So, the mobisodes, then. Not much cop, eh? Not keen on the character design? Bit pointless, just doing brief snippets of gags we can all recite anyway? Not really worth subscribing to, even if you actually have a phone that they’ll work on?

Think again.

As you know, nothing will get Team G&T shouting from the rooftops more than the prospect of NEW DWARF MATERIAL, and kudos to them there mobisode people for doing exactly that. I mean, this is arguably more classifiably “new Dwarf” than Bodysnatcher was (that was, after all, technically OLD Dwarf, just finished even later than a Douglas Adams novel) – and, as an added bonus, it’s got Robert in it as well!

I still don’t consider (and I say this as a smartphone aficionado who actually has tried watching video on his phone) mobile phones to be close to a really desirable means of delivering and viewing video content just yet – remember the ROK player? Oh, how we laughed – but in providing original material from a massive franchise, completely written by its creator (is it wrong of me to suggest that, if this was the ’90s, this sort of thing might have been fobbed off onto Paul Alexander or someone?)… well, there are some trails being blazed, right there.

And I don’t know about you, but it’s got me interested. Sign me up.

61 comments on “More New Dwarf!

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  • Already signed up :P

    Sounds like a good venture. Maybe even paving the way for an RD animated series that isn’t made for our mobiles?

  • I’m just waiting for the first person to complain that the mobile-less (or those stuck in the mobile Stone Age) won’t be able to watch it…

  • I have no idea if the Mobile content is available in the US and, to be honest, I steer clear of these mobile content subscription things. Even if it is for new, never-before-seen Red Dwarf content. If there were another way to subscribe to these vids I’d be all for it (I really like the way PVP Online handles its animated series online, for example) but I’m not paying $6 a week to receive one new video as and when.

    Don’t mistake this for a complaint, mind – it really is fantastic to see new Dwarf being made, whatever the medium. I just wish there were another way of getting it.

  • All you need is someone willing to transfer the mobisode to their PC and then transfer it to you. Not that I’m condoning illegal file sharing either ;P

  • And therein lies the rub – the only way I’ll be able to watch these videos is if someone does exactly that, but then I’m being a tight-fisted git who’s cheating GNP out of money. I’m a firm believer in supporting the companies, artists and individuals who produce work I like.

    I guess my only option here, then, is to wait for “Red Dwarf: Just the Mobisodes” to come out on DVD. Or Rok Card (roffle).

  • Oh, god, it’s the return of Panda and Frog. Any goodness wasted by those dreadful character designs and poor animation.

    Why can’t they just continue Dwarf with a Radio 4 6:30pm audience series? It’s the only actual continuation of the series that would (a) be good, (b) be faithful and (c) be heard of by more than nine people. It’d go down a bloody storm, very obviously. And Radio 4 would absolutely snap it up. BBC Audio would bite their hand off at the wrist!

    There’s not enough money for a film, the prospect of a TV series has sadly fallen so far it’s plain not worth chasing anymore, and no-one in their right mind can actually sit down and watch Flash animation for more than about 2 minutes (or in the case of these designs, 2 seconds). Oh, and Big Finish audio dramas or Dirk Maggs’ powerhouse would be taking it into the direction which caused so much unrest a decade ago anyway. Take it back to quite literally its roots!

    Red Dwarf is about the performers, the characters, the script and a really ‘up’ atmosphere. Grab the cast, stick them in front of a load of mics and two hundred delighted people in a sweaty radio theatre half a dozen times, and you have a PROPER new series of Red Dwarf!

    Doug’s still writing. Rob could well be interested for that matter. The cast would be up for it (and some *actual* high-profile work too that isn’t on DVDs or the internet!). I’m sure Ellardo would be a good sheep rustler.

    Never mind trying to keep up with technology – that’s what buggered it all up before. It’s not about budgeting funding for CGI work, or trying to keep up with technological bandwagons – it’s about funny writers writing funny lines for funny actors playing funny characters. And think of all the new science and pop culture phenomena to play with since last time!

    G’wan. Red Dwarf’s great. Let it live again. Do we all want to still be venerating what is essentially a corpse another ten years down the line?

  • > I?m just waiting for the first person to complain that the mobile-less (or those stuck in the mobile Stone Age) won?t be able to watch it?


    Obviously I’m massively excited about this as it’s NEW DWARF, but I’m not happy with the delivery method, really, mainly because I don’t have anything near the required phone for this, so the only way I’ll be able to see on the day of launch is if I mug someone. I take it the ‘episode’ be stuck on TOS at some point afterwards, though? If that’s the case, I’m going to find it hard to complain properly about the initial delivery method :)

  • > no-one in their right mind can actually sit down and watch Flash animation for more than about 2 minutes

    That’ll be why Channel 4 hasn’t re-commissioned Modern Toss, then.

