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    That Blink-182 video just looks like wholesome kids’ entertainment crap to me, I don’t see the dark implication. Is the Brass Eye ‘Paedoph-Isles’ climate real now?


    Beatles remasters if I had to cheat

    That’d be a double cheat, as they came out in 2009.


    Geez …. time for these lists already? Well, I guess so as my dear sweet Sister already has the damn xmas decorations up!!!

    Full disclosure, I’m old as f*** and don’t do much these days except watch old movies and play games. Retired life DOES have a few upsides ;D


    Number 1 with a bullet = The Witcher 3

    2.= The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings

    3. Cuphead

    TV. I don’t really watch tv but ….

    Red Dwarf XII
    Red Dwarf XI
    Red Dwarf X
    American Dad (pick a year)

    Movies :

    John Wick

    Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2

    John Wick 2

    John Wick 3

    Captain America Civil War

    Comics :

    Doomsday Clock (by a mile)


    Extremely sorry to say that nothing I’ve read in the last 10 years has either stood the test of time or even been particularly memorable. Sorry state of affairs for Science Fiction imo.

    Nick R

    That’d be a double cheat, as they came out in 2009.

    Ben could be referring to the Sgt Pepper, White Album and Abbey Road anniversary remixes instead of the 2009 remasters?


    Getting remixes and remasters mixed up is a capital offence where I come from, so I hope not.


    Then maybe you shouldn’t be living heeeerrrreeeee


    If you counted remasters/remixes/best-ofs of old material as current, then you could also count your favourite old films and TV shows when they remaster them in higher definition every decade or two. Should be its own category, really, but do your own rules.

    – Red Dwarf I-VI on Blu-ray (“2019”)
    – Why Pink Floyd…? over-the-top boxsets + The Cure 3CD Deluxe Edition remasters (“2010-11”)
    – The Sandman Omnibus, Vol. 1 (“2013”)

    Ben Saunders

    I meant the remixes. I’m SORRY.



    1. Deutschland ’83, ’86
    2. Black Mirror (series 1-3, plus White Christmas)
    3. Ash vs. Evil Dead
    4. 1992, 1993
    5. Red Dwarf X, half of XI (Samsara, Give & Take, Officer Rimmer) and XII (Mechocracy, M-Corp, Skipper)


    1. Loveless
    2. Phoenix (2014 film)
    3. Hard to Be a God
    4. Hell or High Water
    5. Bone Tomahawk

    And the world events I personally consider define the decade (presented objectively without endorsement or condemnation):

    1. The Arab Spring
    2. Trump’s Presidency
    3. Russia’s annexation/reunification with Crimea
    4. Brexit
    5. War in Yemen


    Did series 4 of Black Mirror fuck everyone’s mum or something?


    Series 4 had some great episodes in, I thought. Even series 5, while maybe a little bit lacking in bite, had some good ideas and at least one really decent episode.

    I think it’s that usual thing of a show no longer being so new/under-the-radar and most people not being in the ‘discovery’ stage by that point, so there’s usually some sort of backlash at that stage as part of the natural cycle. I think a lot of it comes from critics needing to find a new ‘hot take’.


    I haven’t got around to s5 yet (I am very tortoise-like with modern TV) but I thought s4 had some of the best stuff they’d ever done, and with no duds. ‘Metalhead’ was amazing.


    Yeah, they really pushed to try and do some different things with s4 and it mostly worked really well, I thought.

    Honestly, Bandersnatch has been the only major misfire for me, and that’s more in a “failed experiment” sense.


    Bandersnatch is a fun little FMV game really. It’s like a modern version of an interactive CD-ROM or a Sega CD kind of thing. I know the PR revolves around it being A Proper Episode (TM) but it’s closer to Night Trap or Toonstruck than it wants to admit. And it’s a great example of what it actually is, even if it’s not a great example of what it’s pretending to be.


    Yes, I think I agree there. It failed on the level of being a satisfying narrative experience but worked as a game.

    Pete Part Three

    Yes, that was pretty much my experience with Bandersnatch.

    Season 5 was…not good. The final episode with Miles Cyrus was horrendous in conception and execution.

    Loved USS Callister and Hang the DJ from Season 4. Metalhead was OK, but not really sure what it was saying to be honest. The rest were all a bit wobbly.


    The Miley Cyrus episode was weak (oddly, my Netflix showed me that first of the three) but I thought the other two were ok.

    A shame, as the Cyrus one had potential and I thought it might go in quite a different direction at first.

    Pete Part Three

    I had problems with how the other two ended, but they were watchable for the most part, although I don’t think I’d revisit them anytime soon. I got to the bit with the car chase in the Miley Cyrus one and wondered what the hell I was watching.


    It just gets utterly silly at the end, like it turns into an episode of Scooby Doo or something.


    Metalhead’s a pastiche of Duel but the truck is replaced by a fictional Boston Dynamics style robot. That’s basically all it is, but it’s done as well as its inspiration.

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