Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › OMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGG SOOOOOO EXCCIITTEEDD! Search for: This topic has 81 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 2 months ago by ChrisM. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 82 total) 1 2 Author Posts November 15, 2009 at 6:05 pm #5752 PetetranterssisterParticipant Dr Who Special WOOP, ITS ON IN AN HOUR:) November 15, 2009 at 6:16 pm #106121 JamesTCParticipant I’ll wait till it is up for download on IPlayer at about 8:30. November 15, 2009 at 6:37 pm #106123 genericnerdyusernameParticipant This one looks like it’s going to be a classic, if I’m being honest. November 15, 2009 at 6:40 pm #106124 ori-STUDFARMParticipant Sorry but……………Doctor Who? Never gets old that one ! Phnarr! November 15, 2009 at 6:46 pm #106125 hummingbirdParticipant 15 minutes !!1!!! November 15, 2009 at 6:50 pm #106126 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant See you in 10 minutes. November 15, 2009 at 7:00 pm #106127 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >I?ll wait till it is up for download on IPlayer at about 8:30. Any particular reason? November 15, 2009 at 7:12 pm #106129 JamesTCParticipant No access to a widescreen TV at the moment, would rather wait and watch a higher quality version on my laptop in widescreen. November 15, 2009 at 8:06 pm #106130 JamesTCParticipant They put it up fast, though it isn’t in HD, meh, I’m downloading it now. November 15, 2009 at 8:20 pm #106131 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Blimey. Was a bit underwhelmed for a lot of it (The Doctor shirking the role of protagonist and the water thing being too reminiscent of shadows in SitL) but the last 15 minutes were awesome, rivalling the finale of Utopia. November 15, 2009 at 8:28 pm #106132 Tarka DalParticipant > but the last 15 minutes were awesome, rivalling the finale of Utopia I’m not sure it was quite as good as Utopia, but I echo your overall sentiments. I ended up introducing a new viewer via this episode too. I can imagine bits of it can’t have made any sense at all. November 15, 2009 at 9:18 pm #106135 TheLeenParticipant Liked it. Very nice. And ha ha, no Master in it (and no anagram after all). November 15, 2009 at 9:42 pm #106137 JamesTCParticipant >Master in it (and no anagram after all). Hmm, robot Master? Beardy laughing guy? Well I thought that was the best episode of Who since ‘Human Nature’/’Family of Blood’. The Doctor actually being corrupt with power, brilliant. And then to top it all off we get the so very nice dedication to the legend Barry Letts, a very nice gesture. November 15, 2009 at 9:47 pm #106138 JamesTCParticipant Well actually he isn’t a robot, he did look like one on first viewing though. November 15, 2009 at 9:50 pm #106139 SomebodyParticipant “THE LAWS OF TIME ARE MINE, AND THEY WILL OBEY ME!” November 15, 2009 at 9:50 pm #106140 JamesTCParticipant “I AM THE MASTER AND YOU WILL OBEY ME!” November 15, 2009 at 10:09 pm #106142 JonsmadParticipant “I AM GADGET THE ROBOT, AND YOU WILL EBAY ME!” November 15, 2009 at 10:15 pm #106144 JamesTCParticipant http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt132/DoctorWoodAdventures/random/DoctorWho_BBCOne_2009_11_15_18_5-5.jpg Does that look like a Robot endoskeleton? It did at first glance but I’m not so sure, just seems like a simple x-ray. November 15, 2009 at 10:21 pm #106146 SomebodyParticipant My first thought was that the Master was brought back as a Rimmer-style hologram, actually. At least, I think it looks waay too cartoony for a “simple X-ray”. November 15, 2009 at 10:22 pm #106147 Pete Part ThreeParticipant It could be from one of the “bad dreams”. November 15, 2009 at 11:14 pm #106150 JamesTCParticipant http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/765/capturecd.jpg Ok, maybe he is a robot. November 16, 2009 at 3:09 am #106154 Ben PaddonParticipant Or maybe that’s muscle tissue. November 16, 2009 at 3:40 am #106155 ChrisMParticipant Decent episode! Great at the end. (Just saw it. It takes me a while but I get there in the end.) The earlier part with his decision to do nothing, but then changing his mind thing was a bit predictable. But the consequences… certainly food for thought. I’m actually not convinced he did the wrong thing though, although perhaps not for the right reasons, his ego getting the better of him. I.e. I’m sure he was right that the lady could still inspire her granddaughter with her life, right? I get the point though. It’s a chance to take and maybe be his decision to make. The fact it’s not entirely clear cut either way is part of what makes the story great. Oh and I loved the bit with the rocket booster robot with the key. Hee, hee. And that ghostly shape with the familiar face. What could that mean? ;) November 16, 2009 at 8:20 am #106156 John HoareParticipant I’m not happy that the first 40 minutes were essentially told in the trailer – and I think even if I hadn’t seen that, I’d think it was taking far too long to get to a point that even I would have figured out ages ago. You needed more there. Also, as in The Fires of Pompeii, I’m still unconvinced about the whole “fixed points in time” stuff, which feels less like organic drama, and more like trying to fix the inconsistencies behind the concept of the Doctor changing things in the first place… which I think would