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    Nick R

    The Toy Story 3 trailer has leaked, and it’s looking great!

    Up was finally released in the UK yesterday. About time: why are some (but not all) Pixar films among the only big blockbusters whose British releases still lag several months behind the US? It probably has something to do with them being timed for certain school holidays, but WALL-E was released during both the US and UK summer holidays, so why not Up too? :(

    I’m still undecided about whether I should see it in 2D or 3D – I enjoyed Coraline, but the 3D was definitely a distraction at times and the 3D specs were somewhat uncomfortable being worn over my own. I haven’t had the impression that the 3D in Up is as integral to the film as it was in Coraline and has been hyped to be in Avatar. I’ve also heard that not all UK prints have the “Partly Cloudy” short attached.

    The House Next Door blog has been running a Pixar week of essays about the company’s films. I haven’t got through all of them yet, but those I have have been well worth reading – especially this lengthy discussion.


    I love the Toy Story series – Pixar films are fantastic!

    Kris Carter

    Pixar are my tiny gods. TS3 looks great!


    Toy Story 3 looks fantastic. I haven’t liked recent Pixar films hopefully this one will change that.


    > I haven?t liked recent Pixar films

    You foolish foolish person.

    Toy Story 3 looks as good as the first two, which obviously means bloody fantastic! I’m glad they haven’t updated the toys’ looks in any way. Well, they’re probably animated better but they do look exactly the same, which was really important.

    Pixar haven’t made one bad film. A couple of average ones in Cars and A Bug’s Life but we can certainly forgive them that, especially considering both of those films look amazing (Bug’s less so these days. Revisiting that universe might be a good idea).

    Ben Paddon

    Up was beautiful. Wall-E was a triumph. Ratatouille was… alright, in all honestly the only Pixar movie I haven’t enjoyed was Cars (and Cars 2 will likely be a film I pass on). The Pixar team are masters of their field, eons ahead of anyone else doing animated stuff. The only CG movie I have seen in recent years that has even come close to achieving Pixar’s level of genius was Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs.

    Pete Part Three

    Toy Story 2 is a masterpiece. Nothing Pixar have done since comes close. While I wouldn’t describe any of their films as bad, I can’t say I was bowled over by Finding Nemo, Cars or Ratatouille.

    Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles and Toy Story. Best of them. In that order.


    > Ratatouille was? alright

    Or ‘magnificent’ as it’s correctly spelled…


    I haven’t seen Up yet but i think i’ll enjoy it. Ratatouille was boring and Wall-E is extremely overrated. Finding Nemo and Cars are great films. Toy Story and Toy Story 2 are their best closely followed by The Incredibles.

    Jonathan Capps

    The rat is sat in the chef’s cook hat.

    Nick R

    There’s a South Bank Show episode about Pixar tonight at 10.15. I think the last one they did about animation was the one about anime a few years ago – should be a treat if it’s as good as that.


    The doco was indeed great. John Lasseter is SO the right person to be at the Disney/Pixar helm. He doesn’t just see dollar signs, he has real passion and creativity. He sits alongside everyone who looked on in horror at all the soulless crap Disney was producing over the past decade, not to mention the other animated studios. To call him the saviour of Disney animation might not be much of an exaggeration.


    The South Bank Show on Pixar received a bizarre write up by their TV reviewer which dwelt almost entirely on the reviewers childhood fear of Disney. I thought the documentary was great, but I would like to have heard a bit more about the struggle to get CGI recognised as a medium.


    I forgot to watch the SBS last night. Anyone know if it’s repeated or on ITV2 or anything?

    Seb Patrick

    Ratatouille is wonderful – it looked like a slightly naff cutesy kids’ one from the outside, but it’s really anything but.

    WALL-E is better, though. It *almost* edges out TS2 as their masterpiece.

    Si: ITV have got their own on-demand player, have they not?


    Hm. But our computer’s not up to that sort of thing.


