Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › Doctor Who – End of Time Broadcast Discussion Search for: This topic has 335 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Ben Paddon. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 336 total) 1 2 3 … 5 6 7 Author Posts December 26, 2009 at 10:26 pm #107350 AndrewParticipant I’m aghast that 10m could be classed ‘not that good’. Third biggest Who overnghts ever, likely to have the biggest PVRs to follow (those increase tangably each Xmas, so could get close to 2m this time.) Plus BBC HD stats aren’t added, and this is the first HD Xmas episode. Given the story points I mentioned – which play to existing viewers rather than drawing in newbies the way the last two years’ easy-sell high-concepts could – it seems postivitely solid. It may have been beaten, but it wasn’t trounced. December 27, 2009 at 12:18 am #107352 DessieParticipant I just hope viewers who don’t normally watch Doctor Who aren’t put off by this episode. To a new viewer it would have been nonsense which although isn’t a bad thing it was definitely less accessible than other specials. December 27, 2009 at 12:34 am #107353 JamesTCParticipant I just expected better ratings after all the publicity. I don’t see why a more continuity heavy episode would turn people away and cause lower ratings (until next week), it isn’t like it opens with a warning saying “You better know you spectrox from your rutan”, they need to watch it first to know it is. 10m is good for the usual program but for the show that in previous years has attracted 11+ and has had all the people from it on talk shows and plastered all over TV, you couldn’t move without seeing Tennant on something over christmas and then you have all of the christmas idents. December 27, 2009 at 2:58 am #107357 GwynnieParticipant Let’s see how many people watch part 2 before we judge… December 27, 2009 at 2:59 am #107356 AndrewParticipant > 10m is good for the usual program 10m has never happened for the usual programme. Not on overnights. It would be exceptional and unprecidented. Only two eps – both specials – have topped it. To see this as bad, as opposed to within a margin of reasonable fluctuation – you have to ignore that fact, and the PVR rise, AND the HD issue. As to the show being continuity heavy, the publicity was pretty clearly not about One Simple Idea. That the trails and clips didn’t give a simple ‘what this is about’ is a dead giveaway. Not just in a conscious way, but in idle discussion, where Tennant dies…but not for another week” is the only clear hook. I guess the hook is doom and foreboding. But I don’t see how that’s an easy sell compared to a disaster movie Who with Kylie in it or the glee of two Doctors battling cybermen in period London. Tennant could replace the Queen for her speech and it still wouldn’t change that But people still watched in droves – in numbers that will end up close to the other two big Christmas eps. December 27, 2009 at 3:00 am #107358 JamesTCParticipant Which is up against Coronation Street as I said before, big gamble there especially as it was that show that killed it in the 80s (well that and the A-Team). December 27, 2009 at 3:34 am #107361 JamesTCParticipant The Times on the ratings “fail” (not my words, theirs) yesterday – http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/tv_and_radio/article6968533.ece December 27, 2009 at 10:10 am #107364 CarlitoParticipant To all those saying it was inaccessible to new viewers, I’m not saying I’m reflective of the general viewer, but I didn’t struggle with it at all and that’s the first full episode I’ve seen. I’ve seen Torchwood before, and sections of some Who eps, but it was still quite an alien experience to me, yet I enjoyed it enough to watch Part 2 next week. December 27, 2009 at 4:14 pm #107367 Nick RParticipant David Tennant was on Desert Island Discs today. One of his selections was Tim Minchin’s new Christmas song… which he also played when he (and Catherine Tate) hosted Jonathan Ross’s Radio 2 show yesterday. How many BBC appearances over Christmas does that make? I count… – Dr Who (x2) – Hamlet – Those BBC idents – Catherine Tate’s Nan’s Christmas Carol – QI – Never