I claim my prize, my lord News Posted by Ian Symes on 27th July 2005, 20:27 GNP sent this to my home address a few weeks ago. But I only got it yesterday, due to the fact that I’ve been off shagging and suchlike. Click on this entry to see some gorgeous chunks of loveliness… Once again, I need to point out that this isn’t a film by me. It’s a film by Jonathan Capps, John Hoare, Tanya Jones, Kirk Northrop, Seb Patrick, Austin Ross and me; it’s just that I filled in the form. I am the best out of them lot, though. Interesting that it’s been classified as a documentary. Must have been more realistic than we thought…
Ellard’s secretary must have spent minutes knocking those up in MS Word. It’s just a shame that only one name could go on it, I mean it’s not like they had to print off loads of them or anything. Whose idea was that?
> Ellard’s secretary Oh, I’d love that. I’m going to ask for one. Auditions…sorry, INTERVIEWS begin next week. > must have spent minutes knocking those up in MS Word. Well the envelope and card are props, not certioficates. They were used in Doug’s intro – not meant to be seen close-up or anything (hence the text not relating entriely to the comp – there was no real ‘documentary’ category.) We thought that, as a Dwarf-ish prop, it would make for a nice extra gift to the winners. > It’s just a shame that only one name could go on it, Not my area, but the rules of the competition were that one person had to be responsible (legally, I guess, rather than creatively) for each film. Ian directed, and it is (supposedly) a director’s medium. To be honest, most other films WERE the product of one person, with friends just acting or whatever. The co-written script was something of a rarity.
Doug Naylor’s going to say your name, and not the rest of ours, on DVD, isn’t he? We should have had a Race Around The World to decide who got to put their name on the form…
Ian did the most work anyway. Him and Flib deserve the biggest medal. I think you probably did the next amount, Seb. I think I did pretty much the least. Still, hooray for my “acting” “skills”.
I’m sure Ian can stick it in a photocopier. Hopefully it’s still in a pristine state. Mind you, it *is* laminated. …I can’t quite believe I’ve just done that joke.
> Doug Naylor’s going to say your name, and not the rest of ours, on DVD, isn’t he? It hadn’t even occured to me that Doug might say my name. hrghp,kgsymhgph,ktgh;