Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › Derren Brown – The Events Search for: This topic has 147 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by Gwynnie. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 148 total) 1 2 3 Author Posts September 10, 2009 at 2:13 pm #103104 Danny StephensonKeymaster Ah, False memories. Like Blade Runner… Does anyone else remember walking through the gates of Disneyland and meeting Bugs Bunny for the first time? No? Me neither, I’ve never been to Disneyland. September 10, 2009 at 2:50 pm #103108 John HoareParticipant http://www.notbbc.co.uk/forums/pg=build&f=tvradio&pid=53770&sno=0 is a pretty good stab at it, I think. September 10, 2009 at 4:03 pm #103114 pendo86Participant Did anyone else see subliminal messages flashing up on screen during the show after the Lottery show? They flashed up too quickly for me to read but it got me thinking about what Derren’s got planned for this ‘Event’ of his… September 10, 2009 at 4:57 pm #103116 Nick RParticipant My mum won a tenner on those numbers! Woohoo! Trailer for the explanation programme. A snowflake… hmm… freeze-frame? I noticed he kept reiterating “I’ve done nothing illegal” in his patter. I wonder if that’s got anything to do with anything. Would the fact that the balls are white like those used on motion capture suits make it easier to track them for any split-screening or superimposing that might be going on? The problem with all the theories about technology (split screen with digital camera wobble; lasers shining photochemical inks on the balls) is that it goes against the bit at the end where he says “how I did it and how you can do it too”. Did anyone else see subliminal messages flashing up on screen during the show after the Lottery show? They flashed up too quickly for me to read but it got me thinking about what Derren?s got planned for this ?Event? of his? The word was “forget”. September 10, 2009 at 5:36 pm #103119 ChrisMParticipant >Does anyone else remember walking through the gates of Disneyland and meeting Bugs Bunny for the first time? >I?ve never been to Disneyland. Even if you had.. you won’t meet him there. (Or is that part of the joke?) The WB Loony toons crowd hang out at Magic Mountain (at least there pictures do.) Much better rides there too (at least they were when I went there). September 10, 2009 at 6:15 pm #103125 Ben PaddonParticipant Except Six Flags are going into receivership. Which is understandable considering their mascot is a greepy old man telling kids to come to his theme parks. September 10, 2009 at 6:18 pm #103127 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant > how I did it and how you can do it too Well, anyone with a video camera on a tripod and some good video editing software COULD have a good stab at doing it, but not live (I don’t think). It would never look as good as Derren’s though. The way he’s talking in the trailer for the ‘reveal’ show makes me think he WILL give the real explanation. It’s a shame everyone’s got it sussed tbh. If it wasn’t for the ball moving there’s no way we could be 100%. Even with that giveaway I’m not sure we can be. 99% perhaps. It IS split screen, there’s just a few of the details we can’t know for sure till he tells us. September 10, 2009 at 7:03 pm #103131 Danny StephensonKeymaster Would the fact that the balls are white like those used on motion capture suits Am I right in thinking that those little balls are reflective? on the suits not on Derren’s Stand. I’ve been looking into front projection and special effects lately and it’s got me thinking about taking it a step further… September 10, 2009 at 7:58 pm #103136 RidleyParticipant It?s a shame everyone?s got it sussed tbh. I’m putting my faith in that everyone’s wrong. September 10, 2009 at 10:22 pm #103140 AndrewParticipant I feel like we’re dissecting the Easter Bunny… September 11, 2009 at 12:20 am #103142 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant > I feel like we?re dissecting the Easter Bunny? I did that once. All I found inside was some jelly beans. September 11, 2009 at 6:47 am #103149 Pete Part ThreeParticipant I doubt Derren is too bothered. He’s quite open with the way he bullshits his audience and seems happy for people to analyse his techniques and question how he does things. His mainstream book makes this pretty clear in the chapter on faith. September 11, 2009 at 10:07 am #103151 AndrewParticipant I wasn’t suggesting Derren would be bothered. Just that there’s a measure of fun in letting the event play out as-is. Just as I prefer not to try and second-guess the twists in movies – mostly I’d rather be carried along and actually surprised. That said…the promotional trailers for this show are starting to make sense now. A combination of elements that could only be combined with a motion-controlled shoot.. September 11, 2009 at 11:49 am #103154 Danny StephensonKeymaster A combination of elements that could only be combined with a motion-controlled shoot.. Bloody hell!!! Of course!! September 11, 2009 at 12:21 pm #103155 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >I wasn?t suggesting Derren would be bothered. I wasn’t suggesting you were suggesting Derren would be bothered, just stating my thoughts on whether it was a good idea to