    > WALL-E is better, though. It *almost* edges out TS2 as their masterpiece.

    Toy Story was a real masterpiece. Then, what do they go and do, blummin’ well one-up it with Toy Story 2! It still defies sense that it was originally slated as straight-to-video fare. This film alone cements Lasseter’s and Andrew Stanton’s (director of Nemo and WALL-E) genius.

    As utterly brilliant as WALL-E is it just can’t top the entertainment value and characters of Toy Story 2. I’m finally seeing Up in 3 hours and I can’t BLUMMIN’ wait!!

    Mr Flibble

    Toy Story 3D was brilliant, I suspect Up 3D will be just as excellent. Disney’s 3D artists are really quite good.

    As to the short on Up, the short was on the digital print of Wall-E, so I assume it will be for Up too.

    Toy Story, TS2, The Incredibles and Wall-E – all brilliant. The TS3 trail has disappeared unfortunately :(

    Mr Flibble

    Bolt as well – not Pixar but Disney and 3D – brilliant film.


    Bolt was fantastic

    “Ring ring. Who is it? ‘Destiny’? I’ve been expecting your call…”

    Pete Part Three

    Loving that Toy Story 3 trailer.

    I don’t think I’ve watched a trailer this many times since Quantum of Solace. And, before that, Spider-man 3.

    Aw shit…

    Danny Stephenson

    Bolt as well – not Pixar but Disney and 3D – brilliant film.

    The link here is John Lasseter, the man who was originally fired from Disney. Oh the irony!

    He’s also mostly responsible for the English dubs of the Studio Ghibli, again whcih are fucking astounding. Looking forward to Ponyo.


    I’m really hoping there’s a better Toy Story 3 trailer still to come. I have no major concerns about the film itself, the Pixar track record is entirely too extraordinary to assume the worst, but that feels to me like a very…patchy trail.

    Some nice imagery – the VHS thing is especially nifty – and it shows some decent bits (‘Buzz is taking himself seriously again!’, ‘Andy’s grown up’) but I really don’t think it puts the true heart of the story across.

    Andy’s going to college and decides…well, we’re not sure. But the toys end up with kids who DO play with them…so they decide to escape (which feels counter to the previous flicks). To where? What’s the goal? And what’s the theme this time? If it’s about the post-play life of a toy, it seems to be mentioned and then abandoned.

    Compared to the clarity of the first two films – both in terms of narrative goal AND theme – it makes the movie seem unfocussed. Which I doubt it will be. But the trail hits too many old beats (hey, a reworking on the old ‘no time to panic’ gag!’) without really nailing what it’s going to be ABOUT.

    Danny Stephenson

    Well this film seems to be following the original plot of the first Toy Story, but have seemed to develop it past the original ending, so yeah, I’m intrigued to see how this one is going to work.

    I’ve just found out that my 2-disc Toy Story DVDs which I bought about a year ago, have commentaries on them, even though the “Special Features” on the back do not even mention them. Are commentaries ‘old hat’ for DVDs in the way that “Interactive Menus” are?


    >I?m really hoping there?s a better Toy Story 3 trailer still to come. I have no major concerns about the film itself, the Pixar track record is entirely too extraordinary to assume the worst, but that feels to me like a very?patchy trail.

    I’m guessing the idea would be not to give everything away when there’s months before it’s released. We’ve got Toy Story 2 in 3D coming before the third arrives don’t forget.

    > Andy?s going to college and decides?well, we?re not sure. But the toys end up with kids who DO play with them?so they decide to escape (which feels counter to the previous flicks). To where? What?s the goal? And what?s the theme this time? If it?s about the post-play life of a toy, it seems to be mentioned and then abandoned.

    From interviews at Comic Con and what not the plot is Andy decides to give his toys to a daycare centre, where the kids [as the trailer shows] nearly destroy them being typical rough and horrible kids of this generation. So before they get ripped to shreds or a million pieces lost, they decide they’re better off just together as a group, and decide to leg it.