    Oh, no, wait, they have. And I do believe Cosgrove Hall’s Who stuff has gone down pretty well, too. (LSM, by the way, do the Modern Toss animations right alongside our mobisodes.)

    The animation works great on the tiny phone screens, anyway – the arena it was designed for. And anyone who’s been watching the mobisodes should be aware of an evolution in the quality. The last couple we’ve approved are streets ahead of where we started.

    > And Radio 4 would absolutely snap it up

    Wasn’t the exact same thing said by online posters about BBC TV…? Which is to say – don’t people who don’t know say stuff like this?

    To be fair, though, pleasing the hardcore has never been Dwarf’s key aim. Because, frankly, that alone doesn’t pay the rent. Sure, you guys would buy a brand new audio adventure – but the audience needs opening up, not restricting. The phone may not be a ‘main’ outlet, but it has a viral, teen appeal that really matters in taking us past our 20th year.

    Also, creatively, I doubt Doug would like the show to lose one of his strongest suits – visual comedy.

    > Red Dwarf is about the performers, the characters, the script and a really ?up? atmosphere.

    We happen to think all four are in strong evidence on the Xmas ‘special’.

    > I?m sure Ellardo would be a good sheep rustler.

    I have no idea what this means, though given my status as technician I’m pretty sure it’s not good. Still, thanks!

    > Never mind trying to keep up with technology – that?s what buggered it all up before

    I have no idea what this means. Which technology was the problem last time? The use of CGI? Because that had nothing to do with ‘keeping up with technology’.

    We did dive into the ghastly new-tech world of DVD, though. Maybe we should have stuck to VHS!

  • > I steer clear of these mobile content subscription things.

    Me too. But Pitch are a straightforward, honest bunch and it’s worth looking them up properly. It’s a good business with a strong reputation. And subscribing to the service doesn’t prevent you leaving a day later. At all.

    More importantly, there has been a new mobisode available EVERY week, without fail, since launch, and that will continue for a long time yet. Subscription entitles you to six pieces of content, so sign up once every six weeks and you could grab all the latest mobisodes. That’s 50p each, which ain’t too bad.

    Stay for two weeks and you can get a stack of newly-made character voicetones, too, which we’re really keen on:

    > I take it the ?episode? be stuck on TOS at some point afterwards, though?

    No. Sorry. It’s exclusive to phones for the foreseeable future. It does, after all, need financing. But, again, join for the week then bog off if you like.

    As to having a crap phone…well, how crap is crap? The market, generally, renews their phone every two years. My Motorola Pebl – a phone that does only slightly more than bugger all compared to what’s around now – copes fine with the mobisodes.

  • I steer clear of these mobile content subscription things.

    Me too. But Pitch are a straightforward, honest bunch and it?s worth looking them up properly. It?s a good business with a strong reputation. And subscribing to the service doesn?t prevent you leaving a day later. At all.

    More importantly, there has been a new mobisode available EVERY week, without fail, since launch, and that will continue for a long time yet. Subscription entitles you to six pieces of content, so sign up once every six weeks and you could grab all the latest mobisodes. That?s 50p each, which ain?t too bad.

    Ah yes, but is it available in the US?

  • > No. Sorry. It?s exclusive to phones for the foreseeable future. It does, after all, need financing. But, again, join for the week then bog off if you like.


    I know they’re a much bigger company, but ABC make their Lost mobisodes available online after the Verizon customers have had their one week exclusive and pretty much the bulk of the money they were going to collect from that market has been collected. I assumed this would be a good rule for any company dabbling in mobile content as surely mobile exclusive content can’t bring in a steady enough amount of money to justify not sticking it on the web for all to see?

    In fact, just after having a quick look on the site, the ‘latest mobisode’ is put up for free there, anyway. How come this is any different?

    > As to having a crap phone?well, how crap is crap? The market, generally, renews their phone every two years. My Motorola Pebl – a phone that does only slightly more than bugger all compared to what?s around now – copes fine with the mobisodes.

    It’s a Nokia 6021, which I assume wouldn’t cope. Plus it totally fails to receive any media as it’s an unlocked phone and the WAP seems fucked. I might be getting a hand me down of a better phone soon, but that’s usually the only way I ever get a new one. Which is totally my fault, but it would still be lovely to see this special online somewhere…

  • > In fact, just after having a quick look on the site, the ?latest mobisode? is put up for free there, anyway. How come this is any different?

    Not to go all ‘studios versus WGA’, but they’re promotional, aren’t they? They come from the promo budget for a huge, running show?

    Our new mobisodes are paid for by being bought. There’s no promotional aspect. And as they become self-financing, hopefully they’ll be able to afford more and more new material.

    BTW, the mobile providers seem very keen on us – which may lead to some content becoming available as ‘one-off’ purchases next year.

