t seem like that long to have to wait for something.


    Is it bad that whilst I’m excited about this, I’m kinda sad this thread wasn’t about the pub in Camden of the same name?

    Stephen R. Fletcher

    Can’t wait for this! Even though the release date has been pushed a month forward, it still can’t come soon enough!


    Brilliant, this and the Partridge movie are must sees this year.


    Cannot wait for this. Pegg and Frost films are always of such high quality… excluding Paul (am I the only one that couldn’t stand that atrocity?) Massive Shaun and Fuzz fan, hoping this one lives up to the expectations!


    Paul wasn’t terrible but this should be up to standard because Wright is back.


    I have a lot of time for Paul, though it isn’t as great as their work with Wright.


    ^ What they said.


    Edgar Wright is a fantastic director, and an excellent tweeter also. Of course no one can expect Pegg and Frost to stay in the obscurity of cult classics forever, but Paul just really didn’t hit the mark for me. I suppose it was a good American flick, entertaining at times, one to stick on the shelf, merely to receive the old ‘oh yeah i’ve seen that, it’s alright’. However, I was hoping for something more clever and memorable, witty and pleasing to watch like the gems that are Fuzz and Shaun. You can tell someone poured their heart and soul into those films to make them the best they could be.


    I agree with Connell (except I would argue the part about it being a good American flick), it just lacked the energy and brains of Shaun and Fuzz. While the first two were brilliant genre spoof films, Paul (and to a lesser degree Run, Fatboy Run) were OK comedies, just not good Simon Pegg films. I have cautious optimism that World’s End will return to the magic of the earlier films.

    Pete Part Three

    Couldn’t stand Paul, thought it was dull and lifeless. Traded off the good will of previous Frost/Pegg collaborations but offered nothing remotely new or interesting.

    I, uh, didn’t like Scott Pilgrim either. [ducks].

    SotD, I dearly love. Hot Fuzz is a notch below and I have a few niggles with, but still good.

    Not really feeling much with this trailer. Great cast, though.


    I think Fuzz is better than Shaun, actually. The quality of the cast is amazing.

    Watched it on ITV2 recently for the first time in ages, and had completely forgotten that Olivia Colman was in it.

    Jonathan Capps

    I have a greater fondness for Shaun, but recognise Hot Fuzz as the better film. But they’re both masterpieces.

    Pete Part Three

    I always get the impression that Hot Fuzz is about twice as long as it actually is, due to the relentless editing and intricate story.

    And, if I’m being really nit-picky, I also find the gory bits misplaced. I’m not squeamish and am fond of a bit of splatter, I just don’t know what it’s doing in Hot Fuzz.

    Tim Messenger’s (hey hey!) death is nodding towards The Omen and would be fine in Shaun because it would be fitting for the genre…but, aside from Robocop, I can’t think of any overly gory action films.

    I have no such complaints about SotD. It bounces along at a great pace and everything just, well, works.


    >fond of a bit of splatter

    Fnaar fnaar.

    Pete Part Three

    You know, I was going to put “(stop making up your own jokes)” after that, but I thought this website had matured a lot recently. What a shame.


    Has it bollocks.


    I was at The World’s End today. Random trivia only, considering it’s about 5,000 miles from my usual haunts.


    I was at The World’s End today. Random trivia only, considering it’s about 5,000 miles from my usual haunts.


    I think there’s an Easter Egg music video on the VIII DVD set at The World’s End in Camden with Craig, Danny and Norman. In fact I’m sure there is.


    The Intro2 video?


    Yeah that’s the one!

    Jonathan Capps

    I remember those guys incessantly pestering me about covering their song on The White Hole. I wonder what they’re doing now.


    I didn’t even know you could sing, Cappsy. ;)

    Tarka Dal

    > I can’t think of any overly gory action films.

    Starship Troopers?

    Stephen R. Fletcher

    > I have a greater fondness for Shaun, but recognise Hot Fuzz as the better film. But they’re both masterpieces.

    Pretty much my feelings, too.