    > Compared to the clarity of the first two films – both in terms of narrative goal AND theme – it makes the movie seem unfocussed. Which I doubt it will be. But the trail hits too many old beats (hey, a reworking on the old ?no time to panic? gag!?) without really nailing what it?s going to be ABOUT.

    I’m sure the 3rd film will be the best of the three, and I’m sure it will close the narrative up to become a trilogy. Personally I can’t see them completely reopening the franchise unless they were within the last 10 minutes ending up in Andy 2.0’s bedroom somehow.

    Don’t forget the trailer has to both grab new audiences as well as recapture people who were young the first time around… so there’s new modern ebay gags, but old panic gags for those who’ll remember them. A bit like Dwarf I guess, trying to keep it semi on topic for this forum :P


    > So before they get ripped to shreds or a million pieces lost, they decide they?re better off just together as a group, and decide to leg it.

    Um…I know. All this is in the trailer (well, aside from Andy DECIDING to give the toys away, which is a pertinent point being omitted, but we know where they end up). But ‘they decide to leg it’ isn’t a destination. I don’t doubt for a moment that the script gives the toys a specific goal – protagonists need that, and Pixar craft beautiful screenplays – but the trailer’s not showing it.

    Of course they don’t want to blow everything in the trail – doesn’t mean the trail has to stay shallow thematically. The themes of The Dark Knight were hit incredibly well in the trailers, and yet the plot points were never blown.

    And of course the trail has to grab wide audiences – again, obviously, but the rehashed gag doesn’t feel ‘knowing’ to me, doesn’t feel like a reference. But I’m not bemoaning the gag count – though I don’t think the end joke of the trail is strong enough to BE the end joke.


    I’m getting a Shrek 3 feeling about this.


    > though I don?t think the end joke of the trail is strong enough to BE the end joke.

    The joke being ‘let’s laugh at a Spanish accent’. I hope there are much better gags and that this one doesn’t go on for TOO long (even though it’s obviously gonna be over a couple of scenes at least).

    It’s likely that the toys just want to get back to Andy’s room even though he’s not there. That’s what they’ll set out to do at least, but then certain twists will happen which take them elsewhere, maybe they even end up at Andy’s college, or just Woody and Buzz somehow.

    They could end it by showing a fairly battered Buzz Lightyear being played with by a boy and we think it’s a flashback to kid Andy again but then someone shouts ‘Chris, are you in there?’ or something, and an adult Andy walks in. Cue some cheesy lines – ‘what you got there, kiddo?’ ‘Just this lame-o old spaceman I found.’ ‘”Lame-o!” I used to have a Buzz Lightyear just like this when I was your age.’ ‘Exactly, Dad. This guy’s ooooold like you! He ain’t a patch on The Inquisitor.’ (we see a huge poster on the wall) Andy looks at Buzz closely but says ‘nah, it can’t be…’ and puts him down, thinking there’s no way it could be the same Buzz figure. He’s walking out and the kid says ‘There’s this stupid cowboy too. Don’t know where he came from.’ Andy freezes, turns and Woody is there in his son’s hand(…), looking right at him. His son pulls the cord and the last line of the film is ‘reach for the sky!’ Andy smiles. Then the wardrobe opens, Sid flies out and smashes both toys to pieces before gutting Andy with a machete. The end.

    Seb Patrick

    I don’t remember Ratatouille looking that great at trailer stage, and look how that turned out.


    Well it was ‘alright’ if you ask Ben… :)

    But you’re right. Ratatouille was the first Pixar flick that I wasn’t remotely fussed about when it came out. (The typical dual-movie timing of Flushed Away coming out the same year didn’t help, either.) It’s arguably the hardest sell they’ve ever has, not only because it’s about ‘rats around your food’, but because the story is about trying to satisfy the creative urge, to express yourself in a form of artistry. Which is a long way from the simplicity of being a lost toy who has to get home.


