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    For anyone who has glaced over at the Red Dwarf wiki page lately, they’ll have noticed this sentance:

    “On the 14th of June 2009 at the Red Dwarf ‘Better Than Life’ convention ChloĆ« Annett mentioned that she had being approached by her agent for a new Red Dwarf series, although no alther details were given.”

    Was anyone at the convention to clarify this, or is this possibly another comment taken out of contexted and wiki’ed to death.


    i may be being blind but where does it say that on the page ??


    In the Future section.

    EDIT… now that’s strange. I mentioned it just minutes prior on the official forum, and now it’s been removed?

    Hmm. Leak perhaps?


    Nope, it has been taken down.


    as it was taken down so quickly might have some truth . then again might be because it was a load of bull.. time will tell i suppose


    It is very possible, I mean Red Dwarf: Unplugged was put on Wikipedia but not confirmed, you never know, we can hope.


    well I’ve never personally known GNP so quick to stop rumours or fakes, so I’m more leaning towards it being factual. yeah it’s wishful thinking, but it’s wishful logical thinking all the same!

    Seb Patrick

    1. I doubt “Wiki” is taking the piss, since it’s not an autonomous entity but a centralised resource to which anyone can add or remove information. So it would be fair to say “Is someone on Wiki taking the smeg?”

    2. Obviously this sounds positive, but I kind of hope it’s not true – because I’d be extraordinarily fucked off if attendees at an unauthorised, money-grabbing unofficial convention were given exclusive info before anyone who’s a member of, say, the fan club, or a Dimension Jump attendee, or a visitor to the official website.


    >I kind of hope it?s not true – because I?d be extraordinarily fucked off if attendees at an unauthorised, money-grabbing unofficial convention were given exclusive info before anyone who?s a member of, say, the fan club, or a Dimension Jump attendee, or a visitor to the official website.

    Perhaps this is the reason it has been removed, as it was meant to be announced at said Dimension Jump event?


    Well, I just looked at the convention forum and in one of the threads someone wrote ‘Finding out from Chloe, Robert and Danny that there’s going to be a new series!’. Hmm.


    > because I?d be extraordinarily fucked off if attendees at an unauthorised, money-grabbing unofficial convention were given exclusive info…

    Oh put your dummy back in.


    *Goes and looks*

    …oh dear, looks like the “attendees at an unauthorised, money-grabbing unofficial convention WERE given exclusive info before anyone who?s a member of, say, the fan club, or a Dimension Jump attendee, or a visitor to the official website.”

    *Ducks behind reinforced steel*


    > because I?d be extraordinarily fucked off if …..

    Don’t talk daft.
    If it turned out to be true, I’d be far too happy to give a gnats chuff who heard the news first.


    Why didn’t I think of this before… the history version of Wiki!


    Now check the future section…


    Well I just asked LLewellyn on Twitter with a link to this thread and he said: “ooooh. Love a bit of mystery, but can honestly say I’ve heard nothing official.”


    Perhaps that doesn’t mean he’s not said anything unofficial, just that GNP themselves haven’t officially said anything.

    He hasn’t HEARD anything, doesn’t mean he hasn’t SAID anything :P


    He hasn?t HEARD anything, doesn?t mean he hasn?t SAID anything

    So he was making it up? I’m confused.


    No, he could just be being clever with words…

    “…but can honestly say I?ve heard nothing official.?

    Bobby isn’t an official spokesman for GNP, therefore anything he has personally said isn’t official.

    It could be reading into this waaaaay too much, but seeing the guy was semi told off for not being tight lipped during Back to Earth, he may be trying to make up for it now. I hate talking about our resident carpooler in the 3rd person knowing he could be potentially reading still… ahem…


    But he must have heard something official otherwise he wouldn’t have said anything as this convention…unless he was just lying. lol

    Squeaky Gibson

    very interesting and thank goodness for the ‘history’ feature on Wiki!


    bobby on twitter a while ago

    bobbyllew Just want to re-state clearly that nothing was announced at the RD convention last weekend. There is no official news about new series yet


    Being the eternal optimist, he said “yet!”

