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    Why does Kryten say “come rain or shine, we’d always make time for curry night” when there’s no weather on Starbug??? Don’t give me this “he’s speaking colloquially” smeg.


    Another low key super dystopian Red Dwarf thing. The hologram that reads the news, presumably they pay her, but she’s a privately operated hologram so her wages go in part to sustaining her form, so if she gets sacked or leaves or otherwise isn’t earning, she gets switched off when she can no longer afford it.

    Or they don’t pay her, brought her back and they use her as free labour.


    She could just be a limited newscaster hologram, not the sum of an entire person’s personality and knowledge like Rimmer and company are.

    Ben Saunders

    Groovy Funky Channel 27 would be all about hologram rights though so they would probably treat her like a real person


    >Why does Kryten say “come rain or shine, we’d always make time for curry night” when there’s no weather on Starbug??? Don’t give me this “he’s speaking colloquially” smeg.

    Well there’s a wind tunnel on Starbug so maybe there is weather


    He’s using a common saying.

    “Please explain to me why Lister was the only person who survived the accident, but don’t give me any of this ‘he was in stasis and everybody else was in the path of the radiation leak’ smeg.”

    Unless you were making fun of this thread, in which case, well played.

    Seb Patrick

    I don’t think you can say that for certain. There’s nothing in the dialogue to indicate that it’s the first dimension he jumps to. In fact, I’ve always found the line “I’m sorry, you reminded me of a fellow I once knew” jarring, as it could be read that he hasn’t seen Spanners for quite a while.

    I mean, you could infer it, sure, but the through line of the episode is very much “Ace goes to another dimension and meets Arnold Rimmer. He then, according to the text scroll at the end, goes off through countless other dimensions and finds other Rimmers who aren’t as pathetic.”

    I think that’s somewhat scuppered if the time he arrives to meet “our” crew is just the latest in a long line of other meetings. It would also be a bit weird that he talks about potentially staying, but then decides to move on because Arnold is such a maggot. He brings up the possibility of countless other universes as if it’s the first time it’s been thought about.

    IN CONCLUSION if you want to retrofit a load of different Ace adventures (and possibly even this being an actually different guy from the start of the episode) inbetween the first few minutes of Dimension Jump and the rest of it, there’s nothing in the episode that specifically precludes it, but I also don’t know why you would or what it would serve.


    Honestly the whole thing of Ace travelling to multiple different dimensions and meeting all kinds of different Rimmers sounds like an interesting concept for a whole series. Each week he meets a completely different Rimmer etc.


    I suppose that would get tiresome after a while but I’d watch it for at least 6 episodes


    It’s one of the better Red Dwarf spinoff possibilities. Certainly more potential than Camille and Hector in the lab for 22 episodes.

    Pete Part Three

    >It would also be a bit weird that he talks about potentially staying, but then decides to move on because Arnold is such a maggot.

    It’s already a bit weird that someone who decided to leave their own dimension in the course of a 2 minute conversation with Bongo, would even consider stopping his adventures after one jump and settle down in deep space with only 4 humanoids for company. That’s a bit of a downgrade, Shirley?. Maybe he’s not seriously considered it at all, or maybe he’s already jumped around to so many dimensions that he’s considering settling down.


    Maybe Dimension Jumping was a horrible, unpleasant experience that he never wants to repeat.


    I don’t think Rob and Doug even thought it through this far, so I’d say it’s open to interpretation

    Ian Symes

    Honestly the whole thing of Ace travelling to multiple different dimensions and meeting all kinds of different Rimmers sounds like an interesting concept for a whole series. Each week he meets a completely different Rimmer etc.

    It did, kind of, in comic strip form in the Smegazine. Ace of the Rovers was a particular highlight.


    Why did Starbug have dog food when they have a no pets rule?


    For the dog that produced the dog’s milk.


    I asked that recently. Some good answers were given. I can’t remember many of them, however. Guide dog, maybe?

    Ian Symes

    Only *unquarantined* animals are explicitly banned.


    “The rules about dinosaurs aboard JMC mining ships are very clear. No pets. Am I right? Am I right!?”

    – Captain Hollister, Pete Part Two


    >Why did Starbug have dog food when they have a no pets rule?

    There was a man who had a roverostomy on Red Dwarf, they needed it to feed him. Sorted

    Bargain Bin Holly

    Why did Red Dwarf have a cow onboard

    Pete Part Three

    Would you like some seed?

    Flap Jack

    Hollister doesn’t really understand the rules. He’s Dennis the Doughnut Boy, remember?

    Or, please accept one of the following explanations:

    • Pets aren’t allowed, but assistance/working animals are.
    • The “No pets” rule only applies to prisoners.
    • Dog food was kept in storage as an emergency food for the human crew, because JMC are cheap.
    • Hollister was just joking.
    • Other people had smuggled dogs aboard in the past, and they brought the dog food on board then.
    • Pete isn’t canon.