    I quite like ‘Paul’. It’s not as good as the works Pegg and Frost did with Edgar Wright but I still really like it.

    Ben Paddon

    Yeah, I enjoyed Paul. It’s a little less “niche”, and they acknowledge this themselves on the Bluray (for the kind of budget they needed to make the movie it had to be a little more accessible for general audiences so it stood a chance of making a profit), but I have a real soft spot for it.

    Danny Stephenson

    I really like Paul. It’s a love letter to the Spielberg/ILM-era of sci-fi films. That spaceship at the end just fills me with Douglas Trumbull-like joy.

    It’s a cracking film with an excellent CGI protagonist, which is difficult to pull off with a budget film, and he has genuine character.

    it’s certainly not perfect but it’s action packed enough and got enough geeky humour without being offensive, and I doubt it would have got to that point with Pegg and Frost writing.

    I’m looking forward to the World’s End though, although it’s a film that’s gone in a direction I wasn’t expecting. I had this same experience with Hot Fuzz, I genuinely didnt know that Hot Fuzz was a slasher film. Did anyone else here not know when they went to the cinema? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in the trailer (or for some reason i never actually got round to watching them), but I was genuinely shocked when Draper and Blower got their heads stoved in…


    Yeah, I know what you mean. There was no need for the slasher elements in Hot Fuzz or at least they could have been toned down a bit. I’m guessing Edgar Wright just loves a bit of slop.


    Meh, I found Hot Fuzz funnier than Shaun of the Dead, but I guess that comes down to personal taste. The over-the-top style of the gorier parts of HF made it work for me.

    Danny Stephenson

    I’m not saying that slasher elements were unnecessary, the fact that these extremely ridiculous deaths were played out in Somerset creates the biggest juxtaposition and in itself is hilarious. My point was that I’m not sure if the whole horror/killer elements was kept low key in the trailer, or was I just terribly naive?

    Danny Stephenson

    I’m not saying that slasher elements were unnecessary, the fact that these extremely ridiculous deaths were played out in Somerset creates the biggest juxtaposition and in itself is hilarious. My point was that I’m not sure if the whole horror/killer elements was kept low key in the trailer, or was I just terribly naive?


    I didn’t know it going in, either, Danny. I just expected a funny cop film that would be better than most funny cop films. The only reviews or anything I read beforehand just suggested “something sinister…” in a nice vague way that preserved the surprise.

    I…kinda love the gore in that movie. As well as the fact that there are genuine scares along the way. Still no Shaun, in my eyes, but fantastic all the same.


    I had no idea it was going to be as gory as it turned out to be, no. I’m expecting it this time, so maybe World’s End will be entirely devoid of blood. I wouldn’t bet on it though.


    Loved Shaun of the Dead. Hot Fuzz I only like the first 45 minutes then get horrendously bored. Paul was…..ok. Hoping this one will top the lot!

    “Drink up. The world is about to end.”

    Stephen R. Fletcher

    So, I saw the film on Friday in it’s first screening at 11AM in AMC Manchester and… I don’t know. I’ve been going round this in my head, wondering if maybe a second viewing would do me good but maybe I’m thinking that because this is the first film by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright that I don’t think I really like and that’s really bothering me. I was really enjoying it in the middle once the action started but by the time I got to the end of the film, I didn’t feel nearly as satisfied as I did with ‘Shaun of the Dead’ and ‘Hot Fuzz’. I still don’t fully understand it all either and that’s one of the things that’s annoying me.

    It also seemed to be missing something that their other films, ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’ and even ‘Paul’ had.


    I saw the film Friday afternoon, and yeah, a second viewing is definitely in order. It’s a great, and very funny film, so ‘disappointing’ isn’t the right word, but, as I was saying on Twitter earlier, I just felt oddly dissatisfied by the ending. The action sequences are amazing, no question, and the performances from Pegg and Frost (and the rest of the ensemble, for that matter) are terrific.
    But I also feel that either I, or the film, is missing something.


