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    Fucking stupid. Whilst being simultaneously fucking genius! The way it ended was hilariously brilliant, bound to get everyone riled up. Deliberately setting out to piss off the viewers. It could have been executed better though, surely? Though why even go to the trouble of making it look more real when you know doing it this way will get people talking??

    The guy should have started crying at the end. Or maybe Derren should have cried. That would have made it funnier. The fake silence and ‘you’ll get your five grand back’ was pretty lame. The guy throwing a fit and storming away, they should have done that instead.

    Tarka Dal

    For those of us who do want to see the score, can someone explain what happened?


    I meant to watch this. I fell asleep. (Not through boredom though. Through late nights/early mornings. Still, nice sleep in on the morrow.)

    Pete Part Three

    In brief (because it’s sure to be on 4oD); a few days prior to transmission, Derren had hypnotised a member of the public (“Ben”) into giving him ?5000 and then forgetting they’d ever met. During the live transmission, Derren “reminded” Ben of this, and then told him he would be placing the 5K on a number on a roulette table in a casino. Due to various reasons, the casino and Derren’s actual location could not be named and the actual gambling would be filmed by hidden camera.

    Derren explained his various “methods” for guessing the number that the ball would land on (“it’s no an exact science”…or a science at all) and then came the gamble.

    And he lost. But only just. He guessed the number NEXT to the one it landed on. Which, if you think about it, still SEEMS mighty impressive and slightly more believable

    The show ended in deathly silence with Derren apologising to Ben for losing his money and telling him they would pay him back.

    >The guy should have started crying at the end

    I think he was the only genuine thing in the last twenty minutes. Not a stooge.

    Tarka Dal



    > I think he was the only genuine thing in the last twenty minutes. Not a stooge.

    I felt exactly the opposite! Didn’t believe him, his reactions. But I’m also totally unconvinced that the live footage actually was live. Didn’t buy the ‘I’m answering my landline while watching Derren’s show in a convenient TV-phone-and-window shot (sans curtains) while failing to notice the camera guys on the other side of my single-glazing’ stuff…and if it wasn’t live, there’s no way he could have been genuine.


    > Due to various reasons, the casino and Derren?s actual location could not be named

    Those ‘reasons’ most likely being that it was just a setup in a warehouse in Hackney or somewhere.


    I think he was in the first truck, next door to the stooge’s. :)


    Yeah, that would be most likely!


    Was there one this Friday, too? Obviously DJ took priority ;)…
    Derren Brown is amazing. I have touched him. Other than that very useful contribution, I’m not sure whether I believed that Derren actually fucked up. He often pretends to have made a big mistake, only to reveal that what he was in fact predicting or controlling is a completely differnt (and more impressive) variable. In this case, if it was actually live, I’m not so sure.
    “The Events” are not his most impressive work. The “glued to the chair” thing did nothing for me, and the Lottery numbers… well… logic says that it had to be fixed. The explanation he gave made very little sense…


    You have a thing for touching people, don’t you? Craig Charles, Derren Brown… Anyone else you wish to tell us about?

    For the record, I have touched Eddie Izzard and Mark Gatiss.


    Hope everyone has seen this – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Cc6Bof2_0

    Better than the entire Events series?? Maybe.


    Well, it’s not enough to meet these people, I have to touch them too! It solidifies the experience, or something. David Tennant is next on the list, anyway…

    Pete Part Three

    I can’t believe Derren is a Family Guy fan. He’s just dropped exponentially in my estimations.


    > David Tennant is next on the list, anyway?

    What is it with you WOMEN?????

    > He?s just dropped exponentially in my estimations.



    Well. You can’t diss the Tennant! Would YOU kick him out of bed?
    If it helps, I would also love to touch Angelina Jolie, Kate Beckinsale and a host of other ladies. But I feel that Tennant is more accessible at the moment, probably because he’s British or something…


    My head’s gone all swimmy.

    Tarka Dal

    See mine just froze about here… “Kate Beckinsale”


    > Would YOU kick him out of bed?

    Erm … possibly. He just doesn’t appeal to me.
    Of course it all depends how long I’d gone without.


    Well, if you’re ever in a position to kick him out of bed, just send him my way. It’s not so much his looks, I just think he’s lovely.
    Yeah, Kate Beckinsale is the sex. But possibly harder to meet/touch. Apparently Angelina Jolie ate at a restaurant in my village in Wales during the filming of Tomb Raider 2!

    Tarka Dal

    What if he grew his hair?


    Will you stop! I don’t have a long haired man fetish. It just so happens to… happen that way. That or the guys I get on with are the kind of guys who have long hair. Yeah. David Tennant would look silly with long hair :)

    Danny Stephenson

    David Tennant would look silly with long hair :)

    He would look more like Richard Hammond…


    Hahah, they do remind me of one another… and Richard Hammond looks a bit strange with longish hair too!


