Ian’s Newsround – 13/09/17 News Posted by Ian Symes on 13th September 2017, 21:45 You know you're getting close to a new series when there's enough news happening that we need to dust off this old format. Here's a handy round-up of everything that's happened since our last news update on Friday lunchtime, in order of how-much-we-have-to-say-on-the-topic. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WOMAN, SHE'S SFX MAD - Today saw the latest issue of SFX hit the newsstands, featuring on its cover a photograph of four really familiar-looking men. It was never going to be as prolific as last year's coverage, so there's no little booklet this time round, but there is an eight page feature on the show with contributions from all four cast members and both Naylors. The bulk is taken up by the cast answering fans' questions, most of which will be familiar to convention-goers, and are more often about the show's past instead of the upcoming series. The only new information of note comes in this answer to a question about whether they'd like to see the Cat people return: Read more →
DwarfCast 87 – Dimension Jump XIX Special DwarfCasts Posted by Ian Symes on 14th April 2017, 16:49 Subscribe to DwarfCasts: RSS • iTunes It has now been a full seven days since the start of The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club's nineteenth convention, but the feeling of elation is yet to wear off, along with the taste of the booze and the total physical and mental exhaustion. To preserve the memories for years to come, as well as to fill in those who were unable to attend, a merry band of extremely tired people congregated in a hotel room on the Sunday night to record the traditional post-DJ DwarfCast. Read more →
Dimension Jump XIX is GO News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 7th April 2017, 09:38 It’s faintly terrifying to think that it’s already been two years since the last Dimension Jump convention, but apparently it has as evidenced by the fact that it’s all happening again this weekend. As we speak Fan Club organisers, attendees and guests alike are hurtling towards the best Dwarfy weekend the world has to offer. Unfortunately the G&T contingent will be limited to two solitary souls this time round, but I’ve been reliably informed that Ian and Danny will welcome any hellos, drinks and / or hugs if you see the beardy Yorkshire behind the sound desk or the non-beardy Brummie behind the camera. As usual they’ll be doing their best to keep you informed over Twitter if anything big hits over the weekend and of course a DwarfCast will follow a few days later provided everyone involved hasn’t died. The remaining sad sacks here at G&T will watch from afar but we wish everyone on the Fan Club team the best of luck over the weekend and also hope anyone going along has a great time. You lucky, lucky bastards.
And can you read the registration for me, please? News Posted by Ian Symes on 27th May 2016, 21:52 Well, Starbugger me. Read more →
DwarfCast 61 – Dimension Jump XVIII Special DwarfCasts Posted by Ian Symes on 7th May 2015, 12:17 Subscribe to DwarfCasts: RSS • iTunes Join a luxuriously big hotel room full of very tired but very happy people, as we pick through the booze-soaked remains of the very latest and very greatest official Red Dwarf convention - Dimension Jump XVIII, held 1st-3rd May 2015 in Nottingham. Your hosts for this bleary-eyed Sunday night missive are G&T's Jonathan Capps, Danny Stephenson and Ian Symes, along with TORDFC team members Joey Cannon, Jez Harrison, Mick Hayes, Alex Newsome, Carrie Parsons, Jo Sharples and Shelley Smith, DJ helpers Kiran Parsons and Melissa Stanley, and attendees/friends Aimi Brear, Simon Peel and Danny Pendleton. Phew. Read more →
OFFICIAL: Two new series commissioned! News Posted by Ian Symes on 2nd May 2015, 12:06 Breaking news from Dimension Jump. Doug Naylor – a surprise guest – has announced some very, very good news. TWO new series of Red Dwarf have been commissioned by Dave. All the main cast are on board for all twelve episodes. The two series will be shot back-to-back, starting later this year. The filming dates have also been confirmed as the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 respectively, with a LIVE audience, shooting at PINEWOOD. The broadcast dates are currently 2016 for Series XI and 2017 for Series XII, but that obviously could change. As previous clues have suggested, both series will be a co-production with Baby Cow. Doug says he’s written “most” of the new scripts and he’ll be returning as director, with Richard Naylor and Kerry Waddell producing. We need some time to process this. Go ahead and comment to your heart’s content, and we’ll try and get our thoughts together in time for our post-DJ Dwarfcast. EDIT: Official confirmation has now been TOSsed off along with an announcement trailer! Also, not yet officially confirmed, Doug says Craig had to choose between Red Dwarf and Corrie. He chose the former and has left the latter.
[Dimension] Jump For My Love News Posted by Ian Symes on 30th April 2015, 13:01 Is it that time already? It only seems like yesterday that we were sleep-deprived and huddled in some poor bastard’s hotel room as the last convention came to an end. But apparently, that was two years ago, and so it’s time to do it all again, but this time in the East Midlands. Due to various unfortunate scheduling conflicts, we won’t have full contingent of G&T team members in attendance this time – the only ones of us that are going are the ones that are also part of the Fan Club team and/or event crew. Consequently, our coverage might be somewhat restricted this time round, but we’ll aim to update our Twitter feed periodically, record our obligatory sleepy Dwarfcast, and if any major news breaks over the weekend, we’ll keep you posted as best we can. If you’re attending, then please feel free to come and say hello! I’ll be the one behind the camera, Danny will be the one behind the sound desk, and Cappsy will just generally be behind. Good luck, Nottingham. You won’t know what’s hit you…
High & Low: Special Effects Features Posted by John Hoare on 31st August 2014, 03:18 Of all the difficult tasks I have faced whilst writing Ganymede & Titan, this has to be one of the most difficultistestist. Even more difficult than writing an article which doesn’t manage to be spectacularly rude about somebody for very little reason. How the bloody hell do you manage to boil down the quite staggering amount of amazing special effects work for Red Dwarf into one easy-to-digest Top 10 list? Answer: with a lot of kicking, screaming, self-doubt as to the worth of my entire life, and general dissatisfaction. Hopefully that’s sold this article as something well worth reading. Let’s get on with it, shall we? Read more →
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit, join our Fan Club News Posted by Ian Symes on 16th February 2014, 15:59 That bunch over at the Red Dwarf fan club, with their swanky ‘official’ title, need your help in a couple of areas. The team recently became one member (and about twenty stone) lighter, and so they are recruiting. So if you’ve ever fancied working directly with the fat hairy one from G&T and the slightly less fat, considerably less hairy one from Gayspacko Poop, now’s your chance. You’ve got just under a month to get your applications in, so do it. If you want to, like. Also, it’s come to that exciting time when the fan club are thinking very seriously about the next Dimension Jump convention. And the first step in this process is to lazily farm out the production of an event logo to their feckless followers. On the plus side, the winning logo designer will receive a free pass to the next event, and the opportunity to own a t-shirt and/or mug with their design on it. Details and submission form are right here. Right, now that I’ve finished whoring out prime real estate on my website for the benefit of my girlfriend’s organisation, maybe I can get a fucking cup of tea.
Dimension Jump XVII is HERE News Posted by John Hoare on 4th May 2013, 14:13 And has been for nearly 24 hours now. Hey, what better time for G&T to go through one of its frequent periods of non-activity than during the biggest event in the Red Dwarf calendar – and the biggest DJ for bloody years? Luckily, we’re not completely dead. Follow the G&T Twitter feed for as many updates from the convention as I can frantically tap out with my sweaty unpleasant fingers – and it’s also worth following the TORDFC Dimension Jump account. We should be doing a DwarfCast on Sunday to round up the convention, if we haven’t all done a Norman Wisdom. Can’t believe they let these two idiots anywhere near the running of the convention, though. Anyway, must dasharoonie – there’s a blow-up doll doing the rounds. I believe it’s my turn.