analyse this in this much detail. And I think that’s been part of the fun. I’m unable to watch a film without predicting a twist, or watch an episode of Jonathan Creek without playing along. It just comes naturally to some people. September 11, 2009 at 9:49 pm #103171 Danny StephensonKeymaster Right, so we’ve seen the explanation. Are we happy? September 11, 2009 at 9:50 pm #103173 Seb PatrickKeymaster I don’t mind being lied to if they’re entertaining lies – but that bored the ARSE off me. September 11, 2009 at 9:50 pm #103174 Mr FlibbleParticipant What a load of bollocks. But lots of people seem to be believing it, so I guess that’s the great British public brainwashed for another day. September 11, 2009 at 9:51 pm #103175 Mr FlibbleParticipant I don?t mind being lied to if they?re entertaining lies – but that bored the ARSE off me. But were you not bored like I was because you know how it was really done? September 11, 2009 at 9:54 pm #103177 Pete Part ThreeParticipant I don’t think Derren has EVER irritated me before, but he did here. The only thing this succeeded in doing was throwing the Russian Roulette trick further into question. Derren has spent a considerable amount of time questioning belief systems, so to end with 24 people thinking they have a predicted the lottery result left with me feeling decidedly uneasy. I’m a huge fan of the guy but I think the publicity this has garnered will do him no favours in light of this show. September 11, 2009 at 10:15 pm #103178 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant God, that show pissed me off. When he mentioned lasers and split screens at the beginning it was like ‘but that’s how you did it, you fucking lying prick!’ > Derren has spent a considerable amount of time questioning belief systems Yeah, this Lottery show won’t wash well with real fans of his who’ve already seen him tear apart methods and systems like this in past shows. Anyone only just sucked into his world might buy it, or might at least entertain such notions. I thought he was gonna reveal the split screen explanation right at the very end but NO. When the 3 possible explanations appeared on the screen again a no.4 should have appeared underneath saying ‘Camera trickery’ or something. I seriously think the real explanation would have made for a more entertaining programme than all the automatic writing and mouse bollocks. There’s a thought, he should have shown footage of the mouse pushing the balls up the tube!!! September 11, 2009 at 10:20 pm #103179 AndrewParticipant I’m certain I would have enjoyed it more if I’d found the theory credible. And I suspect I would have done, for the runtime at least, if I hadn’t spent two days looking at Easter Bunny innards. September 11, 2009 at 10:30 pm #103181 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant He could have at least tried to con us into thinking the reveal was faked in a different way to motion control and split screen. Mirrors, the Pepper’s Ghost illusion and whatnot. Although, showing us a wideshot of the room ruled out that shot and the handheld one preceding it being anything other than pre-records. Even if it could have been the Pepper’s Ghost illusion we would have seen the glass line on the floor because it’s such a well-lit room. September 11, 2009 at 10:47 pm #103183 Nick RParticipant I don’t care that he didn’t give a real explanation of how he did the trick, whether it was sleight-of-hand or high-tech equipment or whatever. The problem was simply that this was one of his weakest shows, and felt very padded out (it didn’t really need both of the tricks involving mice). He could have mentioned things like the Monty Hall problem and the way our minds have trouble with the counter-intuitive aspects of probabilities, without his show necessarily becoming a maths lecture. It would have been more interesting (well, to me…) than all that nonspecific talk of DEEP MATHS. And until now he hasn’t really come under fire from scientific sceptics (other than Simon Singh) because he goes out of his way to make it clear that the likes of mediums are charlatans. But this time the show finished with a lot of people left with the impression that willpower can influence random events. Having said that, his presentation of how I would have done it (phrase ? OJ Simpson) was pretty entertaining. “Hypnotised the security guards…!” And if it gets lots more people to play the lottery this week then that’s more money they can distribute to good causes, so hooray for that! September 12, 2009 at 5:41 am #103186 Pete Part ThreeParticipant I get the feeling that if he’d switched the shows round (deconstruction, trick) I would have been far more satisfied. He wouldn’t have got as many viewers or nearly as much publicity, obviously. September 18, 2009 at 6:59 pm #103334 Danny StephensonKeymaster Shit I nrealy forgot about this. Now although I was slightly annoyed by the last show. However, I’m still rather curious abotu this one. If it works, I genuinely will be stumped… September 18, 2009 at 8:53 pm #103344 JamesTCParticipant I caught two flashing pictures of a person sitting down before the film started. September 18, 2009 at 8:56 pm #103345 BeligiumParticipant Gawd, so bad…. September 18, 2009 at 8:57 pm #103346 BeligiumParticipant “DON’T