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    Watching the Directors Cut now. I’m shocked at how similar the edits are to the Directors Cut i did. Two edits most noticeably. The one where Cat is saying ‘It’s about this big…..no this big…’ He then says ‘Man it was just….’ then in the Directors Cut Rimmer cuts in straight away saying ‘BIG?’ instead of Cat saying ‘What’s the right word?’ The second one is the cutting of Cats Monkey Boy speech which i also did. A few others matched up too. Not exact edits, but edits being in the same places where i did them, just not as drastic as mine.

    I’m not saying anything at all, i’m just chuffed that i think along the same lines as Doug. Either that or they copied me, bwuahahahahah….na never.


    > …naughty skutter.

    Shhhh! Haha.


    > The second one is the cutting of Cats Monkey Boy speech which i also did.

    I’m really glad that was excised, even though ‘monkey boy’ harks back to days of old. By that stage in the scene the whole thing feels too long.

    Btw, all the knobs who screamed “BLADE RUNNER HAD NAFF ALL INFLUENCE ON DWARF’S CREATION” have just been pwned by Doug’s commentary where he states otherwise.

    It was also extremely cool to have the stories regarding Norman and the whole BBC not interested in the 8 million audience it used to get etc. set in stone once and for all by Doug. It seriously is BEYOND the realms of infuriation how close the movie got to being made and how at least some people at the BBC wanted the re-sign Dwarf. Damn and blast. Anyway, like Doug said, time to move on.


    Anyone notice that when Doug is talking about Norman, he gets faded out. You could tell he was building up to have a moan about him, and he probably did, we just didn’t get to hear it :(


    Nice EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXTRODINARY! at the end of the cast’s commentary, along with the “until next time” comment which is starting to [as we’ve seen in the last couple of hours] come to light more and more vividly.

    Pete Part Three

    >Btw, all the knobs who screamed ?BLADE RUNNER HAD NAFF ALL INFLUENCE ON DWARF?S CREATION? have just been pwned by Doug?s commentary where he states otherwise.

    Phew, that excuses cocksucking the film for a full ten minutes, then.


    > I think my new favourite thing is Sophie Winkleman?s outtakes.

    This This This x10000000000.


    Got mine, loved the director’s cut, watched all of the documentaries, would’ve liked the extended bunk room scene to be included, well maybe in the 25 anniversary cranially remastered ultimate cut.

    Squeaky Gibson

    fingers crossed mine should be with me wednesday, I decided to get one of eBay in the end. didn’t wanna fork out too much, as i’m sure i’ll get Blu-ray release as well once it’s come out. can’t wait to watch Director’s Cut with Commentary


    Who gets theirs last?


    Your mother.


    > Your mother.

    Stop making me laugh out loud at 3.34am please.


    I just ordered mine from CD-WOW. They’ve discounted it to ?8.99! I’m not sure how long the sale will last so I snapped it up quick.

    Thanks to Mrs Barrie on the main site forum for posting.

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