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    That is all.



    Heh. I haven’t found a lot of the George Dawes songs that great in the new series, but that one was up there. Well slightly. A foot or so.


    Thought tonight’s episode was a bit weak, which was a shame after the IMO brilliant 4 and 5. It didn’t feel like the last in the series. I’m guessing they switched episode orders round a bit. Whatever, it NEEDS to come back for another series next year. With Angelos, who I really like now.

    Jonathan Capps

    Tonight’s was probably my favourite of the series! The song was good (but not as good as ‘I Can Slightly Fly’) and I thought Vic and Bob were at their best and finally looked entirely comfortable. The reveal of the toothpick prizes was brilliant, too.

    Pete Part Three

    Yeah, I thought it was one of the better ones of this batch with Lucas being on particularly fine form.

    The running jokes this series has been where things have grated for me though as most of the stuff really hasn’t held up to weekly repetition.


    Angelos revealing his middle name to be Neil really made me crease up, don’t know why.

    But yes – more please, more Angelos. It might be a silly, same old formula, but, for me at least, it works, and needs nothing changing. It’s like You’ve Been Framed – arguably ITV’s funniest show, and it’s just a silly bloke talking over some silly clips – you don’t need anything else, just something to make you giggle.

    Pete Part Three

    >You?ve Been Framed – arguably ITV?s funniest show

    ITV’s funniest show is clearly TV Burp. They may share a host, but YBF will always be slightly shit.


    That’s because the general public are slightly shit.


    Okay, fair point. Still, from The Metro’s review of E4’s School of Comedy (didn’t watch it myself – child actors…*shudder*):

    I generally only find children funny if they’re being catapulted off a see-saw into a dung heap on You’ve Been Framed

    You can’t argue with that.

    Jonathan Capps

    I think you’ll find I could easily argue with everything The Metro says.

    It actually dared to suggest it was bi-partisan the other day.

    Tarka Dal

    > E4?s School of Comedy

    I caught the last 10 minutes of this last year/earlier in this one. The child actors were fantastic, particulary the kid from ‘Son of Rambow’ and it made me laugh out loud for the first time in ages.

    Pete Part Three

    I thought it was mediocre (assuming the one the other night was a repeat?)

    The canned laughter grated as did the swearing (I wouldn’t give a fuck normally but this just seemed excessive for the sake of appearing “grown up”).

    Will Poulter is obviously quite a talented little bloke and will go far. The rest of the cast were a mixed bag with one or two being embarrassing to watch. The sketches were, perhaps aptly, a bit infantile although there were a few moments of ingenuity. If you cleaned up the language, I couldn’t see this being totally out of place on CBBC rather than Watershed E4, meaning it wasn’t quite the triumph it could have been.

    Tarka Dal

    > there were a few moments of ingenuity.

    I only saw the last few sketches myself, but I remember one about a chap coming home and finding his wife with the Plumber (or similar) and liked how it did the obvious gags and then took it somewhere else. Maybe I just struck lucky, but that one scene just stood out for me as something a bit above a lot (not all) of other recent new sketch shows.


    I caught the last 10 minutes of this last year/earlier in this one.

    The original Comedy Lab Kids’ School of Comedy pilot thingy? It’s on 4oD for those with access to it

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