Don’t give me this… oh, fuck it. News Posted by Ian Symes on 27th September 2006, 15:44 With thanks to TomD off of the NOTBBC Comedy Forum, it appears that Hattie’s going to be in a documentary about Star Trek on Radio 2 on Tuesday at 8:30pm. Obviously, it’s worth listening to for Hattie, but also because it’s a documentary by Stewart Lee, and he is some sort of God like figure. Read more for the full blurb. Documentary: “Star Trek – Where No-One Has Gone Before” Radio Two, Tuesday 3rd October, 8:30pm (1 hour long) Comedian and Star Trek fan Stewart Lee takes the listener on a journey to the final frontier, with a look at the phenomenal science fiction series, marking 40 years since it began. He examines how its creator, Gene Roddenberry, injected his humanist values into the show and the various ways that the groundbreaking series made television history throughout its five incarnations. The documentary also discusses the mighty power of the loyal fan base and the ways that Star Trek reflected scientific fact, inspiring countless physicists. With contributions from actors Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes, astronomer Patrick Moore, the show’s producer Rick Berman, and passionate fans, such as Tracey Emin and Gary Numan. Also input from Red Dwarf’s Hattie Hayridge and the comedian Mitch Benn.
>Also input from Red Dwarf’s Hattie Hayridge Doesnt sound like she has much to say, so I don’t know if it’s worth listning to a 1 hour show for what may possibly be only a few sentences from Hattie…
This should be bloody excellent. I’m a little puzzled why Hattie is in there, though, unless she’s actually a Trek fan…
…or perhaps some sweeping statement will be made about the influence on other shows and Dwarf will be shoe-horned in as a Trek spoof (I so hope not).