    Meaning it’s just a matter of time maybe? (Ever hopefull!!)

    Kris Carter

    I can hear Doug face-palming from here…


    Don’t know why it should be such a great big secret. If Dwarf is getting a new series, why would there be a huge effort to conceal this fact?

    Seb Patrick

    Because television negotiations are a complex thing and talking about things publicly before deals are actually signed can actually jeopardise their actually happening?


    Keir Shiels posted this link to the SFX article on the main site:


    I’m not sure of all their facts mind, but it was interesting to read.



    Keir Shiels posted this on the main site. I’m not sure of all their facts though but it’s an interesting read.

    Hopefully this post will go through. The last time I tried it didn’t.


    The DVD release was only today (well, yesterday). I think it’s worth assuming that sales will be looked at before any real future plans are pushed forward. Though Dave are obviously going to be like ‘please, sir, can I have some more?’ unless they suddenly don’t want the type of big audience Dwarf used to attract a few weeks ago.

    Something to note – Doug makes it clear that there’s no way they can make a single standalone episode of Dwarf work in 23 minutes. So that means if there WAS a series of 6 commissioned we would most likely be looking at a 40min slot on Dave. Also, considering how hard it was to get everyone together for just two weeks it’s likely that we could see at least one ‘Kryten-lite’ or ‘Lister-lite’ episode, which I think we would all accept as long as the series got made. Very easy to write in – Lister goes looking for Kochanski in a Blue Midget of his own and we don’t see him for ages. Before the rest of the crew can follow him in Starbug something else happens aboard Red Dwarf that stalls them and the rest of the running time is about that.


    It could be that we end up with three 2×23 minute stories. Not that it is a bad thing.


    If not seen by people on here by reading the official forums:


    Convention comments now being seconded by SFX Magazine.


    Seems very strange to me- the only evidence seems to be a rumour added to wikipedia by an anonymous IP. I wouldn’t expect anyone on here to support an unofficial convention, and whilst I know posters* on the OS support it its unlikely GNP would let them break the news there.

    So the final place to check for coroborating evidence would be on the organisers forum, which is the strangest place yet. The first post in this thread seems to support the rumour, but everyone wants to disect the event and its organisation rather than anything related to Red Dwarf. I guess its like going to see Liverpool v Chelsea and then analysing the toilet facilities and queues in the car park afterwards. http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=50721&st=0

    I expect there will be a new series though- I’m just bitter cos I’m in Australia and we haven’t even had a tv screening yet, let alone the DVD.

    *Or trolls, similar to one-shot IP adresses on wiki



    There you go. Unofficial official or something. I’d be interested in the budget, if they’re going with Dave…


    Seems very strange to me- the only evidence seems to be a rumour added to wikipedia by an anonymous IP

    Not just that, there’s an SFX article as well.

    Not that I’m suggesting it’s all true though what with Rob Llewellyn’s tweets (but then the article speaks of plans not confirmation so they needn’t contradict each other.)


    >Seems very strange to me- the only evidence seems to be a rumour added to wikipedia by an anonymous IP

    There’s an SFX article too. I did post the link, but apparently that’s disallowed now.

    Anyhow, the link is also on the official site in the ‘sublime news’ thread.

    How true it is, I’m not sure. It doesn’t really contradict Robert Llewllyn’s tweets though as the article speaks of talks not confirmations.


    I once got a smacked wrist for agreeing with a customer at the shop I worked in that a Doctor Who story would make an excellent DVD release. (This was ages ago when Doctor Who on DVD was an exciting new thing.)

    The customer went home and wrote somewhere on the internet: “them at the shop said this story is coming out on DVD! I’m so excited!”