be better left ignored, rather than reminding everyone of it. (WHY are certain things fixed, and others not? *Everything* has consequences…) Last 20 minutes were spectacular, though – and yes, relentlessly grim. (The shot of that trapped woman with the water pouring all over her is truly fucking nasty.) Would have preferred the Doctor not to realise he’s gone mad, but I can’t imagine they would ever have dared to leave it like that, really. November 16, 2009 at 11:40 am #106157 JamesTCParticipant The show now has the stability to do something like that, to show the Doctor evil now will just intrest the viewers more, sadly in the 80s the show was nto stable enough to show a less than likable Doctor (well until you get to know him!). November 16, 2009 at 6:08 pm #106160 PetetranterssisterParticipant Ok my thought on the episode were this, it was good, quite enjoyable but nowhere near as good as i expected it to be or as good as some past episodes/specials have been. I thought the whole issue of the Dr struggling with his inner feelings about whether to intervene or not quite interesting and the storyline was fairly good. The things that let it down for me were that i never feel the Dr works particularly well without a sidekick and also the ending was strange. Where had this strange cocky Dr come from? It would have been understandable if the Dr had been changing into this throughout the recent specials but it was completely out of the blue and i think they have shoved it in there just to fit in with some storyline coming up and because David Tenant is leaving. HOWEVER how exciting was the xmas trailer! I knew the master would be back!! November 16, 2009 at 6:12 pm #106161 PetetranterssisterParticipant and furthermore i wouldn’t give a crap if my granddaughter never went into space no way would i be spolding my brains out with me own gun! November 16, 2009 at 6:12 pm #106162 PetetranterssisterParticipant and furthermore i wouldn’t give a crap if my granddaughter never went into space no way would i be splodging my brains out with me own gun! November 16, 2009 at 6:13 pm #106163 PetetranterssisterParticipant and furthermore i wouldn’t give a crap if my granddaughter never went into space no way would i be splodging my brains out with me own gun! November 16, 2009 at 7:02 pm #106165 RidleyParticipant Would have preferred the Doctor not to realise he?s gone mad, but I can?t imagine they would ever have dared to leave it like that, really. I thought that’s how it was going to end. With the tenth needing to die because he’s become dangerous. Would have been better than an Ood. and furthermore i wouldn?t give a crap if my granddaughter never went into space no way would i be spolding my brains out with me own gun! I didn’t even realise she did that. I thought she’d been blipped by the laws of time reasserting itself. November 16, 2009 at 7:02 pm #106166 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >Where had this strange cocky Dr come from? With the sudden realistation that he no longer gave a crap about the “laws”, brought upon by hearing lots of innocent people dying. >Also, as in The Fires of Pompeii, I?m still unconvinced about the whole ?fixed points in time? stuff, which feels less like organic drama, and more like trying to fix the inconsistencies behind the concept of the Doctor changing things in the first place? which I think would be better left ignored, rather than reminding everyone of it. Agreed, it makes bugger-all sense. At least it was kind of questioned by Adelaide when she scoffed at his comment that he’d only saved “unimportant” people in the past. Also, what happened the Reapers? >and furthermore i wouldn?t give a crap if my granddaughter never went into space no way would i be splodging my brains out with me own gun! I had no problems with this part of the ending, especially since it was inevitable (even if it jarred slightly that the Doctor would think it would be a good idea to take the survivors to 2059 rather than somewhere else). Essentially, what it’s saying is what’s more important; your life or your legacy. November 16, 2009 at 7:34 pm #106167 JamesTCParticipant The robot got really wet with the weird water, at the end of the story it was on earth. Hmm, not one drop eh? November 16, 2009 at 8:02 pm #106169 ChrisMParticipant >The robot got really wet with the weird water, at the end of the story it was on earth. Hmm, not one drop eh? Yes! I thought of that during the scene, but I forgot about it shortly afterwards. I thought maybe the fact that the robot was outside in the harsh environment of Mars on the way to the Tardis would render the organism inert. It’s very cold remember, and the ‘water’ needs bodies with weird alien fission to function. Of course, back in the tardis it would heat up… but maybe it was dead then? (It survivied in the glacier though didn’t it? Ho, hum.) >Where had this strange cocky Dr come from? Tenants Doctor has always had a cocky streak hasn’t he? He took it to a whole arrogant new level this time though. It made sense to me though. A major theme of new Who (and possibly old, although I haven’t seen enough to say for sure) is that he need his companions to ground himself. Whenver he loses them he goes a way to the dark side. Forgive the clich?. >and furthermore i wouldn?t give a crap if my granddaughter never went into space no way would i be spolding my brains out with me own gun! It was a bit extreme but it’s not just about her granddaughter going into space. She is responsible for leading humanity out to the stars. In short, by taking his decision, the Doctor was taking a chance with the future of humanity to satisfy the present. It’s of course quite possible she would go ahead and do that anyway. As the Doctor said “You can inspire her fact to face now.” but I don’t think it’s a chance she was willing to take. And she might have a point since even a member of the most homicidal species in the universe wouldn’t kill her.