Just a quick one, this, but we felt it certainly warrants more attention than premature nonsense about Series XIII on account of the fact that it actually exists. Dave, readying itself for it’s change to its position in the digital EPG, has once again given Red Dwarf a prominent place in its marketing by getting some familiar lads involved. It’s always lovely seeing The Model Unit and their work getting some attention, and you can’t get much better than this beautiful Starbug model that’s put in decades of work at this point.

It seems a trailer is being shot here rather than it just being wheeled out for a public appearance, so we’re looking forward to what comes out of of Wednesday’s shoot, especially considering the move is happening very soon. Give us a shout when you see it pop-up, will ya?

EDIT: Mike Tucker’s been in touch to point out that despite our wonderful and thorough journalistic standards, we’v e missed the fact that this trail already went out during Taskmaster on Wednesday. Er, whoops.

If thinking about the model work on the new series of Red Dwarf make your anus involuntarily clench, then you’re probably a) reading the correct site and b) all too aware of the myriad fuckeries of the Series X model production and are thus rightly nervous about what comes next. While that’s a very negative way to start this piece, we do actually now have some nice positive news to ponder on that front.

As post production probably persists we’re starting to get an idea about what the new look model set-up will be. Richard Naylor, presumably as part of some sort of mental breakdown, actually gave Gazpacho Soup the time of day with the following deets…

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bazookoidI bring great news. Yesterday, Richard Naylor tweeted a couple of pictures showing bazookoid props in various stages of construction. This in itself was good news, considering how brilliant the props looked, and how close to the classic design aesthetic from the early days they seemed. Today, we know why the props are so good. They were made by The Model Unit.

Yes, Mike Tucker’s company today posted three bazookoid pictures to their Facebook page – one the same as Richard’s, and two new ones. They accompanying caption reads:

These photos might give some hint as to the nature of our current project…

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In 1997 a great big bastard of a Red Dwarf model was built for the re-mastered project. It was too big to properly film in a motion control studio, so this 'pencil' model was forever immortalised in CG form in both the re-mastered project and Series VIII a year later. 14 years on, and that beautiful, detailed model will finally make it on to the screen for Series X.

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