Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › Krod Mandoon Search for: This topic has 64 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 7 months ago by Arlene Rimmer BSc SSc. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 65 total) 1 2 Author Posts June 4, 2009 at 12:35 pm #3726 siParticipant Have any US G&Ters seen this yet? It’s on over here next week, and looks pretty good. The Radio Times: Here’s a new sitcom that does for sword-and-sorcery adventures what Red Dwarf did for sci-fi. What’s not to like? June 4, 2009 at 2:16 pm #99615 TheLeenParticipant Oh, look, it’s Matt Lucas. June 4, 2009 at 3:28 pm #99618 pfmParticipant The clip I saw of it was shit. Still, there’s no harm in checking it out. June 4, 2009 at 6:02 pm #99623 BlisschickParticipant I thought it looked funny and tried to watch it, but in the end, I removed it from my TiVo. It’s not near as interesting as it sounds. June 4, 2009 at 9:49 pm #99627 Ben PaddonParticipant I caught a trailer for it. it looks awful. Matt Lucas’ acting looks sub-community theatre, and the jokes seemed incredibly juvenile and stupid. June 5, 2009 at 1:20 am #99634 ChrisMParticipant The trailer I saw didn’t look to great. I like the idea though. Fantasy sitcom hasn’t been done before (that I know of.) June 5, 2009 at 8:16 am #99636 J_SpacedParticipant Elvenquest just finished on Radio 4 (last chance to catch the last episode on iplayer) and I’d recommend people seek that one out. I’m hoping to get it on CD. Very entertaining take on the swords and sorcery genre. I joined the series midway in an episode where the “American-Film-Trailer-Probably-That-Guy-From-Epideme” voiceover guy said: “If you enjoyed Lord of the Rings …. Well good for you.” Has one Sophie Winkelman, Stephen Marchant from Green Wing and Alistair McGowan and I found it an amusing diversion. My current favourite is the anthropomorphised dog, Amis. June 5, 2009 at 8:41 am #99637 pfmParticipant > Matt Lucas? acting looks sub-community theatre So just like always then. June 10, 2009 at 2:13 pm #99854 JoParticipant Hey… now wait a minute. I hate Little Britain as much as the next person but Matt Lucas used to be good – I blame David ‘I’m such a twat I can’t even spell Williams’ Walliams for his downward spiral. Pls see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPsY_nhTtxg and: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xinLivR8Sp0 June 10, 2009 at 3:43 pm #99856 pfmParticipant George’s songs are brilliant! I hope they do more for the new series of Shooting Stars. I reckon Walliams is easily a better actor than Lucas, though Matt is tons better at everything else (like being funny for instance). Walliams really should just go down the proper acting route, i.e. just piss off trying to do comedy shows. June 10, 2009 at 4:19 pm #99862 Ben PaddonParticipant I reckon Walliams is easily a better actor than Lucas, though Matt is tons better at everything else (like being funny for instance). The second series of Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) proves otherwise. Lucas was fantastic in his episode, while Walliams just came across as an insufferable cartoon prat. June 10, 2009 at 4:29 pm #99865 littlesmeggerParticipant Randall & Hopkirk, now that was a series I think deserved at least one more series. Vic & Bob weren’t as bad as people made out I don’t think. Plus it gave us footage of our current Doctor dressed as a homocidal maniac bride slicing things with chainsaws. Can’t say anything else has provided that! June 10, 2009 at 5:17 pm #99868 JamesTCParticipant BFA provided Tennant as Jaime the mentally handicapped guy in the wonderful story ‘Medicinal Purposes’, such a great performance too. June 10, 2009 at 9:14 pm #99874 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >I reckon Walliams is easily a better actor than Lucas, though Matt is tons better at everything else (like being funny for instance). Walliams really should just go down the proper acting route, i.e. just piss off trying to do comedy shows. Lucas has bags more talent than Walliams. I’ve never seen either of them do any proper acting, but I will say that Walliams has about three different voices/characters in his repertoire compared to Lucas who has a limitless supply. The Lesbians song never fails to make me laugh. June 11, 2009 at 12:07 pm #99905 AlexParticipant