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    Doug interview: http://dave.uktv.co.uk/video/red-dwarf/exclusive-interview-doug-naylor-red-carpet/

    What’s all that about at the end?!


    Could be they are just going to count this as IX… that or Doug is fucking with our tiny minds.


    Haha, good interview, I wonder how many DVDs must be sold to consider this a success, I mean the originals sold into the millions.


    Here’s a thought… Maybe ‘series IX’ is something that occurs within the specials, in the meta-universe where Red Dwarf is fiction. The way Doug was talking implied that there was something precluding a series IX that would become clear once we watched the shows.

    That, or what Venture South said…


    Sounds to me like Series IX features within the world or worlds or headfucks
    with in Red Dwarf: Back to Earth. Maybe it’s Doug’s version of a Timewar.

    Either case I’d like to say Series IX was my favourite Red Dwarf.

    Do you think using that title on this thread is a bit spoilerish Teatime?

    Thanks for pointing the vid out though, great to see.


    >Maybe ?series IX? is something that occurs within the specials, in the meta-universe where Red Dwarf is fiction. The way Doug was talking implied that there was something precluding a series IX that would become clear once we watched the shows.

    That’s an interesting idea. I kind of hope that turns out to be true.

    Either that or Red Dwarf IX is going to be like the Traveling Wilburys Volume 2.


    IX must feature in it in some shape or form, then.

    Seb Patrick

    Red Dwarf Series IX = Leisure Suit Larry 4.


    is this video on youtube
    because i am on the wii which only has a old version of flash player that works on the wii
    the only flash that works is youtube


    Wasn’t going to post until after the weekend, but I thought I’d throw something else into this debate. Was looking through the Radio Times at work today and in the TV listing for Dave, where it says Red Dwarf, each episode title is followed by ‘series nine’. So these 3 episodes may, in fact, represent the whole of series 9. Your thoughts?


    > So these 3 episodes may, in fact, represent the whole of series 9. Your thoughts?

    Mostly that it depends on whether you consider ‘Series nine’ to be a title or a statement of fact.

    Yes, given that it’s the ninth collection of Red Dwarf episodes, it’s the ninth series. But Series IX? As I said before, it’s not known as that anywhere. (Unless you think that the sub editors at the Radio Times have more say in these things than GNP.)

    It’s just Red Dwarf: Back to Earth.


    Fair enough then. I’m inclined to agree but after seeing that in the Radio Times today I thought it might be worth a mention.


    Reminds me of an interview with the Mighty Boosh where they were asked whether they would make a third series. They responded by saying that when they did they would have to call it “series 4” just to confuse future generations who would wonder what had happened to the third series.

    Sounds intriguing though. I love how we seem to know so much about these shows whilst being totally clueless as to how they’re gonna be.

    Pete Part Three

    Didn’t the Radio Times introduce the Roman numerals with Red Dwarf III?


    > Didn?t the Radio Times introduce the Roman numerals with Red Dwarf III?

    Well, technically they also appear on-screen in the first Series II episode as well. But yes, the show’s title was given out as ‘Red dwarf III’. Not just to RT, but everywhere, and on the programme paperwork. Which isn’t the case here.

    Ian Symes

    Well, technically they also appear on-screen in the first Series II episode as well.


    Ben Paddon

    Whad’ya mean “Technically?”


    >>Well, technically they also appear on-screen in the first Series II episode as well.

    Well I can’t say for on screen but Series 2 had roman numerals on the video, as did Series 1 but Series 2 came out first.


    Sorry, that was supposed to be ‘Series III’. I done missed a keystroke.


    Oh yes, in the opening to ‘Backwards’.


    I always said for several years that if Dwarf were to come back, that it would be amusing for them to skip out Series IX seeing the BBC didn’t like the idea, and so it came back as Series X just to cause even more smeg-like confusion.

    Only programme that could probably get away with it, so why not! :P


    > Maybe ?series IX? is something that occurs within the specials, in the meta-universe where Red Dwarf is fiction.

    That’s the impression I got when I watched the interview.

    Maybe they get back to earth to find that series IX has been axed as TPTB are no longer interested in the type of audience that RD used to attract?


    My guess? The writer(s?) in the meta-universe have written a series 9 where the crew all die, and if it makes it to air the real crew will die too, and that will be the ‘pleading for more life’ thing.


    The writer(s?) in the meta-universe have written a series 9 where the crew all die, and if it makes it to air the real crew will die too,and that will be the ?pleading for more life? thing.

    I think they’ll THINK the written death of our world’s fictional characters will spell their own doom.

    Possible spoiler:

    I suspect that (or something like that) is what Doug meant about viewers really despising him at the end of episode 2, but hopefully they’ll change their views during episode 3.


    >I suspect that (or something like that) is what Doug meant about viewers really despising him at the end of episode 2, but hopefully they?ll change their views during episode 3.

    Nah, that’s cause at the end of episode 2 it’s revealed that Kryten killed Kochanski. ;)


    >Nah, that?s cause at the end of episode 2 it?s revealed that Kryten killed Kochanski. ;)

    Heh. Strangled her with his groinal attachment did he? (Ooh, how Freudian!)

    I have a despair squid worry in my noggin, but I’ll wait and see…


    I was quite pleased that they didn’t attempt to resolve the VIII cliffhanger in BtE, but then the thought occurred …. if IX does take place in the meta-universe, maybe VIII is resolved there? That would be satisfying.


    Maybe in the meta-universe the crew are bombarded with questions about continuity, the movie, the cliffhanger and series IX, much like in real life, which is why fans will hate him for depicting them as so anal, whilst giving Doug the chance to have a bit of fun with the portrayal of the fans plus actually answering these questions at the same time?

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