    Richard Hammond looked okay to a point, but I saw a new photo of him at the weekend, and he looked absolutely ridiculous.


    He’s the thinking womans David Tennant / Princess Diana.


    You’re comparing David Tennant to Princess Diana?


    One down…


    i thought trena was comparing richard hammond to both david tennant and princess diana. tennant, because they look a bit alike, and diana, because they both survived a nasty car crash. oh, di didn’t, did she? sorry.


    > oh, di didn?t, did she?

    She survived the crash. But not the heart attack-inducing injection later on.


    Meh. I was attempting controversy, never been my strong point. Plus, twelve years is hardly cutting edge comedy.


    I was just meandering on an Adrian Mole bon mot I remember from my youth.

    Carol Vorderman is the thinking mans Princess Diana.

    Never mind, I meander alot in my own autistically induced way.


    > Carol Vorderman is the thinking mans Princess Diana.

    Seriously? Carol Vorderman?
    They may be thinking but I can’t imagaine *what* they’re thinking.


    Two from the top, several round the bottom or something, yada yada yada.

    Jonathan Capps

    Carol Vorderman is a fucking idiot.


    Compared to who or what, Multivac?


    Carol Vorderman… needs to dress for her age. But she does look good for it. However old she is.
    Are there any more Derren Brown Events on? I don’t have a TV.


    I hope not, he’s bloody awful now.

    Like most niche entertainers, once they go mainstream, they lose a certain ‘everything’.


    Yeah, he was better in the old days, doing live shows and series on Channel 4. Before he got into doing all those live shows and series on Channel 4.


    Every time I hear the words ‘live event’, I reach for my bottle opener.


    > Yeah, he was better in the old days, doing live shows and series on Channel 4. Before he got into doing all those live shows and series on Channel 4.

    Lol, I was already typing ‘what the fuck are you talking about’ before I read the second sentence. Totally correct. It wouldn’t really be possible for him to go ‘mainstream’ unless he completely changed his act. Say he co-devised and developed a Saturday night entertainment/gameshow with bullshit psychology as it’s selling point. Or if HE had been the host of Deal Or No Deal! One of the Events should have been him sneaking someone into a game of Deal Or No Deal and winning the ?250,000 going off Derren’s cues. Or not.

    Tarka Dal

    No come on that’s not really true is it. Yes he’s on the same channel, but he has become more mainstream. His old shows used to be tucked away around midnight in the scheduled, were a lot less gimmicky and a lot less advertised. If you asked the general public who Derrin Brown is and asked the same question aboul Paul Xenon a lot more would know who Brown is, yet they used to have comparable sized shows.


    Most people still don’t know who Derren is. Then again these are mostly the same people who haven’t heard of Dwarf, their idea of good TV being X Factor and Hollyoaks, so you know…
    Derren more mainstream? I don’t know. I think he might just be taking advantage of the offers he’s had, better showing hours, airtime, whatever. But his material is getting a bit less impressive at the moment… predicting the Lottery numbers is impressive, of course, but nobody actually believes he did that, right? Mind you, you should still go see his live show, it’s a different experience actually being in the room, seeing people from the audience fall for the stuff you watch on TV and think is all fake. Unless most of the audience were stooges… nah.
    The sad thing is that it’s very hard to find a nice, underrated thing (book, TV show, band) and keep them as your own forever – eventually, it seems, some producer realises there’s an opportunity and cashes in on it, the band/star/author sells out, and then really annoying people start talking about it as if it’s a totally new thing.


    Oh yeah, and then it gets shit.


    I only watched the first event. Recorded the other three, but not seen them yet, not sure when/if I will.


    > Yes he?s on the same channel, but he has become more mainstream.

    But I wouldn’t say he’s lost it. I didn’t care much for The Events, but he’s been ‘mainstream-minded’ all along, in that his act’s always been about getting attention from as many as possible; he’s not targeted niche. It’s not like he was TRYING to be small-time, it’s just that that’s where you have to start.

    Getting the success you work for doesn’t automatically go along with an abandonment of core principals or skills. And since his recent regular series have been excellent, I’m certainly happy to disagree that ‘going mainstream’ (as if that were a deliberate change as opposed to what happens when lots of people watch what you’re doing) means that you ‘lose everything’ that made you good in the first place.

    Tarka Dal

    Yeah I’ll go along with that. Although I did much prefer the earlier shows. They seemed more honest, which I realise is a stupid thing to suggest about Derrin Brown.


    Lulling us into a false sense of security… sometimes I really suspect that the man is evil, other times I just think he’s very, very clever.

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