I’ve only seen Walliams do proper acting once in the BBC 4 drama about Frankie Howard. Now in that he wasn’t too bad but i guess thats the exception to the rule. June 11, 2009 at 10:06 pm #99935 ChrisMParticipant Ok. I saw the first episodes. Very cheesy humour. Rather silly. Some parts made me laugh though. Particularly the general’s demise. “That’ll probably do it.” Very attractive female sidekick (although I guess that goes without saying.) It needs to improve a lot (or maybe the humour isn’t quite for me, although as I said some of it made me laugh) but it’s watchable so far. June 11, 2009 at 10:10 pm #99937 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >Very attractive female sidekick (although I guess that goes without saying.) India de Beaufort, right? She’s very purty. She was my number one reason for watching this…but I forgot. June 11, 2009 at 10:30 pm #99941 pfmParticipant She’s cummy. I also ‘forgot’ to watch this. Was it worth it, anyone? Is it Pratchett-like in any way? June 11, 2009 at 10:59 pm #99944 ChrisMParticipant >Is it Pratchett-like in any way? Not really, no. That would be an improvement. That being said it’s not all bad. Worth watching to see how it goes. June 12, 2009 at 12:58 am #99954 Ben PaddonParticipant I always thought a Discworld TV series centering around City Watch would do well. “Guards! Guards!” would make a good pilot, and from there let it go off on its own with the characters. Each season could include adaptations of a Watch story, too – have “Theatre of Cruelty” in the middle of season one and end it with “Men at Arms”, and then have “feet of Clay” in season two, “Jingo” in season three, “the Fifth Elephant” in season four, and so on. I’d watch that. I’d watch that so damned much. June 12, 2009 at 2:08 am #99958 pfmParticipant Going Postal is the next to be adapted by the same company that did Hogfather (which I’ve still not seen) and The Colour of Magic. I’d really like to see them do ‘Mort’ or ‘Guards! Guards!’ but they’d need serious money to do either of them justice. I’ve not read ‘Going Postal’ (yet) so I don’t know how big it gets. June 12, 2009 at 2:37 am #99960 Ben PaddonParticipant Going Postal is fantastic. June 12, 2009 at 9:44 am #99967 ChrisMParticipant That’s a great idea about a series based around the City watch. Lots of interesting characters in those stories. As for the Discworld films, so far I’ve only seen The Hogfather. The Colour of Magic came out when Sky 1 was removed from my cable package. It’s back now, but these films appear once in a while. June 12, 2009 at 11:11 am #99968 Pete Part ThreeParticipant I’m 7 mins and 22 second into watching the first episode on iPlayer. Review: It’s really shit. June 12, 2009 at 2:45 pm #99974 pfmParticipant The Colour of Magic film is OK, even though David Jason only just gets away with being Rincewind. It’s worth it for Tim Curry (Trymon) alone, and the sets and effects aren’t bad at all for TV. June 12, 2009 at 4:48 pm #99981 SkyAndSunParticipant I’m actually laughing quite a lot as I watch this on iPlayer – for instance, at the pleasingly un-PC slut girlfriend, hehe. June 12, 2009 at 7:51 pm #99987 Ben PaddonParticipant I have The Colour of Magic on DVD. Bloody magnificent, although (as previously mentioned) David Jason only just gets away with being Rincewind. Funny, I always thought Rincewind was the role I was born to play. But I don’t think I’ve got the right physical build for it. Maybe if they do some animated stuff I can… moan about not being cast as his voice. June 12, 2009 at 8:49 pm #99989 AndrewParticipant Dear BBC, The first episode Krod Mandoon was really quite rubbish. But if India de Beaufort is going to keep dancing like that, I can’t guarantee I won’t be watching. So, erm, well done on appealing to at least part of your audience. (You know which part I mean.) June 12, 2009 at 10:29 pm #99999 RidleyParticipant The first episode Krod Mandoon was really quite rubbish. What about the second they showed straight after? I thought it was likeable overall. Mostly. But I really don’t care for the name Krod Mandoon, the character doesn’t reflect the name. Maybe if they do some animated stuff I can? moan about not being cast as his voice. This counts. I’d like to see a live action version of The Last Hero, it’s what I would have picked as an introduction to the series epecially