G&T messes up News Posted by John Hoare on 19th May 2003, 00:00 Guess what was on yesterday? Something that we announced ages ago? Chris Barrie, driving the car of his dreams, on Top Gear? Something that not only did we forget to remind you lot that it was on, but completely forgot to watch ourselves? Gah. Anyway, the episode is repeated on UK Horizons in a few weeks – we’ll catch it then, and make sure we warn you lot about it as well. Thanks to Peter Naulls, aka Chocky, for the info. Expect a new section to be added to G&T next month, similar to the official site’s Dwarf Tracker, but also containing details of guest appearances on various shows by the cast. And whatever you do, don’t go back and see how we took the piss out of that website for mentioning Chris Berry, after our latest mistake. It’s too painful. Onto today’s updates. The capsule for Balance of Power is now online. And an article has been added to the Movie section – Model Behaviour, possibly the dodgiest name for an article we’ve come up with, which is an opinion piece detailing our reaction to the revelation that the movie will use a varient of the Re-mastered version of Red Dwarf. Get in contact if you disagree – we’d like to know what you think, as that’s part of the point of being ridiculously opinionated and offensive. More stuff tomorrow. Oh, and according to Ian, Norman Lovett is “a genius”. Expect his report in the next couple of days. He’s still a bastard.