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    Was looking through the Fall 2011 trailers and came across this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6aNEIZwPFc

    It could either be amazing or amazingly awful… I’m hoping it’s the first :o)


    Looks promising, I hope it turns out to be even better than just good. If it’s awful, though, it’s going to be one hell of a disappointment. The majority of comments I saw on youtube are guessing it’s going to get cancelled after 3 episodes, but to me it looks like it could be another Lost… Then again, maybe it’ll be seen as a knock off and panned by the critics for that very reason. Oh well, here’s to hoping!


    It looked good until I saw the dinosaurs. Will check it out though, hopefully it’ll win me over.


    Hmmm…Blade Runner meets Jurassic Park with a dash of Lost. It looks interesting enough for me to watch, I’m just wondering if we didn’t see all the good parts in the trailer, though.


    Meh. Doesn’t look too good to me. Plus, I can’t get away from the idea that the leader looks like Hank Scorpio.

    Plastic Percy

    Surely this is the baddies plot in the 1974 Doctor Who serial ‘Invasion of the Dinosaurs’?

    And the basic premise of 2000ad’s ‘Flesh!’.

    Jonathan Capps



    And the basic premise of 2000ad’s ‘Flesh!’.

    I suppose there’s a similarity in the sense they both seem to be based around dinosaurs attacking a community of people (although that pretty much a given for most dinosaur/human stories if you think about it). Thing is… Flesh hasn’t made it to the telly, although that might not be a bad idea.

    Anyone seen the recent Flesh strip by the way? (It just fished a couple of issues back.) Not bad, although I found it a bit uneven, for want of a better word.

    Jonathan Capps

    > Anyone seen the recent Flesh strip



    Heh. Completely missed that…

    Me and my fast fingers.*

    *Now my mind has been switched into dirty mode, that sentence looks rude too.

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