Mind the Buzzcocks – “Who On Who” (next Tuesday) – Jonathan Ross’ radio 2 show – Desert Island Discs Good for him, I say – very few actors can even dream of being in the public eye that much (and for their work rather than tabloid Sleb gossip, at that). December 27, 2009 at 4:26 pm #107368 TheLeenParticipant Harry Potter IV was on German telly today and yesterday. December 27, 2009 at 4:50 pm #107370 pfmParticipant He’s making the most of it because I doubt we’ll be seeing him much at all on British TV for a while. He was decent as Hamlet. December 27, 2009 at 6:37 pm #107380 ChrisMParticipant I watched the latest Doctor Who Confidential last night and while it was interesting enough, I wish they’d left out the Time Lord spoiler. It’s stuff that was suggested at the end of this episode, but still subject to some interpretation. That being said there’s still room to be surprised. December 27, 2009 at 6:52 pm #107382 hummingbirdParticipant > He was decent as Hamlet. A little more than decent, I’d say. It was a great performance. December 28, 2009 at 1:02 am #107392 pfmParticipant > A little more than decent, I?d say. It was a great performance. Yeah, I could only say ‘decent’ because I only saw a bit of it. I’m gonna watch the whole thing on iPlayer when/if I get time (which I probably won’t…). December 29, 2009 at 12:05 am #107398 AndrewParticipant > Dunno if it?s been posted but there?s a clip from the next episode on there. I actually regret watching that. Not often I feel that way – and it’s from the start of the main ep, so it’s hardly secret stuff – but it gives you an awful lot in a short time. If you’ve not seen it yet, I recommend not doing. December 29, 2009 at 1:12 am #107401 Kris CarterParticipant I don’t regret watching that clip – but then again, I’m an utter and total spoiler junkie. December 29, 2009 at 11:24 am #107403 steven87gillParticipant Andrew >I actually regret watching that. Not often I feel that way – and it?s from the start of the main ep, so it?s hardly secret stuff – but it gives you an awful lot in a short time. If you?ve not seen it yet, I recommend not doing. I’ve seen it and i concur, I’m just hoping that RTD doesn’t treat the timelords like the other end of season baddies and are brought back only to be conviniently got rid off in 45 mins. After watching that clip, i’m not keeping my hopes up. December 29, 2009 at 12:25 pm #107404 AndrewParticipant Ah well, at least we’re having two very different interpretations as to what that clip gives away. (I don’t expect the Time Lords to be dumped again. Now they’re back, they’re back – leaving the Whoniverse as RTD found it.) December 29, 2009 at 4:34 pm #107405 ChrisMParticipant RTD gave away the nature of the Timelords in this shows ‘Confidential’ episode too. Mind you, he was basically confirming what was strongly suggested by the end of the episode anyway, but I’m hoping for shades of grey. And to be fair, the clip I saw did suggest that to some extent, i.e. the leader does what he does for benefit his own people, and there was a woman with a strong moral centre. I know the Timelords became corrupted to some extent in the sense that they became a self-centred introverted race, but, apart from the odd megalomaniac here and there, they’re not particularly evil are they, any more than humanity I mean? Sure the main ‘timelord’ episodes might involve the said megalomaniacs*, but they were the exception weren’t they? Wasn’t that kind of their point? Like the Doctor in a sense. To be fair, the only other time Lords I’ve encountered are Omega and The Master. (I’ve heard of The Rani and The Monk but I haven’t seen those episodes.) I do remember a Tom Baker episode set entirely on Galifrey without any companions. I didn’t watch it all the way through (I was tired at the time and dropped off. And it kind of dragged,) but it involved a kind of total immersion prison computer. (Nice to see the concept of entire personality downloads existed way back then, fitting with the whole Hob Watch and Master’s Ring concepts of modern Who, by the way.) The Timelords in that episode tended towards pomposity but showed the same range of morality as us. *I haven’t seen enough Old Who to say