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    Ben Paddon

    You need to see the ones you haven’t seen, except for Cars.

    Seb Patrick

    It’s not that A Bug’s Life isn’t good, it’s that it’s just not as wonderfully genius as Wall-E, Up, Ratatouille and the Toy Stories.

    Ben Paddon

    A Bug’s Life really does get the short end of the stick a lot of the time. Pity really, as it’s not a bad movie. It’s just not as good as some of Pixar’s other stuff.

    As for Cars, now there’s a… it’s… what a total… hm. I don’t like it. It’s well made, but I don’t like it.


    I saw Ratatouille the other day. I liked it, but The Incredibles is still my favourite.


    > You need to see the ones you haven?t seen, except for Cars.

    No, do see Cars. It’s excellent. You’ll want Mater as your best friend.

    > It?s not that A Bug?s Life isn?t good, it?s that it?s just not as wonderfully genius as Wall-E, Up, Ratatouille and the Toy Stories.



    I must say im not too keen on “spanish Buzz”, but im thrilled for this more than ever!


    I’m glad to see a few others agreeing about Cars being weak.

    It’s biggest issue is the plot kinda drags, and I’ve not seen one kid sit to watch it, without getting restless half way through. Cars was aimed at the wrong audience, as it visually cries out kiddy film, but narrativly shouts out grown up film.

    And why they’re bothering with a Cars 2 sequel before Monsters Inc 2, I really don’t understand.


    There are plenty of studios who’d give their eyeteeth to be able to put together a film as good as Cars. As with Bugs, it simply suffers in comparison.

    No question, though, it’s a contradictory film. The theme is about learning to slow down…but it ends up asking the audience to get behind a final Big Race. The subject matter is, as littlesmeggeer says, more adult. (Kids also get restless in the first half of The Incredibles. Their loss.) And it’s the first Pixar universe that falls apart when thought about too long.

    Hmm, I seem to be repeating what I said at the time:


    (Oh, and yes – the cows. THE COWS!!!)

    Bob Loblaw

    Monsters Inc.
    Finding Nemo
    Toy Story 2
    Toy Story
    A Bug’s Life
    The Incredibles

    Everyone should see Cars. On Blu-ray. [homerdrool]carsonblu-ray[/homerdrool]

    Ben Paddon

    There’s no denying that the animation in Cars looks pretty damned spiffy in HD, but it’s about fucking cars. That’s an inherently boring subject for me.

    Seb Patrick

    Toy Story
    A Bug?s Life
    The Incredibles

    You’re insane.

    Tanya Jones

    >There?s no denying that the animation in Cars looks pretty damned spiffy in HD, but it?s about fucking cars. That?s an inherently boring subject for me.

    It’s not exactly Top Gear. Are you a stranger to subtext?

    Ben Paddon

    Obviously not, but there’s something about talking cars that I simply cannot get past. Some people can’t get past the “rats in the kitchen” element of Ratatouille, some people can’t get past the environmental message in Wall-E, and I can’t get past wide-eyed talking cars in Cars.

    Pete Part Three

    Not a Knight Rider fan, then?


    Cars shouldn’t be allowed to talk….unless they can somehow transform themselves into giant robots. Hey now, there’s an idea….Right, I’m off to the patents office first thing in the morning…

    Oh shit!Forgot. I got extra PE for being so wet!

    Ben Paddon

    I liked Transformers when I was 8. I’m not 8 anymore.


    >I liked Transformers when I was 8. I?m not 8 anymore.

    I liked Transformers when I was 8, I like Transformers now I am 28 and I bought M.A.S.K. the other day on DVD, but I know what Ben means. I haven’t seen Cars but because it was about Cars I assumed I wouldn’t want to. Something about Cars made me ignore the fine work Pixar had produced in the past and assume the film would be a waste of my time. It’s very difficult to waste my time, my time is mostly worthless.

    Seb Patrick

    >I liked Transformers when I was 8. I?m not 8 anymore.

    Funny, I’ve heard people say the same thing about:

    – Doctor Who
    – Red Dwarf
    – comic books
    – animated films

    Come on, Ben, you can’t have a go at people for being into something perceived as a “kids thing” when the majority of us are into at least one thing that other people might perceive as being for kids as well. I’m no Transformers fan but that’s a lame way of dismissing it.


    It’s way off the mark to dismiss animated films as being only for kids only. What about movies like Persepolis or Grave of the Fireflies?

    btw – I just discovered last night that Joss Whedon co-wrote the screenplay for Titan AE.
    OK, so it’s no Pixar movie, but I really like that film.

