Now, what the fuck is going on here? A website called calendars.org.uk - which I assume is some sort of British calendar organisation - has listed a 2010 Red Dwarf calendar! But, erm, the picture is of a slightly altered version of the 2008 calendar - identical other than the numbers "08" being replaced by the numbers "10".

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Yesterday, I was sitting there thinking, and I realised something. The Smeg Outs UMD release was planned for release in time for Christmas - but I couldn't see it listed anywhere. A quick check with Andrew on the Webboard revealed that it has actually been cancelled. At the time of the Smeg Ups release I said "I suppose sales will be the ultimate judge of whether the release was worth doing or not" - clearly, the answer was not. Maybe people were too busy buying releases like this.

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After much hinting, the designs for the 2007 Red Dwarf calendar are revealed. Now, the reason we've been crap at reporting on this up until now is because of our relaunch - but I must admit, I did have a slight doubt in my mind about the idea. I can't quite put into words what that doubt was... but the end result was that I was simply worried that a collection of movie poster parodies would look crap and embarrassing.

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