this for sure. December 29, 2009 at 4:39 pm #107407 Steve HarrisParticipant Confused, surprised and entertained in equal measure. It somehow seemed a step away from the normal way of things and came across as a tad cluttered. As always, the question is, how are they going to cram in all the answers and have a satifactory conclussion in 45 minutes. Surely any story involving the Time Lords deserves more time, but, as Andrew mentioned, maybe they’re back for good. A world of Simms sounds familiar! Perhaps a planet of Masters is a tad silly but it was done well and made for an amusing sight with the various states of ‘dress’. What I’m looking forward to most is finding out why Bernard Cribbens is so drawn to the Doctor. December 29, 2009 at 5:11 pm #107409 ChrisMParticipant As to whether or not the Timelords are back for good, I kind of hope they are. However, this depends a lot on how they’re brought back. If the Master has turned the entire human race into timelords, i.e. himself, is it possible those people will be later altered further into individual timelords? I.e. the species DNA is in place already. Dalton’s character appears to be narrating events that have happened. Could they actually all be former human bodies with uploaded personalities/DNA? If that’s the case, I’m sure they’re not back for good as it’s certain humanity will be restored. Of course for this to be true, a third player needs to subvert the Master’s plans for their own ends. Then there was Wilfred, the ‘soldier who didn’t arrive in time.’ He obviously thought it was a reference to WW2, but I thought it might be a reference to the Time War. A time-lord sleeper agent maybe, prepared for a second chance? Sure he’s a sweet old man, but so was the human incarnation of The Master before the whole Fob watch incident. December 29, 2009 at 5:36 pm #107411 JamesTCParticipant >What I?m looking forward to most is finding out why Bernard Cribbens is so drawn to the Doctor. Because he never bloody leaves London, he has only bumped into him three times and they were all around the same area. Now Glitz he must be really important to the Doctor, he has bumped into him 3 times in totally different places. >I know the Timelords became corrupted to some extent in the sense that they became a self-centred introverted race, but, apart from the odd megalomaniac here and there, they?re not particularly evil are they, any more than humanity I mean? Sure the main ?timelord? episodes might involve the said megalomaniacs*, but they were the exception weren?t they? Wasn?t that kind of their point? Like the Doctor in a sense. To be fair, the only other time Lords I?ve encountered are Omega and The Master. (I?ve heard of The Rani and The Monk but I haven?t seen those episodes.) From memory these stories have rogue Time Lords – ‘The Time Meddler’/’The Dalek Masterplan’ – The Meddling Monk appears. ‘The War Games’ – A rogue Time Lord tries to find the best fighter by pitting groups of armies from earth against eachother. Later in the story the actual Time Lords from Gallifrey arrive and they are sort of rogue, they put the Doctor on trial for meddling through time and force a regeneration, it is part of their laws so if they are rogue is debatable. ‘Terror of the Autons’ onwards – The Master appears. ‘The Three Doctors’/’Arc of Infinity’ – Omega appears, sort of rogue, he is more unfortunate, he was stuck in a different dimension and went crazy, he is praised by Time Lords as a hero. ‘The Five Doctors’ – Borusa places the Doctor in various incarnation and loads of enemies in the death zone so he can gain immortality from the tomb of Rassilon. ‘The Trial of a Time Lord’ – The High Council of Gallifrey are rogue until the end of the story in which they are diposed, The Valeyard is a rogue too. In most of those stories it is really just one crazy guy wanting power except in ‘The Trial of a Time Lord’ in which the entire council are evil, I guess either it is the same here or they are have an evil president in charge. December 29, 2009 at 7:36 pm #107412 steven87gillParticipant Andrew >Ah well, at least we?re having two very different interpretations as to what that clip gives away. (I don?t expect the Time