Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › Welcome to Shooting Stars… Search for: This topic has 64 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by Andrew. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 65 total) 1 2 Author Posts August 26, 2009 at 9:45 pm #4391 JoParticipant I am this… happy :o) August 26, 2009 at 9:55 pm #102688 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Hmm. It was OK. Not as good as it used to be. The best bit was “You’ve Been Filmed”. August 26, 2009 at 9:56 pm #102689 JoParticipant “Loving you… is easy cos your boobs are new” August 26, 2009 at 9:59 pm #102690 DessieParticipant I really enjoyed it. The you’ve been filmed bit was great. Who was the weird guy sat to Ulrika’s right? August 26, 2009 at 10:16 pm #102693 Ben PaddonParticipant I hope someone is recording this. And then burning that recording to a DVD. And then mailing it to me. August 27, 2009 at 12:05 am #102706 JoParticipant Aw! Just had a PM from Matt Lucas on Twitter saying thanks after I said nice things about Shooting Stars :o) Unexpected and very sweet! August 27, 2009 at 12:14 am #102707 pfmParticipant How mental was George’s old people’s home song?? It was pretty good I thought, though Vic didn’t seem to be getting into it as much as he used to. I suppose it’s called ‘getting old’. Though Bob was great. The new guy should try to be a bit funnier instead of just weird! Do people seriously still want to hear ‘Eranu!’ and ‘Uvavu!’ again? It’s like being transported back to school when everyone used to do it. Vic should say something different just for the sake of it. And the Dove shouldn’t be back, that’s boring. I always wanted them to do The Clit That Is Lit. August 27, 2009 at 6:33 am #102726 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Pretty cool that Matt Lucas still finds time for this. He’s probably the most successful person on there and they’ve still got him just shouting out the scores. His song was OK. Nothing will ever top “Lesbians” though. August 27, 2009 at 7:29 am #102731 DaveParticipant >Nothing will ever top ?Lesbians? though. Agreed. August 27, 2009 at 10:21 am #102740 siParticipant What about ‘Peanuts’? I really enjoyed it. Wasn’t sure about Angelos to begin with, but I warmed to him pretty quickly. Thought the Dove’s legs were amusing, as was Vic’s ‘tattoo’ of Christine Beakley… August 27, 2009 at 12:53 pm #102744 Ian SymesKeymaster My favourite bit: the sweetcorn… thing. August 27, 2009 at 6:29 pm #102752 ChrisMParticipant What was the one where he dashes around the table after each verse… then got the giggles. That was good. And the Lesbian song. The old folks song this week… not so much. I enjoyed the episode though. August 27, 2009 at 7:05 pm #102753 ori-STUDFARMParticipant I wanted “You wouldn’t let it lie” and “Whats on the end of the stick Vic?”. So let down! August 27, 2009 at 9:16 pm #102758 Jonathan CappsKeymaster You should watch Vic Reeves’ Big Night Out and not Shooting Stars, then. August 27, 2009 at 9:51 pm #102762 siParticipant The reviewer in the Metro is a tosser. August 27, 2009 at 10:38 pm #102764 ori-STUDFARMParticipant I know. Trouble is, I fear the memory of Big Night Out will be better than the actual program was. August 28, 2009 at 2:02 am #102766 pfmParticipant > Trouble is, I fear the memory of Big Night Out will be better than the actual program was. I know my memory of ‘The Smell of…’ was after recently watching some episodes on DVD. I can’t wait to watch ‘Bang Bang…’ though which I’ve seen nothing of since broadcast and even then I don’t think I watched it all. I do remember watching Phoenix Nights and thinking it felt a bit ripped off from the club sketches in ‘Bang Bang…’ August 28, 2009 at 8:41 am #102776 Jonathan CappsKeymaster If anyone here hasn’t seen Catterick yet, then you should watch Catterick. August 28, 2009 at 1:04 pm #102782 littlesmeggerParticipant Was it just me though, or for the first time did the audience seem canned? The laughs didn’t seem to match with the gags, as in the levels of laughter. They seems the same level and volume throughout, regardless of how funny something was. August 28, 2009 at 5:15 pm #102793 Danny StephensonKeymaster If anyone here hasn?t seen Catterick yet, then you should watch Catterick. Funnily enough, my next-door neighbour has lent me Catterick, and i’ve lent him the League Of Gentlemen Radio Show. I haven’t watched it yet though… August 28, 2009 at 6:07 pm #102796 ChrisMParticipant >Was it just me though, or for the first time did the audience seem canned? I didn’t really notice but I doubt it is canned. There’d be plenty who would want to see it. Maybe they were just all hyped it being the start of a new series and all. Or they were overcompensating, as audiences can sometimes do. I remember being in an audience for a sitcom in Hollywood once, and the warm up guy actually told us to laugh*. Surely it’s best to see if one reacts naturally, to see how a scene is working… but anyhow. Hopefully UK shows would be more circumspect but I’d imagine that it depends from programme to programme (or individual warm up folk.) *To be fair, he was actually quite funny. I