* *Incidentally I didn’t know the daleks had that level of understanding concerning the time-lines! Then again they’re time travellers… November 16, 2009 at 10:28 pm #106177 Ben PaddonParticipant > Incidentally I didn?t know the daleks had that level of understanding concerning the time-lines! Then again they?re time travellers? See “Remembrance of the Daleks” for reference. November 16, 2009 at 11:06 pm #106179 Nick RParticipant Petetranterssister: The things that let it down for me were that i never feel the Dr works particularly well without a sidekick What did you think of “Midnight”? Where had this strange cocky Dr come from? It would have been understandable if the Dr had been changing into this throughout the recent specials but it was completely out of the blue and i think they have shoved it in there just to fit in with some storyline coming up and because David Tenant is leaving. I thought it made sense. His rant about how being Last Of The Time Lords puts him in charge of the laws of time came across as both his way of justifying intervening, and also psyching himself up to think of a way out. (It’s also a nice little example of what I believe TV Tropes refers to as a “Crowning Moment of Awesome” – or at least it would have been if his shouting hadn’t been drowned out by the music!) And then his cockiness afterwards was smugness at the fact that this way of thinking had worked, and glee at the thought that he can now go back and intervene in all sorts of other disasters that he’d previously regarded as “fixed”. OK, his use of the phrase “little people” wasn’t the most subtle way of getting across the point that a Tenth Doctor with that much power and that reckless could become a very dangerous character, despite his good intentions. But generally, the Doctor’s behaviour in that bit didn’t bother me. No, it was a different bit of the ending that didn’t add up. Adelaide’s logic for committing suicide was to minimise changes to the future timeline. But no matter what story the two other survivors told, getting from Mars to Earth within a day of the accident (without any trace of the spaceship they used) would prompt some pretty big questions. And having a mother who committed suicide on Earth rather than vanishing on Mars could have some big effects on her daughter’s desire to explore the universe. All in all, not a very reliable way to ensure that future history stays intact… November 17, 2009 at 8:36 am #106182 PetetranterssisterParticipant I actually thought Midnight was a weal episode too in my opinion, there just feels like there is something missing when the Dr is alone. He needs a ying to his yang me thinks!. But no matter how much i diss Midnight and Waters of Mars they were both better than Boom Town that episode sucked majorly!. I agree with someone elses comment further up though that the Dr does change when he doesn’t have a sidekick around and i suppose when you think back when the Dr was Christopher Eccleston he was quite different then, with a lot of anger at times and no empathy and it was Rose who taught him to have a sympathetic side. So maybe he does have an undiscovered dark side and i suppose someone can only travel space and time for so long without going doolally! Nickr – i thought that too, wouldn’t the world wonder how on earth three people who were on a Mars base suddenly appear back on earth? Also i think she was stupid to shoot herself! Obviously if events had of stayed as they should and she had blown herself up on mars her grand daughter would have gone into space, theres an equally good chance she would have done the same if she had done as the doctor said and inspired her face to face, but who wants to take after their loopy granny that duched their own brains out? November 17, 2009 at 9:00 am #106183 Ben PaddonParticipant I actually thought Midnight was a weal episode too in my opinion, there just feels like there is something missing when the Dr is alone. He needs a ying to his yang me thinks!. I respect your opinion, but you’re wrong. But no matter how much i diss Midnight and Waters of Mars they were both better than Boom Town that episode sucked majorly!. This, too, is wrong. I agree with someone elses comment further up though that the Dr does change when he doesn?t have a sidekick around and i suppose when you think back when the Dr was Christopher Eccleston he was quite different then, with a lot of anger at times and no empathy and it was Rose who taught him to have a sympathetic side. So maybe he does have an undiscovered dark side and i suppose someone can only travel space and time for so long without going doolally! The First Doctor verged on darkness at times – he effectively kidnaps his first companions, and in his second story he attempts to kill an injured caveman by hitting him on the