The skutter toy. Squirty willy!Read this. Look at the pictures. Have a wank if necessary. That is all. No news yet on whether the VIII gift set will be avaliable in Regions 1 (release date May 2nd) and 4 (March or April) – but R2 is getting it on March 27th, so for fucks sake import it if it isn’t. Expect G&T to be updated even less when this is released, as most of my time will be spent pulling it back and watching it cross my desk.

Sadly, when showing Tanya this story, whilst she expressed excitement, she also whined that she wanted a remote control one, like a certain Dalek toy she’s got. Which would be excellent. But then, she also expressed a wish for a family of die-cast skutters, with a Mummy skutter, Daddy skutter, and baby skutters, as seen in Parallel Universe. What a NERD.

Actually, it’s a shame these aren’t coming out seperately as well. As we both want one on our desks at work, we’ll have to buy two copies of VIII and sell one on Ebay, minus toy…

7 comments on “Prototype Skutter Toy!

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  • >for fucks sake import it if it isn’t.

    But what about all us region oners who have been collecting our DVDs as they come out? We’ll interrupt the continuity of our packaging!

  • *Must own one* I’m actually expecting one of those Daleks for Christmas…oh sorry, you’re not meant to use that word anymore…I mean I’m expecting one as a Winter Holiday present.

    By the way, everyone better be watching The friggin Christmas Invasion. I think I’m just gonna tell everyone to fuck off and lock myself in a darkened room for an hour because I know that I won’t get to watch it properly otherwise. I was like that when Dalek was broadcast.

  • > But what about all us region oners who have been collecting our DVDs as they come out? We’ll interrupt the continuity of our packaging!

    Get both!

    I too will have to lock myself away to watch The Christmas Invasion – there’s no way my parents will keep quiet for 40 minutes.

  • The problem I have is that most of my family will want to watch it, too, so I’ll look like an antisocial bastard if I hide in my room.

    On the other hand, I’d probably end up murdering the entire room the minute someone says something which interupts my concentration. Murder tends to be quite a social faux pas, these days so maybe it’s best I seclude myself.

  • *Must own one* I’m actually expecting one of those Daleks for Christmas…oh sorry, you’re not meant to use that word anymore…I mean I’m expecting one as a Winter Holiday present.

    It’s mad correctness gone political!

    there’s no way my parents will keep quiet for 40 minutes.

    One hour, lad, one hour!

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