Home Forums Ganymede & Titan Forum Regarding the eighth of an inch Rimmer’s hair grows over the course of series IV

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  • #1888

    Sorry. I just miss tonguetied.

    Ian Symes

    That’s good, Phil, thanks. Cappsy, what do you think about this topic?

    Jonathan Capps

    Why are you being horrible to me? Do not attack me with your foul mouth, my friend. I’m reporting you to the site’s owner.

    Pete Part Three

    boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about boring long paragraph about bollocks no one cares about.

    The Disillusionist

    ‘Ganymede & Titan: Always a Warm Welcome, Sign Up Today!’

    I wonder if he still checks back now and then. Actually, it seems quite common for a member to post a few times then disappear forever, not that I’m complaining. Trying not to become another of them but can’t think of anything to post… Well, carry on.

    Pete Part Three

    Maybe this site should be renamed to “Son of Clique”.


    When is the official site going to update it’s Blue Midget entry to include the original version, Andrew?

    Ian Symes

    People *are* assured of a warm welcome on here, just as long as they’re not twats.

    Danny Stephenson

    I’m going to let you off, Ian, this time. But rest assured, next time, I will let you off again, Ian. Ian.

    What do you think of Rimmer’s hair growth during the run of Series IV of the Sci-fi/comedy/drama series of Red Dwarf, Ian? Given that I will have already formed an opinion on the subject matter that is the subject of Rimmer’s hair growth during the run of Series IV of the sci-fi/comedy/drama series of Red Dwarf, I will ask certain members of the forum indivually of their opinions given the fact that i will have already formed an opinion.

    I will not be bullied, Ian. :)


    > Maybe this site should be renamed to ?Son of Clique?.

    You’re going to get hurt for this…


    > People *are* assured of a warm welcome on here, just as long as they?re not twats.

    Surely that’s being a little twatist? Twattage is practiced by a great many, you know. Twat.


    Ain’t no place…for twats


    Well my fellow dwarf fans I’m back, and I’m bad! Obviously, within certain
    sensible pre-set parameters…! And yes Andrew when are you going to update Blue Midget you never did get back to me. Hello Ian, I hope your not still upset over our itty bitty tiff we had, as I myself of course bear no grudges. Interesting topic I must say. I can only say that old AJ’s hair is due to the fact that he either wanted a change, ie he decided what the smeg. Or it’s just a continuity error on Chris Barrie’s part and his make up. P.S.it’s nice that you guys were remembering me…in some way or another.

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