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  • #3476

    I can’t decide whether to watch Reggie Perrin tonight, for fear that it will quite possibly be the worst thing ever in the history of … really, really bad things.


    Didn’t realise it was on… got it on now…

    hmmm… BBC1 studio audience sitcom… how passe…


    Clunes is looking a lot older and fatter than the last time I saw him in anything… which was probably Men Behaving Badly, to be fair… 11 years can do that to you (certainly done it me!)


    heard that “bleed for five days without dying” line before… maybe on MBB actually :S

    Ian Symes

    The South Park film?


    It reminds me how old-fashioned canned laughter (and, by association, a live audience) feels and reinforces my view that BTE was right to lose it.


    Gonna watch it on iPlayer me thinks, but wasn’t aware it’d have an audience :S probably going to be a nostalgia trip rather than a revamp then.

    Last time I saw Clunes was probably in that Goodbye Mr Chips, which I must admit he was very good in.

    Pete Part Three

    Well, that was depressingly awful.

    Nothing worse than the banshee wails of a studio audience laughing at shit. This, unlike BTE, would have benefited from the absence of a laugh-track.

    There was a great opportunity to reinvent the show as a comedy drama, but they sadly went for something very broad. There was still hope for it, but not when it’s this weak and unfunny. The original series (and, by that I mean the first six epiosdes of Leonard Rossiter’s version) is genuinely dark and interesting. This isn’t.

    I should have liked this as I like Clunes, and I think Nye’s MBB was one of the last good traditional sitcoms, but it was crap.


    > The South Park film?

    Must have been. Then again, I suppose it’s hardly original anyway, many variations over the years. Plus it seemed so shoehorned in to Perrin, and was the only gag in a completely unneccesary scene, meaning some writer was so proud of it, he concocted a scene especially to showcase this plagiarised joke.

    Oh well… I only saw about 10mins of it, so I’m not going to judge it TOO harshly just yet, but early impressions are Clunes is likeable as he usually is, but the show isn’t very good. Like I said, only saw 10 mins, don’t take my word for it!


    I gave up after the first few minutes. That was terrible.


    >The South Park film?

    Yep. A Mr. Garrison line, if I recall…


    Strange to see duelling ‘lad sitcom’ leads Martin Clunes (Men Behaving Badly) and Neil Stuke (Game On) in the same scene, playing proper grown-up types. Stuke’s another guy I haven’t seen on TV in years.

    In fact, if he popped up on EastEnders that would complete the hat trick of Stuke-era Game On stars in Easties.

    Turk Thrust

    I quite enjoyed it and it seems that a lot of the reactions to it have been pretty positive which is unusual for a revamp.

    Certainly broader than the original but taken on its own merits it had some nice jokes and some promise for future episodes. Laughter should have been toned down though.

    Steve Harris

    Yes, I quite enjoyed it and I’m a huge original ‘Reggie’ fan.

    I like Clunes and this is the kind of character he plays well. It was never going to be a direct re-make and he aint no Leonard Rossister but the potential is there.

    MBB was great but very much of its time, I really enjoyed Clunes in ‘Saving Grace’ and ‘Doc Martin’ I find, is one of those comfy easy to watch kind of shows.

    This had some nice touches with links to the original, personally I think, they made a reasonable job of bringing it up to date and I found it quite funny.

    A lot of us ‘middle aged’ types will relate to this so there’s a definate audience for it..


    Clunes was good. The supporting cast was very weak.

    When Clunes was sarcastic, he was funny, and when he was funny, It felt like Gary’s gotten old.

    I seriously think that MBB should return, with Gary & Tony being alot older, but unbelievably imature. THAT would be better than this.

    Turk Thrust

    > I seriously think that MBB should return, with Gary & Tony being alot older, but unbelievably imature. THAT would be better than this.

    Caroline Quentin doesn`t want it to return and she is probably sensible. I`m not sure why it would be better as well. It would still be written by Nye but he wouldn`t have someone of David Nobbs` calibre to work with.

    Ben Paddon

    Caroline Quentin also stopped doing Jonathan Creek, so fuck her.


    I heard her say recently that she wouldn’t mind doing Jonathan Creek again actually. Don’t know the details around why she left originally but it’d be nice to see her back in the new special they’re prepping for next year.

    Pete Part Three

    As long as it’s better than the shit they did for January the 1st.


    I didn’t mind that episode… in fact, it was the first Creek I’d ever seen, and I was suitably impressed enough to have watched them all in the interim.

    It was definitely too long though, and the last minute additional mystery at the end was pretty contrived.

    Then again, throughout its whole run, the show always had a lot of contrivances but you can forgive them because its almost part of its charm, but the newest episode was tiresome by the time it ended. Good idea, fine performances, but at 2 hrs just too damn long.


    >As long as it?s better than the shit they did for January the 1st.

    I bet you did a shit on January the 1st as well.

    Pete Part Three

    The first and second series (of Creek) are awesome, culminating in the 1998 Christmas special which is the show at its very best and one of my favourite pieces of television, like, ever.

    The third series was patchy with only a couple of classic episodes, the fourth very disappointing. The NY special was slightly better than Gorgon’s Wood (which would have been the last episode) but still very muddled and daft.


    I found series 4 an improvement over the fairly weak 3rd series.


    > the 1998 Christmas special which is the show at its very best

    Yeah, ‘The Black Canary’ is my favourite Creek episode for sure.

    Really enjoyed the other Christmas special, ‘Satan’s Chimney’ too. Neither of these episodes suffered from being feature length, unlike the New Year’s special.

    Tanya Jones

    My review.


    > As long as it?s better than the shit they did for January the 1st.

    It was fucking good, you prick.

    Not as good as the Caroline Quentin-era episodes, granted. The show still has life though and the BBC should have made a series happen instead of a 90 minute special (incidentally, better running time than 2 hours FFS)

    Pete Part Three

    >It was fucking good, you prick.

    No, it wasn’t (you twat). It was overlong and reminiscent of what Renwick was doing in Series 4. Gizmos and gadgets rather than ingenuity. Compare it to the simplistic genius of “Jack in the Box” or “Black Canary”, and it’s awful.

    And when the central mystery fails, you used to be able to rely on the comedy to redeem things. Alas, the 3D porn plotline was embarrassing and the stuff with Jonathan’s bird (wotsit from the IT Crowd) was meandering and pointless.

    John Hoare

    Full set of reviews from me and Tanya now online:



    >Full set of reviews from me and Tanya now online

    They’re like the new Pip and Jane Baker.

    John Hoare

    We uploaded them using our megabyte modem.


    I can’t think of a more aposite epithet.

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