Lords to be dumped again. Now they?re back, they?re back – leaving the Whoniverse as RTD found it.) I really do hope so, and i think i .might’ve. worked out what the knocking in the masters head actually is now, based on the clip and the preview of part II I’m still no wiser as to what on earth the four knocks for the Doctor is though. And hats of to the casting of Timothy Dalton as a timelord, which was frankly a masterstroke. I got chills listening to his speech at the end. December 29, 2009 at 10:04 pm #107416 Tarka DalParticipant >> Because he never bloody leaves London, he has only bumped into him three times and they were all around the same area. Now Glitz he must be really important to the Doctor, he has bumped into him 3 times in totally different places. I think given that it was directly referenced mentioning that Wilf’s character is tied to the Doctor in some way is fair game. >> Now they?re back, they?re back – leaving the Whoniverse as RTD found it.) This. It wouldn’t make sense to do anything else. >> And hats of to the casting of Timothy Dalton as a timelord, which was frankly a masterstroke. I got chills listening to his speech at the end. Absolutely. Although they could have possible used a take where he doesn’t splutter a huge amount of gob whilst delivering his big speech. December 30, 2009 at 2:12 am #107417 JamesTCParticipant http://blogtorwho.blogspot.com/2009/12/end-of-time-part-two-clip_30.html New clip. In a word, beautiful. December 30, 2009 at 8:22 am #107418 PongoParticipant “You could be byoootiful.” Here’s hoping the Eleventh Doctor doesn’t have Ten’s yen for catchphrases. December 30, 2009 at 1:45 pm #107419 Tanya JonesParticipant >Absolutely. Although they could have possible used a take where he doesn?t splutter a huge amount of gob whilst delivering his big speech. Ah, the beauty of HD. I found myself ducking. December 30, 2009 at 2:50 pm #107422 ChrisMParticipant Ducks do well in water. Boom tsssssh! I wouldn’t mind but he doesn’t spit only once! (After my awful joke I just noticed Tanya’s avatar too. The pun that just goes on giving. Somebody shoot me.) December 30, 2009 at 3:58 pm #107425 pfmParticipant I loved the spittle! Even if it kind of gives away the character’s slant. He can’t spit like that and be nice. It’s president evil bastard time! Although did we really expect the Master’s son to be a good guy? It’s not hard to believe. December 30, 2009 at 4:12 pm #107426 ChrisMParticipant Master’s son? Looks like I missed something there. December 30, 2009 at 5:54 pm #107427 pfmParticipant I’m just messing. That’s my theory for who Dalton is. December 30, 2009 at 6:40 pm #107429 Ben PaddonParticipant “Is that theory yours?” “Yes. I built it. Do you like it?” “It’s crap, son.” December 30, 2009 at 9:44 pm #107433 steven87gillParticipant My theory is that The ‘Doc 10 likes being 10 and doesn’t want to regenerate/seeing it as dying’ storyline is a sort of meta in reference to the publics reluctance to let tennant go and accept a new face. I liked the fact that it was the departing Eccleston who says goodbye and the new guy Tennant who remindes/reassures us that ‘it’s still me, i haven’t gone anywhere/ died ect ect.’ Hoping they do that here. December 31, 2009 at 1:08 am #107444 GwynnieParticipant I turned on the TV the other day and they were showing an old Weakest Link with Who cast. I couldn’t stop watching… December 31, 2009 at 2:17 pm #107460 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Ok, so presumably the woman who kept on appearing to Wilf is a Time Lady? Just watched part 1 again and it’s a bit telling that there’s two women behind Tim Dalton covering their faces. Also, surely, that radiation lock has ~something~ to do with the regeneration? The whole thing about one person having to let the other one out is fair enough, but its explanation seemed a little clunky considering what else was occurring. December 31, 2009 at 4:42 pm #107464 JamesTCParticipant If the Master is dying then why doesn’t he just regenerate, he was brought back by the Time Lords presumably with 12 more regenerations, he has used 1. December 31, 2009 at 4:59 pm #107466 pfmParticipant I’d like to see the Master killed outright