head with a rock so that they don’t have to bother giving him medical attention. The Fourth Doctor had a dark side, which mostly came out in his sense of humour. So did the Sixth Doctor, who was an arrogant arsehole who willfully tried to kill one of his companions by strangling her. The Seventh Doctor started off clownish but got progressively darker as his tenture went on. There has always been an element of darkness to the character. November 17, 2009 at 11:35 am #106184 GwynnieParticipant I thought he should have taken Adelaide’s body and put her back on Mars, to keep things as similar as possible, but there we go. He has probably cracked after all those centuries, seeing so many things, all the beauty and all the pain of the universe is too much for one mind… plus all the doctors are essentially *him*, right, so having a new body isn’t going to erase all the inner darkness… November 17, 2009 at 11:39 am #106185 JamesTCParticipant ‘The Deadly Assasin’ and ‘The Waters of Mars’ are proof enough that the Doctor doesn’t always need a companion in every story, I think it is a nice change now and again to have the Doctor going around alone. November 17, 2009 at 12:06 pm #106186 Ian SymesKeymaster plus all the doctors are essentially *him*, right, so having a new body isn?t going to erase all the inner darkness? The actual rules of regeneration are very sketchy and changeable, but there’s been a sense before that it works as a rejuvenation of the mind as well as the body. Hence the slightly mental behaviour of the Fifth, Sixth and Tenth Doctors immediately after regeneration. I guess it’s entirely up to whoever’s in charge at the time as to what exactly the regeneration does – other than Nine > Ten and Jacobi > Simm, I don’t think there’s ever been two regenerations that work the same way. November 17, 2009 at 12:32 pm #106187 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Yeah, the way I’ve always understood it is the Doctor has a certain amount of overriding personalities that survive from one life to the next (making him the same man) but he has other aspects that sometimes lie dormant, sometimes are a small part of his character and sometimes dominate. For example, The Doctor’s always had moderate physic powers, but they were used more prominently with the Seventh. So his darkness has always been there but sometimes it crops up more forcefully until it’s tamed by a regeneration. November 17, 2009 at 12:40 pm #106188 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant Everything from ‘Rose’ onwards has been building to that moment in WoM where he finally snapped. OK it sort of happened in ‘The Runaway Bride’ as well but Donna was there to bring him back down Now we’ve got a Doctor where ‘coward, every time’ doesn’t apply. The 9th Doctor was in a dark place but Ten has gone beyond that, out of anger, frustration, panic, sheer desperation. The cocky exterior has always been a mask. November 17, 2009 at 12:54 pm #106189 JamesTCParticipant Whta I’m curious about what Ten meant by “Is this it, it this my death”, is he talking about a straight death or a regeneration because it seems like he believes he will DIE by which I mean no regeneration. November 17, 2009 at 2:20 pm #106190 Seb PatrickKeymaster It’s easy to take it as outright death, but I think there’s a strong sense that the Doctor simply doesn’t want to stop being this incarnation – think of the fact that he, for the first time, wilfully stopped himself from fully regenerating when it would have been easier simply to do so. (incidentally, in recalling that scene, can I say how much I like Jack’s reaction to the “fake” regeneration? “You know what comes next… good luck, Doctor!” I just think it’s a lovely moment, is all.) So at the moment, in his current state of mind, not being Ten any more almost seems like a fate as bad as, if not worse than, death. I think it’s pretty clever writing by RTD, actually – it’s a bit self-referential, in that he’s acknowledging the fact that Tennant has such a tenuous grip on the role in both fan- and general-public-consciousness… November 17, 2009 at 3:56 pm #106191 JamesTCParticipant >for the first time, wilfully stopped himself from fully regenerating when it would have been easier simply to do so. ‘Caves of Androzani’. He is about to regenerate on that ship, we see his eventual regeneration effect but he stops it with enough time to save Peri and then he regenerates. November 17, 2009 at 4:53 pm #106192 GwynnieParticipant I suppose if we assume the existence of a soul, or just consciousness, then that it was lasts over regenerations. Certain personality traits can be the cause of physical brain activity, yada yada ;)… why was one of the Ood there? November 17, 2009 at 5:05 pm #106194 JamesTCParticipant >why was one of the Ood there? I took it to be sort of a message sent by Ood Sigma through time to tell him it is the end, he was the guy who told him his song would end. November 17, 2009 at 5:17 pm #106195 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Ood Sigma is The Rani. November 17, 2009 at 5:21 pm #106196 JamesTCParticipant Rose is the Rani. It’s in the name, they are practically 25% similar. November 17, 2009 at 5:26 pm #106197 Seb PatrickKeymaster Rani out of TSJA is the Rani. Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 82 total) 1 2 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In