Well, if I could just beg your indulgence for a few seconds more, sirs, the old 345 takes a little time to warm up. Still, it out-performs the 346 in 8 out of 9 bench tests. A small wonder, then, that it secured "G&T Results Counter of the Year, Best Budget Model" three years running. Now here are the results... and the scores are... in!

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You see, because the box says "Made in Titan", and we're Ganymede and... oh, look, forget it.

Anyway, do you want to win a copy of Bodysnatcher? Of course you do. And you already can. But do you ALSO want to win a copy of Just the Smegs AND a weird funky headset thing worn by Ed Bye during the making of the Remastered episodes? You do? Well, aren't we a greedy ungrateful bastard? Luckily, GNP, BBC Worldwide and Youtube are your friend.

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