    Ben Paddon

    I never had a go. I’m just saying I grew out of Transformers.


    I like transformers they were cool and i really enjoyed the movie, now all we need is a thundercats movie!

    Jonathan Capps

    > now all we need is a thundercats movie!

    Absolutely YES.


    I would love that but you just know they would fuck it up. Shia LaBeouf as Lion-O!! (actually I think someone like Andrew Garfield would be quite good). They could basically adapt the opening Exodus episodes as the film.

    One KEY element to get sorted (one that infuriates Thundercats fans the world over!) is the age-old ‘why don’t Wily-kat and Wily-kit age in hypersleep?’ They should show that ONLY Lion-O ages in hypersleep, due to some malfunction of some kind? though really it’s divine intervention of sorts. That means that it makes sense that Wily-kit and kat are still kids and yet Lion-O grows up. OR just axe that whole part of the story and have Lion-O an adult from word go, but that would suck (yes, suck).

    Ben Paddon

    Tune in to sanity FM. Have you lot actually gone back and re-watched ThunderCats? It’s terrible!

    John Hoare

    I have. It certainly has its bad points – but overall it’s a massive bag of fun. And has a wonderful atmosphere.


    I am genuinely saddened that – thanks to the He-Man and Thundercats legacy – it’s impossible now to do a non-ironic, pulse-quickening “Hero raises sward and issues magic chant” scene. Possibly drama’s greatest loss.


    >I have. It certainly has its bad points – but overall it?s a massive bag of fun. And has a wonderful atmosphere.

    Which reminds me John, we have a Thundercats t-shirt at our house – I’m assuming that it’s yours? I brought it along to DJ with me and then promptly forgot to ask/give it back along with Karl’s “Put your faith in a loud guitar” one. Not sure what could have distracted me… :oP

    Back to the conversation… Someone recently mocked me for still owning ‘kids’ books such as Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton and Alan Garner. Books that they admitted they’d read (at least some of) as a child but now had ‘grown out of’. PFFT!

    John Hoare

    I think that is mine, yes!

    I was obviously doing a sexy strip tease and flung it somewhere.

    Ben Paddon

    And yet you hid yourself out of sight when Michelle and I crashed on your couch. Next time I expect dinner and a show!

    Pete Part Three

    Thundercats has perhaps the greatest opening credits sequence of all time. The rest of the show…was OK.

    Danny Stephenson

    Don’t know if you guys have seen that, but it’s fairly well made.

    Danny Stephenson

    Actually, while we’re on the subject of Thundercats. I recently read on IMDb that James Lipton, the guy who does the “Inside The Actors Studio” interviews, did the music for the entire run of Thundercats.

    I wouldn’t mind if it was one music credit, but the ENTIRE RUN, and only on Thundercats?

    Hmm… odd


    To be fair they used the same music cues constantly…

    Danny Stephenson

    After a little bit of rooting, I found another name which is credited to all the music. Bernard Hoffer.


    Pete Part Three


    That’s awesome. At first I thought it was a bunch of fans playing dress-up, but it’s very well done.


    While Pitt is too old for Lion-O I think Vin Diesel and Hugh Jackman would be such perfect casting for Panthro and Tigra. But come on, like Jackman would do it after Wolverine.

    Jonathan Capps

    Terry O’Quinn for Panthro.

    Pete Part Three

    Me 4 Cheetarah


    4EVA! IDST

    Pete Part Three


    New trailer. And still no sign that the plot is anything more than “The Toys race to be reunited with Andy”. Sigh.

    Bob Loblaw

    I laughed a lot during that. Don’t see Pixar making a bad film at this point.


    > And still no sign that the plot is anything more than ?The Toys race to be reunited with Andy?. Sigh.

    And that’s any less-complex than ‘the Toys set out to rescue Woody’ how? Because, on the face of it, that’s all Toy Story 2 is. Up is ‘an old guy ties balloons to his house, oh and there’s a kid’. If you look at it in that way they’re always gonna sound pretty naff, and yet we know how brilliant Toy Story 2 and Up are.

    Even though it’s not Lasseter directing and Andrew Stanton writing I think we can still trust Pixar with this. There’s no way either of them completely stayed away from this project anyway. Both of them were obviously just too busy to take it on fully.

    I love that Ken is a new main character. For some reason it’s bloody hilarious!

    Nick R

    Loads of Easter eggs in the trailer:

    I like the wooden block Lightning McQueen toy. But best of all: Totoro!

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