Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › BtE Wins “Biggest Disappointment” Award Search for: This topic has 22 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 1 month ago by Seb Patrick. Scroll to bottom Viewing 23 posts - 1 through 23 (of 23 total) Author Posts December 21, 2009 at 10:35 am #6100 littlesmeggerParticipant Digital Spy have held their annual Cult Awards, and Red Dwarf has won the Biggest Disappointment Award for Back to Earth: “Expectations weren’t exactly high when it emerged that the boys from The Dwarf were making a small screen comeback earlier this year. But surely the decade since the poor eighth season could have been used by remaining writer Doug Naylor to formulate some fresh jokes? As it turned out, Red Dwarf: Back To Earth was more stale than one of Dave Lister’s urine recyc beverages. Still, at least fans of Blade Runner had a lot to enjoy thanks to the repeated references.” http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/cult/news/a191910/the-cult-spy-awards-2009.html December 21, 2009 at 10:49 am #107175 TheLeenParticipant Oh, fuck off. December 21, 2009 at 11:15 am #107176 littlesmeggerParticipant I know, they clearly didn’t take notice at the ratings it made, or the fact that soon enough at least 6 new episodes will be confirmed for Dave in 2010. So much of a disappointment, that it’s successful enough to come back again! *rolls eyes* December 21, 2009 at 11:42 am #107177 Tarka DalParticipant Was their actually any voting for these catergories or is this just one of those end of year filler pieces where some nobjockey decrees his godly wisdom over everything? December 21, 2009 at 1:22 pm #107180 John HoareParticipant I probably agree with the award – “Biggest Disappointment” certainly sums up my feelings more than, say “Worst Show” – but not the lazy bit of critique that goes with it. But that’s the problem when you make these things so short – something that deserves a complex reaction has to be condensed into a paragraph. In the end, though, it’s just “their take”. They’re under no obligation to reflect how other people thought about the show. I probably would if I was writing it, mind, but then my writing is full of ridiculous qualifiers most of the time! December 21, 2009 at 1:37 pm #107181 JamesTCParticipant Well BTE beat my expectations. ‘Planet of the Dead’ was easily the biggest disappointment of the year. December 21, 2009 at 1:37 pm #107182 JamesTCParticipant Well BTE beat my expectations. ‘Planet of the Dead’ was easily the biggest disappointment of the year. December 21, 2009 at 2:37 pm #107183 JoParticipant It was such a huge disappointment that he thought it was worth mentioning twice… December 21, 2009 at 3:38 pm #107184 JamesTCParticipant ?Planet of the Dead? was easily the biggest disappointment of the year. Three times actually. December 21, 2009 at 3:58 pm #107185 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant My biggest disappointment this year wasn’t BtE it was other people’s reactions to it. A couple of pacing issues aside I loved it. With no film on the cards BtE was the next best thing. It did exactly what, in retrospect, I thought VII should have done which was to be MORE ‘filmic’, less gags for gags’ sake, more true to character. VII was neither here nor there but BtE was…er, there. Top performance from Craig and everyone else slipped right back into their roles, partying like it was 1993. Excellent effects, breathtaking in places. Sophie was lovely AND indeed Chloe, who’s appearance really did take us all by surprise. It wasn’t the sitcom Dwarf but it never needed to be. We’ve already been treated to plenty of the sitcom Dwarf, and who knows maybe we’ll get some more in the next series (still can’t believe there’s actually going to be a new series…). As for Planet of the Dead, tbh I’ve done tastier shits. December 21, 2009 at 4:48 pm #107186 hummingbirdParticipant > Oh, fuck off. This. December 21, 2009 at 5:08 pm #107187 NitroChrisUKParticipant >?Planet of the Dead? was easily the biggest disappointment of the year. This. December 21, 2009 at 5:24 pm #107188 JoParticipant >?Planet of the Dead? was easily the biggest disappointment of the year. >Three times actually. *facepalm* December 21, 2009 at 5:52 pm #107190 John HoareParticipant Planet of the Dead was bloody awful – but it’s not my Disappointment of the Year, simply because I wasn’t excited about it in the first place. I was all pumped for Dwarf… But regarding people’s reactions – I think BTE got MORE than enough positive coverage. How many people, for instance, would have predicted the vast majority of