much enjoyed his stand up stuff to the sitcom itself. I’ve forgotten the name. August 28, 2009 at 6:40 pm #102798 AndrewParticipant Shooting Stars has always heavily overshot. The uneven laughter tends to come from the need to cover the joins – compressing the reactions for time, overlapping the audio, joining two laughs together after a piece gets cut out, etc. August 28, 2009 at 8:12 pm #102801 ori-STUDFARMParticipant I’d always assumed it was some geezer holding up a sign saying “LAUGH” or “APPLAUSE”. August 29, 2009 at 1:33 am #102815 pfmParticipant No, they hold up one saying ‘HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA’ August 29, 2009 at 1:39 am #102817 JamesTCParticipant If they hold up a sign saying “Touch your nose” would they do it? September 18, 2009 at 6:24 pm #103330 BeligiumParticipant >If they hold up a sign saying ?Touch your nose? would they do it? Why would they want to touch my nose? September 18, 2009 at 7:02 pm #103335 JamesTCParticipant Remove the human horn! September 18, 2009 at 7:08 pm #103336 BeligiumParticipant So long as it’s not the lower horn. I need that, well i want to keep it anyways… September 18, 2009 at 7:32 pm #103340 CarlitoParticipant Damien, you been on this site 5 mins, and already a reference to horns… deary me. September 18, 2009 at 7:52 pm #103342 BeligiumParticipant He brought it up! September 18, 2009 at 7:54 pm #103343 JamesTCParticipant I brought up the human horn! September 18, 2009 at 9:21 pm #103349 AndrewParticipant That’s a minority view. September 19, 2009 at 10:23 am #103373 ori-STUDFARMParticipant Horns eh? My favourite kinda cream cake! September 20, 2009 at 2:52 am #103416 CarlitoParticipant Cream Horn? Sounds like a club for gay unicorns. Not that there’s anything wrong with that… September 20, 2009 at 1:16 pm #103436 ori-STUDFARMParticipant I dunno! I can’t stand fucking unicorns! September 20, 2009 at 5:15 pm #103439 Jason aka Smeg4BrainsParticipant >Nothing will ever top ?Lesbians? though. Excuse me but : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPsY_nhTtxg September 29, 2009 at 12:41 am #103822 Phil1034Participant Has anyone else been completely charmed by Angelos Epithemiou? September 29, 2009 at 12:57 am #103823 CarlitoParticipant Yeah, he’s a good character. I’m surprised Johnny Vegas hasn’t been around (unless I missed him?) I’m not really bowled over by the return of Shooting Stars. It feels like a creature of its time, unneccessarily resurrected. In its mid 90s prime, it was great. Is it less funny now? I think it’s probably on a par, it’s just a lot more tired and ‘done’. What would have had me crying with laughter in 1996 just about raises a smile today. I can’t effectively articulate how I feel when I’m watching it now. It just feels like “this doesn’t feel right in 2009, this belongs in 1996.” I’m not knocking the quality of the new shows – they’re the same as they’ve ever been – it just seems weird to see a show I would have quoted in school as a 13 year old knocking out virtually the same stuff now when I’m about to hit 27, when there was just nowhere left for the show to go even a decade ago. September 29, 2009 at 7:56 am #103827 Ben PaddonParticipant That the quality of the show has not wavered in the intervening decade might suggest that the show didn’t need to go anywhere else. That being said, BBC America don’t seem to be airing it and it’s not really PBS material, so I don’t expect I’ll get to see it. Which is a shame. I did so love Shooting Stars back in my High School days. I think my favourite “George’s Song” was the “Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy”/”Too Shy” mesh. Even now I will occasionally sing it. I love it. September 29, 2009 at 1:35 pm #103833 CarlitoParticipant > That the quality of the show has not wavered in the intervening decade might suggest that the show didn?t need to go anywhere else. Maybe but I never figured it would be the kind of show happy to just merge into the BBC woodwork like HIGNFY, churning out a constant stream of material year on year which – completely irregardless of its quality – never offers anything new or surprising anymore. Whilst the material of the show remains at the same level, the intangibles do not: its place in pop culture, its critical acclaim, its ability to make you feel like you’re watching something very special, that “bond” you may have where this is one of *your* shows… I find it hard to believe many people still feel this way about new Shooting Stars. Maybe I’m wrong with that near blanket statement, but that’s how I personally feel about it at the very least. September 29, 2009 at 2:33 pm #103835 Pete Part ThreeParticipant I disagree. I don’t think the format or humour has dated. It’s surreal and that’s just as well placed in 2009 as it was in 1996. The reason the show is not as good as it used to be is nothing to do with what year it is, and more to do with them running out of ideas. There are moments of genius (http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=oiZZ_Cv2J9Q amuses the hell out of me) but it’s just not as consistent as it used to be. Personally, I think the show was at its best in 