    I mean, even Pete itself contradicts the “No pets” thing, because bird guy is able to bring Pete aboard while he’s still in bird form, and nobody ever confiscated him.

    Or maybe there was a line where they say that he was keeping Pete a total secret this whole time, but like hell I’m going to rewatch the episodes to check.

    Bargain Bin Holly

    Ye, Birdman gives the explanation that he was smuggling Pete up his asshole when Lister and Rimmer first meet him; that’s what makes the joke of Pete shitting on Hollister funnier due to the irony. Surprised you don’t remember that, it’s pretty funny on repeat viewings

    Plastic Percy

    What about the laboratory mice?


    Or the squirrel in the botanical gardens.

    Bargain Bin Holly

    Both were smuggled by Birdman too, in his rectal compartment; this was all explained in the deleted scene, why do you think he’s in solitary confinement anyway?


    >Why did Red Dwarf have a cow onboard

    Surely the whole joke of that scene is how utterly bizarre it is that they managed to find a whole frozen cow onboard? Hence the line “The whole hog? Like it wasn’t hard enough getting the whole cow?”

    As for where it came from, I dunno. Maybe they needed it for beef


    The ‘no pets’ line is obviously said in a jokey way, so it may well not be true.
    Also they might use dogs for security, for customs, etc., as well as assistance dogs.

    Seb Patrick

    The dog food was found “in the tool cupboard”. Maybe it was in a toolkit left there by a forgetful engineer who serviced Starbug on shore, and also owned a dog.


    Maybe the Dog from Parallel Universe gave it to Cat as a present when they dropped off Jim and Bexley between series II and III.

    Flap Jack

    Red Dwarf is a mining ship, yeah? So they must have mined it. They drilled down deep into the crust of Purina, the dog food planet, and mined the hell out of that dog food.

    Or, OK, maybe they were just transporting it. Either way, they only had it to sell, not to give to dog passengers.

    All of these explanations for the dog food are canon at the same time as far as I’m concerned.


    Maybe that Starbug was transferred from civilian ownership and they had a dog.


    I like the idea of a little old lady owning a Starbug and only using it once a week to go to the supermarket.


    I always go on the books and the Hoppers basically being Blue Midgets (remastered) so maybe a Starbug is like a Campervan in the Red Dwarf Universe.

    Ben Saunders

    >Hence the line “The whole hog? Like it wasn’t hard enough getting the whole cow?”
    One of the greatest British comedy writers of all time came up with that line.
    Don’t give up on your dreams, people.


    >Hence the line “The whole hog? Like it wasn’t hard enough getting the whole cow?”
    One of the greatest British comedy writers of all time came up with that line.
    Don’t give up on your dreams, people.

    *shame mode* – I actually quite like that line.


    I feel like that line is the kind of thing idiot Lister would have said in the first or second series. He got cleverer in III.

    Far from the worst thing about that episode.


    >I feel like that line is the kind of thing idiot Lister would have said in the first or second series. He got cleverer in III.

    But Lister doesn’t say that line, Cat does

    >*shame mode* – I actually quite like that line.

    Yeah, same


    >But Lister doesn’t say that line, Cat does

    Memory fail. A sign of my sanity that I don’t know Pete off by heart?

    Still makes sense though, it does sound like an idiot Lister line.

    I don’t have a problem with it as a cat line either really. He’s gained most of Lister’s stupidity when Lister became quite intelligent but lazy.


    I watched DNA recently and it seemed unbelievable that Kryten has served humans for a long time but has such ignorance about them (socket up the bum etc)

    Bargain Bin Holly

    I just chalk it up to computer senility from Kryten’s 3 million year imprisonment aboard the Nova-5

    I wonder if the three girls just got old and died onboard or they knew there was no way out of this and killed themselves


    I watched DNA recently and it seemed unbelievable that Kryten has served humans for a long time but has such ignorance about them (socket up the bum etc)

    Yeah, given that he’s generally the one they turn to for medical issues, it’s a bit odd that he thinks turning nipples can receive radio transmissions.

    Bargain Bin Holly

    Think the first time Kryten acted as the medical droid was in Justice after D.N.A.


    Maybe a lot of his knowledge is cloud based and when he was made human he lost the ability to access it.


    I guess it makes sense. With a human brain, he’d presumably lose the sheer capacity/processing power of his mechanoid CPU, and would get confused.


    I guess with the nova 5 girls they must have died at the same time. after all if one died the others would have not allowed Kryten to play they were alive.


    “Well, he did warn you!” at the end of Confidence & Paranoia.

    How did the new Rimmer know?


    The double has the original Rimmer’s memory up until the point he is turned on, presumably. Either that or he just made a very good guess


    The double has the original Rimmer’s memory up until the point he is turned on, presumably.

    I wondered about that, but it doesn’t fit with what we know of holograms. Plus, part of the episode is about how ‘our’ Rimmer has already changed a little bit as a result of living with Lister – I thought the idea was that the new Rimmer was the same as the Rimmer we saw come back as a hologram in The End.

    Not a big deal anyway, just a thought.

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