PANIC” September 18, 2009 at 9:07 pm #103347 Kris CarterParticipant Yeah, no subliminal images, my bottom. September 18, 2009 at 9:21 pm #103348 AndrewParticipant Those weren’t subliminal. Since you saw the flash AND they added a sound effect to them, they were a long way from subliminal! I’d say it’s safe to assume RED HERRING. As, I assume, was the film itself. It’s the vocal suggestion beforehand (along with the re-dubbed descriptions in the earlier audience tricks) that did the work, I think. Assuming it DID do the work. Anyone affected? September 18, 2009 at 9:29 pm #103350 Danny StephensonKeymaster This is the weird thing. I didn’t think this would work. Or rather didn’t think it COULD work. I wasn’t glued to my seat as such. But it did take a shitload of energy to actually stand up. Very weird. Not quite sure what to think of it. Might watch the +1 and see if the same thing happens… September 18, 2009 at 9:34 pm #103351 BeligiumParticipant Well, part of it was the way you were sat, it takes effort to get up from that position if you are sat correctly, combined with the suggestion that you will find it difficult to stand up… September 18, 2009 at 9:39 pm #103352 JamesTCParticipant In the entire country atleast one person must have had diarrhea or felt ill or something and was then stuck to the seat followed by an unfortunate happenstance. September 18, 2009 at 9:45 pm #103354 CarlitoParticipant I’m waiting for the lawsuits… people who are still stuck to their seats right now lol Or those who got stuck to their seats, while their houses burnt down around them… expect a bunch of self-righteous Freddie Krueger lookalikes with lawyers gracing the news media for the next few months… September 18, 2009 at 9:47 pm #103355 Danny StephensonKeymaster The Derren Brown Noise, would be a fantastic idea!! “How to Make the Nation Shit Themselves” September 19, 2009 at 8:51 am #103369 siParticipant I haven’t seen it yet. I’ve read about about people feeling ‘trippy’ and a bit sick, and bearing in mind my recent health problems (that and the fact that everyone’s saying that it was shit), I’m in two minds whether to watch it or not. September 19, 2009 at 10:22 am #103371 ori-STUDFARMParticipant Don’t worry about it Si. Biggest anti-climax of my life…..well, biggest that involved a TV………and when I say TV I mean…… oh forget it! September 19, 2009 at 12:25 pm #103383 littlesmeggerParticipant My arms got stuck to my legs, but I wasn’t stuck to the chair… just felt a bit heavier. But I guess I’m someone who’s open to such suggestions. Sceptical people have already switched off and dismissed such events before they even try them. September 19, 2009 at 2:50 pm #103387 JoParticipant Well we watched it, I didn’t take part just observed. Cappsy and Ian *really* wanted it to work and yet they both stood up with ease. I don’t think it’s a case of being open or sceptical littlesmegger. September 19, 2009 at 3:17 pm #103391 Tarka DalParticipant > yet they both stood up with ease. Ye gods! A miracle. September 19, 2009 at 6:23 pm #103402 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant The only reason the people with Derren stayed sitting down was so they could stay on TV. Fact. I wound my girlfriend up by pretending to be stuck, like ‘oh my god…seriously I can’t move, I’m not even joking!’ It’s all bollocks though. The ‘subliminal’ was deliberately blurred so you wouldn’t even get dizzy by looking at it, which you WOULD normally do staring intently at something spinning like that. I loved the quick flashes of a person tied to a chair, as if that would affect anyone! The key, of course, was Derren talking directly to us deadly serious, his face filling the screen. It’s impossible for a spinning image to make people stick to their chairs, but it’s definitely possible to get people in a state of mind where they don’t want to move. Someone with authority basically giving you the instruction YOU WILL NOT MOVE DURING THIS FILM. If you’re concentrating enough on the whole show AND you’re a bit…choose the word carefully…it could very well have worked on you. September 20, 2009 at 1:12 am #103414 ori-STUDFARMParticipant I find that generally sitting and watching the TV makes me feel heavy and getting up is difficult. Even when Derren isn’t on! September 20, 2009 at 8:38 am #103419 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Worked a little for me. My arms felt very heavy on my legs, kind of like when you have an injection. Then cynicism kicked in and I stood up. Interesting. October 2, 2009 at 9:21 pm #103941 Pete Part ThreeParticipant ?!!? October 2, 2009 at 9:21 pm #103942 Danny StephensonKeymaster Proof that he is MORTAL! October 2, 2009 at 9:50 pm #103944 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Maybe that was the point… October 2, 2009 at 10:00 pm #103945 hummingbirdParticipant The only thing that Derren Brown has ever influenced me to do is change channels. October 2, 2009 at 10:38 pm #103948 AndrewParticipant How has this show been so continually bad at faking being live? It really shouldn’t be as difficult as they’re making it look. October 2, 2009 at 10:40 pm #103949 AndrewParticipant (That said, having the unused giant cheque in shot was hysterical.) 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