    I felt a little dissatisfied the first time I saw Hot Fuzz…I still liked it very much, but it took two viewings to really cement itself for me as a masterpiece.

    Here’s hoping that happens here too. I don’t think it’s out in the US yet, but I guess I’ll buy tickets to two showings instead of just one.


    Well, my brother loves it. Ranked it top of the three. He went to a Trilogy/midnight screening on thursday night, then came with us on friday afternoon, and afterwards said he saw a lot that he’d missed the first time. So…y’know.


    Loved it. Watched it in the west end Saturday.

    It’s not as good as the other two, probably. It’s bigger in FX’s and action than them, characters are perhap a little weaker, and it’s a bit less genre defined going in, and it’s got a bit of a weight over it in terms of similarities to previous films (including some of their wider participating film work since the other two films) but if this the last of them, I sat back and enjoyed the ride.

    I loved peggs character, different and a brilliant performance, from the moments you wanted to hate him, and the moments you didn’t. The Arthurian questing elements. Some of the home truths about growing up or not. Bill nighys involvement I love. I found some of the end plot a hint of douglas adamsness.

    Another exbond, amongst all the familar faces. I love the appearance of cornetto 3. Though the fence gag im not so sure of. And the pacing of the film, is just like that of a pub crawl i think.

    Jonathan Capps

    Saw it yesterday and absolutely loved it, but I do agree with Si that there maybe feels like there’s something missing. Thinking back, the action scenes were my favourite part and I wonder if it’s that that’s throwing me off, because that’s not been the case with the previous two films.

    Still, it took me a second watch to properly click with Hot Fuzz, too, so I’m not too worried.


    > Still, it took me a second watch to properly click with Hot Fuzz, too, so I’m not too worried.

    This is my thinking. I haven’t yet seen the film but I’ve seen pretty mixed reviews about the web and all I can think is that I didn’t completely fall in love with Hot Fuzz until the second (or maybe even third) watch. If the reviews were universally negative then I’d be a bit more worried but as the responses I’ve read have been 80% positive (and a lot of them VERY positive) I’m pretty confident that I’ll enjoy it.


    Loved Hot Fuzz immediately. The moment where it clicked for me was at the bad play where the cast are singing from the Baz Luhrman movie and Nick’s and Danny’s faces. I laughed myself sick.


    I saw it yesterday and my friend and I both walked out and immediately said ‘well that was very disappointing wasn’t it?’

    As we went through the film it suddenly crossed my mind that this is the last part of the Cornetto Trillogy, yet the popular ice-cream has been entirely absent. Then suddenly a wrapper flies past and you think, ‘ah, that’s sort of a Cornetto I guess. Well that’s that then.’ That was how I felt about the entire film. An odd repeat in many ways if Shaun of the Dead with occasional nods to the previous two films that didn’t amount to much. There were about 2-3 occasions where we actually laughed, but most of the time it at best raised a smile. Not the case for the rest of the audience at our screening, but then they were braying at every use of the word cunt, which came up more than I expected.

    Even then however, it’s too hard to nail what I found wrong with the film down to one or two central problems as there were just so many elements that felt off to me. The intro was too long, the plot took a long time to get going, when it kicked it it felt like 2 different films, the emotional elements felt forced and the ending just felt misplaced. I do think that one of the problems for me was that the Sci-Fi they chose to parody was basically an Invasion of the Bodysnatchers type story, which wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that this creates a lot of the same story points a zombie film does. That meant that all the time the characters moved through their pub crawl you were constantly reminded how much more enjoyable this had been in Shaun of The Dead.

    Perhaps I’ll change my opinion on a re-watch, but I really have no motivation to see it again at the moment. The most irritating part was that it wasn’t even an *awful* film per se, it was just not as good as it should have been from all involved. That said, the film is saved by it’s second half. If it had carried on in the style of the first half I would be far more scathing.

    Jonathan Capps

    Wow, that’s definitely the first negative review I’ve seen. I’m surprised! Also…

    but then they were braying at every use of the word cunt

    I apologise for nothing.

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