    We got a phone call from a BBC Enterprises/ Worldwide friend saying: “What the blinking flip (paraphrasing there) do you think you’re doing? That’s supposed to be confidential!”

    I was all: “what? what’d I do? I don’t actually know anything and haven’t claimed to know anything.”

    So all I’m saying is: internet rumour, is about as reliable as the Sun, the Mirror or the Times reporting.


    >I did post the link, but apparently that?s disallowed now.

    Ok, I just checked the new article on the main page and you linked there already. I’m like Holly, it takes me a while but I get there in the end. Mostly. ;)

    Jonathan Capps

    The thing is, that SFX article actually has quotes from Robert and Danny. They definitely said what people are saying they said, I’m sure of that much at least.


    The SFX thing is a blog from someone who attended the event, not a proper article. Also it’s on SFX and SFX are cunts.

    Jonathan Capps

    Damn that site. If everything has the SFX branding I just autpmatically assume it’s one of their posts that has all the proper responsibilities to get quotes right.


    The fact that it is apparently on Dave is interesting. I thought, and perhaps hoped, it might return to the BBC, with its larger audience. Hopefully it’s not a tiny budget…

    And I wonder where this leaves the movie?


    I’m interested in what the budget would be like compared to Back to Earth. Doing six episodes, each with their own storyline, could involve many more sets, locations and creature encounters meaning more money would be needed on FX. It’s also worth noting that BTE looked brilliant considering the small budget, but it would seem that’s only because so many people were willing to work for little or no money just because they loved the show. This kind of generosity couldn’t be guaranteed for a longer shoot that would need even more CGI shots and sets, as though I’m sure many of those who worked on BTE would love to work on Dwarf again, they wouldn’t be able to commit the time again without having their finances potentially being fucked.

    It’s also worth noting that more sets are likely to be needed as scenes are unlikely to be set on earth which I’m sure helped somewhat when budgeting BTE. Having said that, location shooting could be in quarries and industrial buildings like the good old days.

    Having six episodes set entirely in space is also likely to be more costly. Back to Earth didn’t even have many ship shots and even those were pretty neutral with not a lot happening in them, and if they want a studio audience back, which they might do if they’re returning to the 30 minute format…

    Yerp. The budget would definitely be an intriguing subject. BTE looked pretty bloody good considering but I don’t think new episodes could be as good on the same budget per episode given the circumstances.


    Well they already have the bunkroom set and with a series many shots of the ship can be re-used to save money (just add a nebula).
    I think the budget will be higher for a new series, I mean BTE beat all expectations in the ratings (it beat some new BBC shows didn’t it?).
    Besides budget has always been a problem, wether it be asking the cast if they have anything in their pockets to help beild the set or expanding a normal one part episode into two parts because of budget problems.


    This is all true. The bunkroom set can be reused and, as we have seen, can double as corridors. I also got the feeling that Mike Seymour really loved what was achieved in BTE and what they managed with the budget. I could see him maybe being involved to some extent, even if he just does a few shots which he doesn’t need to be in the UK to do. Whether this is just doing a few more multi-use/stock ship shots or the odd corridor, I reckon he’ll continue to work with Doug. His set-up of running FXphd is also ideal as he can teach people about how to do FX and get them to create some, so they learn and make progress and their material could end up in Red Dwarf whilst he still gets money for running the program and maybe a bit from the show.


    Also any new Dwarf would not be under such a time constraint.


    > They definitely said what people are saying they said, I?m sure of that much at least.

    Because you were there.


    >The thing is, that SFX article actually has quotes from Robert and Danny. They definitely said what people are saying they said, I?m sure of that much at least.

    Has it occured to you that all quotes on the internet may be coming from the one source? Little Smegger admits to posting the same stuff on three websites, so why shouldn’t wiki/SFX have a shared author? Whilst I don’t doubt that these talks are ongoing, it doesn’t seem that these quotes were the main feature of the convention. I’m guessing they were probably off the cuff comments whilst the cast were mingling.

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