when The Lord of the Rings movies were being released. I would also have just called part two of Sky’s The Colour of Magic “The Light Fantastic”. June 13, 2009 at 12:08 am #100008 Ben PaddonParticipant Eric Idle’s voice is not the voice I hear when I read Rincewind’s lines. However, I would like to point out that whenever I read Sam Vines, I hear Philip Glenister. He is cemented in my mind as Sam Vimes now. June 13, 2009 at 9:49 pm #100062 RidleyParticipant I liked this this guy for live action Rincewind. June 13, 2009 at 11:42 pm #100070 Ben PaddonParticipant I thought he was a bit too over the top. And Australian. June 15, 2009 at 3:29 pm #100103 J_SpacedParticipant I found bits of Krod Mandoon funny but I loathed the American “comedy” method of laying out a joke for you, then labouring heavily on the build up before sticking a funny face on the end of the punchline. Anneke likes sex. No kidding? How funny is this going to be throughout a series? Will she contract an alarming STD? Unlikely. I did like SuperMac from Ashes to Ashes being “turned” gay after two weeks in prison, but I think Krod Mandoon has some serious stereotyping issues. The black guy is a con artist, the attractive woman is a slut and the first openly gay man we see is what… puerto rican? It’s almost as bad as Jos Whedon’s hate on black people. (Seriously, how many series of Buffy and Angel? How many black people feature?) Ah hell, now I’ve turned into one of those whiny liberals who gets all cross about nothing much in particular on behalf of groups of people who probably couldn’t care less. Sorry. Krod Mandoon: mostly dull with the odd funny bit. Might get better. Funniest moment, I thought, was stabbing the wrong lord at the table. June 15, 2009 at 3:32 pm #100104 JoParticipant People need to stop bitching about Joss Whedon before I start hurting them. June 15, 2009 at 9:28 pm #100135 ChrisMParticipant >I did like SuperMac from Ashes to Ashes being ?turned? gay after two weeks in prison, That’s where I saw him before! I couldn’t place him. And I liked that joke too. June 15, 2009 at 10:31 pm #100105 Pete Part ThreeParticipant >Seriously, how many series of Buffy and Angel? How many black people feature? Heard of Gunn? He was one of the main characters for fuck’s sake. June 15, 2009 at 10:58 pm #100140 DaveParticipant >Seriously, how many series of Buffy and Angel? How many black people feature? Actually quite a few, good and bad, Sunnydale is cited by a black vampire as “not exactly a haven for the brothers, strictly the caucasian persuasian in the ‘dale”, but it never seems like tokenism, we’ve had black vamps, slayers, victims, potential slayers, civilians, teachers, high school pupils, Uni students. If you don’t feel there was quantity, there was definitely variety. The black parts in Whedon’s work have alweays been quality parts. Meanwhile in LA they do a great job with Gunn, Gunn’s friends and perhaps more importantly Gunn’s community. And that’s before we get to Firefly.. I’m not going to count on my fingers the number of black faces per season, but spare a thought for Friends. I’ve never been to New York, but Friends makes it look whiter than Chipping Norton, so I think Joss Whedon does very good job June 16, 2009 at 12:16 pm #100161 J_SpacedParticipant Ah, see now I’m going to look like a two-faced idiot, but I REALLY like Buffy, Angel and Firefly. I just thought it was funny that throughout Buffy it’s largely white-centric, with a couple of black vampires, that Mr. Trick, was it? Oh look! Black Slayer. Dead. Then there’s the headteacher. Ooh, he’s not a stereotype or a bad guy. Whoops, I was wrong, he’s a bad guy. Then you just have to look at who’s left standing at the finale of Buffy. I agree that Angel did a better job representationally. I liked Gunn as a character and I laughed at: “Y’all can cater to the demon, cater to the dead man, but what about the black man?” Lovely bit of parody. On reflection race isn’t really a Buffy or Angel “issue” as much as Good v. Evil, so I think my first, overly flippant post overstated things a bit. I must’ve missed Mr. Trick (that may or may not be the name but I’m not looking it up) with his “caucasian persuasion” line because that basically underscores the whole point and undermines mine completely. I thought it would be obvious to anyone with eyes and/or ears that