the writing staff of G&T would be raving about the show – after the general reaction VII/VIII got? To say nothing about the audience figures… I think I’ll spare you all my BTE rehashes, though. They were painful enough the first time. And it’s Christmas. December 21, 2009 at 6:46 pm #107191 Kris CarterParticipant I agree BTE was a disappointment, to me at least. I tried NOT to be pumped for it, but gaahhhh…. But like all good Red Dwarf fans, I’ve ratcheted down my expectations over time for what it actually was , and I can accept it now as a solid bit of Dwarf history, better than VIII, probably on a par with VII, and not holding up terribly well compared to the earlier series… December 21, 2009 at 6:50 pm #107192 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant > How many people, for instance, would have predicted the vast majority of the writing staff of G&T would be raving about the show – after the general reaction VII/VIII got? Not many. It was good to hear tbh because I know a lot of people, maybe not on this level of fandom but still definitely fans of the show, didn’t. Those unfamiliar with Blade Runner didn’t appreciate it as much. More casual fans were never going to be that affected by the Lister character stuff, whereas most of us have been on a pretty long journey with these guys so material like that hits home, even if Kochanski has been sort of universally despised (her onscreen incarnation anyway). When you’ve seen the episodes as many times as we have you DO yearn for something fresh and different. Each series has been different from its predecessor and that’s surely one of the key reasons Dwarf kept running, why it’s STILL running? If the attitude was ‘oh we’re gonna make it like series *insert numeral*’ then you might as well forget it. VIII turned out a little like that. It’s like ‘oh shit, they didn’t like what we did in VII, let’s go back’ it was one step forward and too many steps back. *sigh* it’s not like anyone cares about this anymore…I feel like I’m having a relapse. December 21, 2009 at 7:39 pm #107193 p2p_productionsParticipant BtE should, at the very least, have won ‘Best Marketed TV Special’, or something, somewhere. Personally, I thought the little tie-in sites, etc were great – just made the run-up to the premiere all the more special, IMO. In retrospect, they almost suggested an even more ‘grand’ affair than what eventually went out. The Lister postcard for instance, (if I recall) was worded as if the rest of the crew were searching for him. Kinda reminded me of Backwards (the novel). December 21, 2009 at 8:38 pm #107195 PongoParticipant Gets my vote. December 21, 2009 at 9:14 pm #107197 John HoareParticipant Loved the marketing of BTE, yeah. It created real excitement around the show that so few British telly programmes other than Who manage. I still have fond memories of Berkley Square, whatever my opinion on the final shows is. December 21, 2009 at 11:20 pm #107198 JonsmadParticipant Is that Fond memories of Robert Lindsay singing? “Is there anybody there?” December 21, 2009 at 11:41 pm #107200 AndrewParticipant “There’s nobody here but us chickens.” Nightingales is a severely underrated sitcom. December 24, 2009 at 1:58 pm #107229 Nick RParticipant John Hoare > I probably would if I was writing it, mind, but then my writing is full of ridiculous qualifiers most of the time! I think that for the most part I find that in my opinion I generally agree (although having said that, your mileage may vary). December 25, 2009 at 10:39 pm #107290 Seb PatrickKeymaster My biggest disappointment this year wasn?t BtE it was other people?s reactions to it. A couple of pacing issues aside I loved it. With no film on the cards BtE was the next best thing. It did exactly what, in retrospect, I thought VII should have done which was to be MORE ?filmic?, less gags for gags? sake, more true to character. VII was neither here nor there but BtE was?er, there. Top performance from Craig and everyone else slipped right back into their roles, partying like it was 1993. Excellent effects, breathtaking in places. Sophie was lovely AND indeed Chloe, who?s appearance really did take us all by surprise. It wasn?t the sitcom Dwarf but it never needed to be. We?ve already been treated to plenty of the sitcom Dwarf, and who knows maybe we?ll get some more in the next series (still can?t believe there?s actually going to be a new series?). As for Planet of the Dead, tbh I?ve done tastier shits. Sometimes I love you, performingmonkey. Author Posts Viewing 23 posts - 1 through 23 (of 23 total) Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In