2002. I miss Vegas (despite not being a particularly big fan of his solo stuff) and think that batch was an improvement on the 90’s run in terms of consistency. September 29, 2009 at 2:55 pm #103837 CarlitoParticipant No, I’m not saying its simply out of place in 2009. I’m saying it’s out of place in 2009 because it’s all been done in the 90s. If Shooting Stars debuted tomorrow, I’m sure I’d love it. As it is, the material has pretty much been done before and with more energy the first time around. September 29, 2009 at 3:18 pm #103839 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Which would indicate that repeats of the show in its “prime” would be at the same level as the new episodes. And I don’t think that’s the case. I’d rather watch the repeats of the show. >If Shooting Stars debuted tomorrow, I?m sure I?d love it. Please clarify what is hypothetically debuting. 2009 episodes or the episodes from the 90’s? September 29, 2009 at 4:42 pm #103845 CarlitoParticipant > Please clarify what is hypothetically debuting. 2009 episodes or the episodes from the 90?s? Well, either. I already explained I find no disparity between any of them. I think if 2009 episodes had been shown in 1996, in lieu of what we did get, I would have loved them all the same. We differ in that you find the show has dipped in quality whereas I find each series, including the new ones, to be pretty even. My issue is that it’s a great concept stretched far too thin now. If we got 10 episodes or 100 episodes of Shooting Stars, they’re all pretty much the same. I’ll sit there and watch it, but I’ll find it hard to extract the same astonished enjoyment from it that I once did. Therefore, I’m just not mustering up much excitement in seeing it back. It’s the same show I already watched to death in the mid 90s, but the presenters are older and more tired, the jokes and sight gags are virtually the same, Jack Dee (usually an amusing comedian) is reduced to portraying a caricature knocked off from Will Self’s Shooting Stars persona, who was himself a knock-off of Mark Lamarr’s role. Maybe I shouldn’t word it that way: I know Dee (and Self, and Lamarr) tend to portray grumpy personas as part of their general act, so I guess I simply mean they were picked to fill a particular role function based on this, and… and fuck it, I’m too tired to keep typing. Basically they haven’t developed the show enough to justify making more. It’s a pointless exercise. It’s still watchable and amusing (occasionally, very much so), but I’ve already got the T-shirt. And it doesn’t fit me anymore because I was 13 at the time. September 29, 2009 at 5:29 pm #103849 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >I think if 2009 episodes had been shown in 1996, in lieu of what we did get, I would have loved them all the same. >We differ in that you find the show has dipped in quality whereas I find each series, including the new ones, to be pretty even. Despite the fact that the 90’s episodes had “more energy”, so you’re obviously conceding that there’s a difference in quality, irrespective of one preceding the other. But, as you say, your issues are that it’s old hat, whereas mine are that it’s a new hat, but it’s not as nice as the old hat. September 29, 2009 at 5:39 pm #103850 littlesmeggerParticipant See if you compare the current series, to that of the episode linked below [the other two parts are in related links for those who wish to watch], in my opinion there’s no comparion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiOgnzD3VjI&NR=1 However, at the same time, I still enjoy the more modern series, just in a different way I guess. September 29, 2009 at 6:16 pm #103852 CarlitoParticipant > Despite the fact that the 90?s episodes had ?more energy?, so you?re obviously conceding that there?s a difference in quality, irrespective of one preceding the other. Yes, the earlier ones had more energy. But if Shooting Stars was debuting now for the first time, I would be unaware of that fact and this crazy quiz show would be fresh to my eyes. September 29, 2009 at 6:32 pm #103854 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant Jack, with your face like a stern gerbil. September 29, 2009 at 7:19 pm #103856 CarlitoParticipant > See if you compare the current series, to that of the episode linked below [the other two parts are in related links for those who wish to watch], in my opinion there?s no comparion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiOgnzD3VjI&NR=1 Completely random but this little debate got me watching some Shooting Stars on Youtube. I had just finished watching the pilot (never seen it before) and I was literally watching THAT video when you posted it. September 30, 2009 at 12:20 am #103878 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant For me, the best two moments so far have been – Bob asking ‘Angelos, what’s your earliest memory?’ ‘…did I lock the van?’ and Vic saying to Lee Mack ‘You know what, Lee? When you were born they said it could never survive but look at you now.’ Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 65 total) 1 2 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In