here. I highly doubt Moffat would want to use him anyway (after Jacobi and Simm wherever they went with the character would be boring, it wouldn’t top that), and it would be great for RTD to end his tenure by leaving his mark on Whodom with something ballsy and permanent. December 31, 2009 at 5:07 pm #107467 JamesTCParticipant >I?d like to see the Master killed outright here. I highly doubt Moffat would want to use him anyway (after Jacobi and Simm wherever they went with the character would be boring, it wouldn?t top that), and it would be great for RTD to end his tenure by leaving his mark on Whodom with something ballsy and permanent. If you think just because the Master dies it is permanent then you don’t know Who. The Master was killed at the end of all these stories – ‘Planet of Fire’ ‘Mark of the Rani’ (not actually killed but just about to die by a dinosaur inside the Ranis TARDIS) ‘Survival’ ‘The TV Movie’ ‘Last of the Time Lords’ Just because a character dies it doesn’t mean they die forever, same for the Daleks, killed forever more than once – ‘The Evil of the Daleks’ ‘Dalek’ ‘Parting of the Ways’ ‘Journeys End’ Hell the Cybermen were all killed in their first story and they returned. December 31, 2009 at 9:18 pm #107479 JamesTCParticipant After seeing the latest clips (which you can find on blogterwho.blogspot.com) I give my prediction on the four knocks – Wilf is the Doctors Dad under one of them chamelion things and when he arrives his heart beat is the four knocks of a Time Lord. Maybe the woman in white is his mother. Normally if I found out they were showing the Doctors Dad I’d cringe but if Wilf is his Dad then I’d be rather happy with that. December 31, 2009 at 9:26 pm #107480 RidleyParticipant …it would be great for RTD to end his tenure by leaving his mark on Whodom with something ballsy and permanent. Jack Harkness. December 31, 2009 at 9:51 pm #107484 JamesTCParticipant Torchwood Series 4. January 1, 2010 at 2:15 am #107488 Seb PatrickKeymaster I’M SO FUCKING EXCITED. THAT IS ALL. January 1, 2010 at 5:13 am #107489 JamesTCParticipant This episode will be the first I will watch when it is first aired all the way from start to finish since ‘Midnight’. So obviously I am more excited, mainly about Matt Smith though. January 1, 2010 at 5:26 am #107490 JamesTCParticipant http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/features/bulletins/bulletin_091231_01 January 1, 2010 at 5:31 am #107491 RidleyParticipant *clap* *clap* *clap* :D January 1, 2010 at 4:24 pm #107502 GwynnieParticipant 6.40pm? That’s longer away than I thought…. ah well, off I go to the house of a friend with an actual television. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (excited noise, just to avoid confusion) January 1, 2010 at 5:24 pm #107507 ChrisMParticipant Small spoiler: Apparently Russell Tovey will be back as the same character he played before. (The bit concerning Doctor Who is nearer the end of the article, it’s mainly concerned with Being Human. Series 2 starts quite soon by the way.) Considering he played an alien character (well, I assume he’s an alien being a crew-member of the Titanic spaceship… although there wasn’t much alien about those folks was there? Apart from the little cyborg conker guy.) I’m curious how he’ll fit in. Anyway, we’ll see soon. January 1, 2010 at 6:28 pm #107508 NitroChrisUKParticipant 10 mins to go !! January 1, 2010 at 6:34 pm #107509 Pete Part ThreeParticipant This better be good. Tennant needs a swansong as good as his performance over the past 4 years. January 1, 2010 at 7:58 pm #107510 Pete Part ThreeParticipant In short; didn’t particularly like it. The Time Lords return seemed like a pointless afterthought and was concluded badly. Liked the radiation scene, but they ruined it by having the longest death scene in TV history. WAAAAY overdone. Rose in the snow wasn’t bad, but everything else was ridiculous. Particularly Mickey & Martha and Captain Jack. Regeneration scene wasn’t bad but doubt Matt Smith will endear himself to the naysayers with that small performance. Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 336 total) 1 2 3 … 5 6 7 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In