Jos Whedon is a very cool creator of very cool TV, hence my OTT “hate on the black people” comment. Sorry for any perceived offence. My other point still stands though: Why isn’t the con artist in Krod Mandoon white? Why is the black guy from Brooklyn or wherever? In short, their playing to a sloppy comedy stereotype and generally being lazy. But then I’ve only sat through episode one. June 16, 2009 at 6:32 pm #100178 ChrisMParticipant >Why isn?t the con artist in Krod Mandoon white? Equal opportunities goes for bad stuff as well as good. I get what you mean though but I think you’re making to big a deal of it. It’s a comedy and as such it’s going for stereotypes. Comedies don’t have to do that, but it’s a way to go and isn’t intentionally racist, although it is a bit tired. We know all black people arent’ like that just as we know Irish people aren’t all stupid or English are all stiff and repressed*. I didn’t really see him as a con artist anyway. More a rubbish wizard. (Although I see how you got the con artist bit setting himself up to be better than he is, and all.) I.e. in the second episode he actually did cast a spell, the flash bomb, albeit it wasn’t the one he intended. *although a lot of us are. ;) June 16, 2009 at 9:09 pm #100193 Pete Part ThreeParticipant And where the fuck are all the black people in Clangers? June 17, 2009 at 12:23 am #100202 RidleyParticipant Johnny… June 17, 2009 at 5:07 am #100206 Ben PaddonParticipant Principal Wood wasn’t a bad guy. Buffy suspected he might be, then it turned out he wasn’t – he was the son of a Slayer Spike had killed. Wood tried to kill Spike, but that was a revenge thing not an evil thing. June 17, 2009 at 12:35 pm #100224 AndrewParticipant We’ve seen at least four black slayers in the show as well, in fact. (The original slayer, Wood’s mother, Buffy’s immediate successor and one of the girls in the multi-slayered series conclusion.) Thing is, Buffy’s setting is ‘Sunnydale’ not just ‘America’. It’s a somewhat satirical nevertown based on a very particular view of a particular part of California. It’s not LA. It’s SUPPOSED to be a little bit…well, ‘small town’. Narrow of mind and Republican in outlook. While the nature of the town changed as the series went on (eventually it got a bloody airport!), originally it was a tiny place with one cinema, one club, one high school. It was never intended as ‘representative’ of the whole country, but rather a dig at small-world California attitudes. As has been noted, Mr Trick vocalises exactly this point – it isn’t a melting pot. It’s a stand-offish, suspicious and phobic little town. June 17, 2009 at 2:15 pm #100229 J_SpacedParticipant >And where the fuck are all the black people in Clangers? I think you’ll find Major was a brother. June 18, 2009 at 9:04 pm #100320 Plastic PercyParticipant > David ?I?m such a twat I can?t even spell Williams? Walliams for his downward spiral. Pedant mode: His name is Williams. He had to take Walliams as there is already a David Williams on the Equity members list. Same reason Julian Pettifer took Barratt as his surname, to destinguish himself from the reporter Julian Pettifer. And David ‘David Jason’ White. June 18, 2009 at 9:36 pm #100322 ChrisMParticipant Latest episode had me chuckling silliness aside. Psychoville was really good though. Twisted stuff and very funny. June 18, 2009 at 11:01 pm #100327 DaveParticipant >Pedant mode: His name is Williams. He had to take Walliams as there is already a David Williams on the Equity members list. Thanks for explaining this, I couldn’t be bothered. My name is also David Williams, but Equity won’t allow more than one so now I’m David Black, because I decided to find a completely new name rather than a new vowel. June 19, 2009 at 12:01 am #100328 Ben PaddonParticipant Hi! I’m Daisy! June 19, 2009 at 7:11 am #100354 Ian SymesKeymaster We Sky Plussed last week’s Krod Mandoon, and didn’t get round to watching it. So we decided to just watch the second episode as it went out. Immediately after it finished, I went and deleted last week’s episode and removed the series link from my planner. A massive, massive pile of shit. June 19, 2009 at 7:38 am #100357 DaveParticipant >Hi! I?m Daisy! Like a little flower. Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 65 total) 1 2 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In