The G&T Review of the Year 2017 featured image

We're simply having the most wonderful Christmas time of the year, and since we've no place to go, why did we combine three separate Christmas songs into one though? The highlight of the festive season is, of course, G&T's now traditional look back on the Dwarfing year that was, and there was certainly plenty to keep us busy in 2017. Twelve months ago, there were only 67 episodes of Red Dwarf, one mobile game, and only one page worth of "ideas for episodes" in our forum.

With only seven days to go until we enter the show's thirtieth anniversary year, let's pause to recap the twenty-ninth anniversary year.

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Anyone who’s been playing GameDigits’ episodic installments of their Red Dwarf XI mobile game are probably starting to wonder where the Krysis episode might be. At the time of writing it’s been around four and a half months since Officer Rimmer released and given episodes prior to this were put out roughly two months apart, and with Series XII rapidly approaching, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the entire thing might’ve been dropped.

Well, according to a Tweet from the official GameDigits account, there’s nothing much to fear. The Red Dwarf XI game still lives but will be on hold while work moves over to a new, free, Red Dwarf XII game. Continue reading

Hi. Remember us? We're the people that inundate you with news, reviews and podcasts every time there's new episodes of Red Dwarf, and then we tire ourselves out and have a little sleep in between series. We've been patiently waiting for the Series XII publicity juggernaut to trundle into view and snap us out of it, and that glorious day has finally arrived. Look, there's a new logo and everything!

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The G&T Review of the Year 2016 featured image

We hope by now that you've hung up your stockings on the wall, your family has arrived, and that you've ascertained whether or not you have the room to spare inside. But before your granny proves herself to be a musical hypocrite, take a moment to look back on the past twelve months. It's been a strange one by all accounts. Brexit. Trump. A cull of beloved celebrities. The rise of the far right. Terror. Fear. Division. Prejudice. Aston Villa being relegated. Frankly, I'm not convinced we'll all survive the last seven days.

Which is why we've chosen Christmas Day as the perfect time to focus on the positive, and look back on what has been a much better year in the world of Red Dwarf than it has been for anyone in the actual world. Six brand new episodes recorded. Another six brand new episodes aired. A mobile game. New merchandise. Live DwarfCasts. The dramatic increase in usage of the word "cloche". It's definitely been a busy one, so settle down for a comprehensive look back on everything that happened and how we covered it.

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Red Dwarf XI: The Game - Give & Take Playthrough featured image

A few days ago the ever reliable GameDigits delivered to us a fine Christmas present in the shape of their Give & Take update for Red Dwarf XI: The Game. It has ended up being an incredibly pleasant way to close out a year that's been stuffed full of Red Dwarf activity and so I have once again recorded my first playthrough of the entire episode, along with my own brand of unfocused and unprofessional commentary.

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2016 may have been a shithouse by most metrics, but I can’t remember the last time there was just so much new Red Dwarf stuff released in a calendar year. GameDigits have just managed to sneak in one more thing before the year is out, the key details of which are summarised in this tweet:

We’re hoping that our video review will be along before Santa empties his sack into your astonished stocking. In the meantime, use this thread for general discussion, and the long-standing forum thread for anything spoilery. And when you play through this episode of the game, see if you can spot the impact of our feedback on Kryten’s files…

Having thoroughly gorged ourselves on the meaty morsels provided by six brand new episodes of our favourite show, G&T has been having a bit of a post-series nap for the last couple of weeks. But we're awake now, refreshed, and with plans in place for a whole host of features throughout the coming months, while we wait patiently for the Series XII publicity machine to roar into action at some point in 2017. And as a new month dawns, there are enough tiny pieces of news to warrant this brief festive-flavoured roundup, so read on...

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Red Dwarf XI: The Game - Samsara Playthrough featured image

Even after Red Dwarf XI has long since been broadcast, the mobile game that first launched alongside Twentica continues to recieve attention, with the first big content update in the shape of the Samsara episode being released last week. I decided to play through the lot and record my thoughts as I went, which might be of questionable worth but at least it's better than reading any form of news site or social media right now.

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So it seems the second, Samsara focused, content release for Red Dwarf XI: The Game is starting to roll out. I say “starting” as it seems those with iOS devices currently have it, and those with Android devices do not, but we imagine this will right itself pretty soon, alleviating us from yet another case of split-fandom syndrome.

We’ve already got some of you talking about the new content in our Forum mega-thread, so it’s probably best you keep any specifics in there. It also has the added advantage of being the chosen hunting ground for Ian GameDigits to merrily swoop in from time to time, grab your feedback with his game developer talons, fly back to the GameDigits nest and dillegently digest the feedback using his powerful stomach acids before vomiting the result into the gaping beaks of his hard working development team young.

I’m planning on another Let’s Play style video for the Samsara mini-games, following on from the modest success of the last one. I’m flying a tad blind with these videos though, so do feel free to throw any suggestions for the type of video you’d like to see or you think would work well, as I’m perhaps looking for something slightly different than just seeing how far I can get within a 40 minute recording session.