Former Models: Visiting BBC Visual Effects, 1997 featured image

Here's a lovely thing. Reader Jon Kearey recently got in touch to tell us about his visit to the BBC Visual Effects workshop in late 1997. Jon was doing on a project on Red Dwarf's model and effects work for his Design A-Level, and was invited along to take a look by the late, great Peter Wragg. This would have been at the time when the team were working on models for Re-Mastered, which would turn out to be their last major contribution to Red Dwarf for the best part of twenty years, by which time they'd gone freelance and set up The Model Unit.

On his visit, Jon was fortunate enough to meet Mike Tucker and Alan "Rocky" Marshall, who showed him not only their collection of Red Dwarf models and props from across the years, but also their work-in-progress new builds of Red Dwarf and Blue Midget for Re-Mastered. And he was allowed to take photos. Our deepest gratitude to Jon for sharing those photos with us, so that we could share them with you.

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Well, isn't that lovely? Earlier today, the above picture was posted to Instagram by one Dan Kay, a TV producer who worked on Series XI and/or XII (as evidenced by this excellent picture of a bunch of lads playing Goldeneye on the N64 in the Green Room). It's since been tweeted, on an account set up seemingly at the request of UKTV's press team. So I guess they want us to talk about it...

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Now, let me begin by saying that it can't have escaped anyone's attention that things have been getting rather quiet around here of late. It's no secret that updates are thin on the ground and we're relying on the Forum to break important news. So, I've decided, if it's all right with you, to appoint myself update officer and set myself the task of doing a bit of an old round-up. Any objections? Well, tough.

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As the edit for Red Dwarf X continues we've been starting to see a few cracks appearing, mainly thanks to an alarmingly candid Doug Naylor saying whatever he damn well pleases on Twitter. This is obviously brilliant for fans, but I can't imagine it's all that fantastic for the other people on the production.

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In 1997 a great big bastard of a Red Dwarf model was built for the re-mastered project. It was too big to properly film in a motion control studio, so this 'pencil' model was forever immortalised in CG form in both the re-mastered project and Series VIII a year later. 14 years on, and that beautiful, detailed model will finally make it on to the screen for Series X.

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