The G&T Christmas Message 2018 featured image

It's 3pm on the 25th December, and that can only mean one thing - the whole family gathering around for that old Christmas tradition of reading the Ganymede & Titan round-up of what's happened in the world of Red Dwarf over the preceding twelve months. While 2018 was certainly a special year for the show in terms of its numerical significance, it was also the first year in four where no brand new episodes were either recorded, transmitted or both. As such, a quieter year for us, and so we're eschewing the month-by-month format to instead give an overview of the big news and events that occurred, and a festive selection box of some of our own least shit features that we posted when there were no big news and events to keep us occupied.

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DwarfCast 97 - Live 30th Anniversary Special featured image
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To celebrate Red Dwarf's 30th anniversary, we took the airwaves (and indeed to the booze) to have a bit of a party. In a rambling, meandering and slightly shambolic show weighing in at well over two hours long, the entire G&T team - Cappsy, John, Tanya, Danny and Ian - plus special guest Jo Sharples, gathered to discuss the Pearl Poll results in very fine detail, reveal how our own preferences stack up to the general consensus, attempt our first live episode commentary on The End, and open the show up to the listeners in a chaotic phone-in free-for-all, which touched on subjects such as the Smegazines, the differences between the solo novels, Red Dwarf USA, and one hundred duck-sized Norman Lovetts.

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The Pearl Poll Results featured image

Ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of Red Dwarf‘s thirtieth anniversary, we invite you to join us, if you dare, in a journey through the Top 73 episodes of all time, as voted for by YOU. This is the biggest such poll we've ever undertaken, both in terms of the amount of episodes it covers, and the number of people who took part. A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who submitted their rankings. In return, our gift to you on this special day is several thousand words of analysis to go alongside the full results. Get comfortable.

How will Series XI and XII, still so fresh in people's minds, compare to the older episodes? Will Series X have maintained its good performance from 2013, or has the novelty worn off? Can Series VII or VIII finally improve their reputations? Is there such a thing as "the bubble" any more now that the number of episodes made after Rob left outnumbers those made before? It's finally time to find out.

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You heard. We’re now into the week of Red Dwarf‘s thirtieth anniversary, and it’s about time we disclosed our full plans to mark the event. Clear your diaries for Thursday, because we’ve got lots of lovely treats in store, and hopefully you’ll want to join us. The morning will see the long-awaited results of our Pearl Poll published – the ideal start to your anniversary day – before we congregate for a very special LIVE DwarfCast in the evening. It’ll be a jam-packed show, and here’s how it’ll go down:

8:30pm – Now! Something Something Something Music – We start with an extended musical warm-up, featuring specially selected hits from right across the last three decades.

9:00pm – Poll To Poll – The show proper kicks off with an in-depth discussion of the Pearl Poll results, including a look at the G&T team’s combined rankings.

9:30pm – The End Commentary – Our first ever live episode commentary! We’ll be watching and talking over the broadcast version from 1988, not the Original Assembly or Re-Mastered or Japanese edition. If all goes to plan, you’ll be able to sync up with us and watch at the same time, so get your copy of the episode ready beforehand.

10:00pm – Ganymede & Titan Unplanned – In which you, the listeners, set the agenda. We want you to provide the talking points, which can be anything even vaguely Red Dwarf related from the last thirty years, preferably things that we don’t talk about very often. There are many ways to get involved – you can leave a comment on this post, you can tweet us @ganymedetitan, and you can join us in the Spreaker chat on the night.

But most excitingly, this section of the show will be a phone-in free-for-all. Anyone can call up and say what they like to us via Skype – just add ‘ianiansymes’ between now and Thursday night, and listen to the show for instructions on when to call. This will go on until we run out of callers/topics, or fall off air, whichever comes first.

So, start suggesting topics, dust off your Series 1 DVD, add us on Skype and remember to head over to our Spreaker page at 8:30pm on Thursday, ready for the chat to begin at 9pm. We hope as many of you as possible will join us, to help give Red Dwarf the celebration it deserves.

It will hardly have escaped anyone's attention that 2018 is Red Dwarf's 30th anniversary year. Five years on from the Silver Survey, our attempt to canvas the opinions of as many fans as possible to create the ultimate ranking of every episode ever, it's time to do it all again. How will Series XI and XII compare to their many and varied predecessors? Has opinion on the then-recent Back To Earth and Series X changed in the intervening years? Is the Series 1-VI bubble still a thing, now that those 36 episodes are outnumbered for the first time? Will there ever be a survey in which Back To Reality and Pete (Part Two) aren't top and bottom?

It's time to find out.

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