    I saw Ratatouille in cinema but I remember very little about it. And that is bad.

    My favourite’s gotta be Monsters Inc. There is so much in that one that I love. And actually remember.

    I loved both of the Toy Story ones when they first came out.

    I didn’t bother to watch The Indcredibles when it was on, and saw it only later from DVD and loved it then.

    Also, I’m the only person in the world that doesn’t care about Finding Nemo at all. or Cars.

    Wall-E was mostly excellent. But there was stuff in it that I didn’t like.

    Monsters Inc. will remain my favourite one of all time. :P

    Danny Stephenson

    Where does a Bug’s Life fit into the running, Marleen?


    “Forgettable”, obviously…

    No, it was okay, it was cute. But I’m not motivated to get the DVD. *shrugs*

    Seb Patrick

    If we’re going to do this :

    Toy Story 2
    The Incredibles
    Toy Story
    Monsters Inc
    Finding Nemo
    A Bug’s Life



    Toy Story
    Toy Story 2
    Finding Nemo
    The Incredibles
    Monsters Inc
    A Bug?s Life


    The Incredibles
    Toy Story
    Toy Story 2
    Monsters Inc
    Finding Nemo

    I haven’t seen the others.

    >(The typical dual-movie timing of Flushed Away coming out the same year didn?t help, either)

    That is weird, isn’t it? Finding Nemo & A Shark’s Tale and A Bug’s Life & Antz as well, if it’s a coincidence it’s weird and if it’s a copycat business decision is weirder.

    Seb Patrick

    Well, that takes out all the fun of us sitting here and going “Deep Impact and Armageddon!” “Volcano and Dante’s Peak!” for a little while, doesn’t it?

    Seb Patrick

    Also, I now want to watch The Truman Show again. It’s been a while, so it’s easy to forget that it often flirts with “favourite movie ever” status in my books.

    (the other ones that jostle up there are Back to the Future, The Hudsucker Proxy, Mallrats and Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey)

    Seb Patrick

    And just to do a Carl, mentioning the Truman Show has reminded me that I saw Harry Shearer in Holland Park yesterday!


    Well, that takes out all the fun of us sitting here and going ?Deep Impact and Armageddon!? ?Volcano and Dante?s Peak!? for a little while, doesn?t it?

    Blah, there’s loads more.

    Uhm… Twister & Tornado.


    > Also, I now want to watch The Truman Show again. It?s been a while, so it?s easy to forget that it often flirts with ?favourite movie ever? status in my books.

    The Truman show is a great movie.
    Plus it’s the only Jim Carrey movie that I can bear to watch. Most of the time I just want to give him a good kicking.


    Even in Eternal Sunshine??


    I haven’t seen Eternal Sunshine. For that reason.


    Well. Do.

    Seb Patrick

    Yeah, if you don’t like Carrey it’s so atypical of him (and his performance so amazing) that you won’t notice it’s him. And if you like him (as I do) it just fuels the “one of the best actors around” feeling.

    It’s a wonderful, wonderful film, though. I’m struggling to think of a film from the 2000s that I’d place above it.


    My list would have to go along the lines of:

    Toy Story
    Toy Story 2
    Monsters Inc
    A Bugs Life
    The Incredibles
    Finding Nemo

    Cars is disliked to the point of being the only Pixar DVD I don’t own.

    Ben Paddon

    It’s weird, because in Eternal Sunshine you have Jim Carrey playing the Kate Winslet role and Kate Winslet playing the Jim Carrey role. I love it.

    Tarka Dal

    > And just to do a Carl

    Did you mean Carl or did you just mispell my name? Only I do that a lot too.


    What the hell is with all this knocking A Bugs Life?
    It’s really good, fuck off the lot of you!

    Toy Story
    Monsters Inc
    A Bugs Life
    The Incredibles
    Toy Story 2
    Finding Nemo


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