Home Forums Ganymede & Titan Forum Red Dwarf Tiermaker lists

  • This topic has 15 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ewing.
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    We’re between survey cycles, and it’s a slightly different and maybe clearer way of expressing yourself than trying to come up with a strict hierarchy, so why not waste some time? (Drag ‘n’ drop and save as an image).

    I ended up annoying myself in the end, but I’m fairly happy with my groups, apart from the stupid middle. (Chronological order).

    Credit to list creator John Mannion for coming up with identifiable thumbnails and bothering to do the colour scheme + font.


    Nice bit of fun, thanks


    Not sure how I got my order all about tit




    Here we go then, although I could probably have sat here for another hour and reworked it over and over!



    Am I missing something with the SABCDF format? What does the S mean and why no E?


    Superb etc., I took it as best of the best / personal faves among your highest rated.

    Maybe there’s normally an E and he switched it out for the custom ‘Not Seen,’ recognising those who didn’t bother with the modern series or skipped some bad ones… although you could probably just not drag those into the list in the first place.

    I could probably have sat here for another hour and reworked it over and over!

    Yeah, you’ll disagree with yourself immediately, but luckily it counts towards absolutely sod all.


    S-rank is from the Japanese grading system.

    Nick R

    S-rank is from the Japanese grading system.

    I didn’t know it was originally an academic thing! I thought it originated in video games – the same sort of ego-boosting scale that led to pinball scores being measured in the billions, Every Extend Extra Extreme scores in the trillions, and to the Devil May Cry games taking the S-rank even higher by introducing Sweet! – SShowtime!! – SSStylish!!! ratings.

    My attempt:

    I know the D-tier section looks very empty, and the B-tier very full! I think that came about because I wanted to put the better series VIII episodes a grade higher than the worst series VIII ones… but then, I couldn’t bear to put anything from series VII, or all except two Dave episodes, down there with them. (I think I’m fonder of VII than most people here.)

    On a different day I might have put almost everything from the Grant Naylor era on S-A-B, with only my favourite few Dave episodes (like Give & Take) making it into that bubble.

    After making this, I looked at the list I submitted to the Pearl Poll again. On that list, I put Me2, Out of Time, and Back to Reality above Future Echoes – so for these tiers to match that, those three would jump up from A to S.


    I ignored any rating aspect of the letters and just grouped episodes I like about the same (anything above D being good and happy to watch any time). I could have done with an extra Zed deck to flush down the absolute worsties though.


    Tier ranking is a useful way to group things quickly into blocks of “roughly equivalent quality” but at the same time I always find it almost makes the job harder because I then look at things that I’ve put on the same tier and think: “well no I can’t say that episode X is as good as Y because I find X is actually quite a bit better…” and then you end up wanting more tiers and before you know it you’re just doing a top to bottom ranking again!



    I adapted the maker panel, after greedily rewatching ahead of schedule.

    Seeing the gallery made me decide a 10 belonged more with my 9s. There were definitely no other glaring aberrations.



    I realize I have like 12 episodes in the highest tier but that’s just the quality of perfect Red Dwarf episodes.

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