  • > Not to go all ?studios versus WGA?, but they?re promotional, aren?t they? They come from the promo budget for a huge, running show?

    In my quote I was referring to the Red Dwarf mobile site. It says “Latest Mobisode!” with a YouTube video below it so I assume the mobisodes find their way on to the site for free eventually anyway? If that can be done why can’t the special do the same?

    > Our new mobisodes are paid for by being bought. There?s no promotional aspect. And as they become self-financing, hopefully they?ll be able to afford more and more new material.

    That’s a fair enough – and with GNPs no advert policy on the site, I can understand why these would stay mobile only. It’s just the wording on the Mobile site seems to suggest the mobisodes make their way on there eventually anyway…

    > BTW, the mobile providers seem very keen on us – which may lead to some content becoming available as ?one-off? purchases next year.

    So, subscription only for now, then. Bah.

  • > the prospect of a TV series has sadly fallen so far it?s plain not worth chasing anymore


    I can’t wait to hear/see this new Chris and Robert recording. This injection of new content is exactly what was needed for this project.

    When was the last time Robert performed Kryten?

  • Ouch, Andrew. You were a bit defensive there and there was nothing there that was a dig!

    > Wasn?t the exact same thing said by online posters about BBC TV?? Which is to
    > say – don?t people who don?t know say stuff like this?

    Well, I have friends that work at Radio 4 that didn’t disagree with me. And that’s not a bullshit boast either – they thought it was a great idea!

    > To be fair, though, pleasing the hardcore has never been Dwarf?s key aim.
    > Because, frankly, that alone doesn?t pay the rent. Sure, you guys would buy a
    > brand new audio adventure – but the audience needs opening up, not restricting.

    I would therefore argue that doing a hypothetical Radio 4 series would do exactly this. It is as far apart from pleasing the hardcore as possible. It’s going for a new, proper, if you forgive me *normal* audience. And your point about the fact only a limited number would buy a potential audio adventure (which isn’t really what I’d want anyway), I still suspect the numbers would be higher than people subscribing for the pay mobisodes. There’s no general audience going to be drawn in by short mobile phone specials, let’s be brutal. A radio series on the other hand would have actual exposure.

    > The phone may not be a ?main? outlet, but it has a viral, teen appeal…

    Eurgh, Andrew! I thought better of you! Dirty marketing speak – it has nothing to do with comedy!

    > that really matters in taking us past our 20th year.

    Surely what would matter even more in GNP’s 20th year would be some actual tangible Red Dwarf made for a general audience, and not a DVD extra, a web comic, a Flash animation, a mobisode, or, indeed, a CD-only ‘audio adventure’. Why aim so insular all the time? Red Dwarf still potentially has loads of mass appeal. There’s a great, accessible, mainstream comedy show hidden behind all this fan baggage – let it out again!

    > Also, creatively, I doubt Doug would like the show to lose one of his strongest
    > suits – visual comedy.

    Well, although I appreciate that, what ways are there to bring Red Dwarf back? There is never going to be a film. Television is all-too-uninterested and the moment REALLY HAS passed for shopping it as a going concern. The alternatives are animation or audio. And proper animation that really stands up is just as expensive as telly and even more time-consuming. The only visual jokes you can really pull off in Flash are freeze-frame gags. Even really accomplished Flash animators look at you with frightened eyes if you ask them to pull off proper physical comedy. And then it adds to the fact that most of the physical humour would come from the animator’s hand rather than the actual performer. It’s a dilution of something that you’re never going to recapture outside of live action.

    There is also the issue of an audience. Everyone knows that, however good people may think VII is, and I honestly think it’s great for the most part, Red Dwarf only REALLY comes to life with an audience. That’s why I was so excited about the stage show rumours – you have some of the most accomplished laughter-surfing comedians ever in that cast, and currently you’re wasting them in a small, virtually empty studio.

    > We happen to think all four are in strong evidence on the Xmas ?special?.

    That’s great, and I really do look forward to it (although I’m not paying for it, I have to be blunt). Seriously, I was excited as anybody when I saw those pictures. But it’s only a sidetrack though isn’t it? A bit of spinoff fun, and, although this damns it perhaps more than it deserves, ultimately inconsequential? It’s great for us fans, but the fans have had Red Dwarf to themselves for nearly ten years now. Hell, even that’s starting to slowly swirl down the plughole (what with Dimension Jump going on hiatus and merchandise at all but a halt). Why aim for (admittedly delicious) finger food when you’re still capable of a feast?

    (God, that was a tortured analogy)

    > I have no idea what this means, though given my status as technician I?m pretty
    > sure it?s not good. Still, thanks!

    Erm, I did actually mean shepherd there. I have made a fool of myself. Also, STOP STEALING SHEEP.

    > I have no idea what this means. Which technology was the problem last time? The
    > use of CGI? Because that had nothing to do with ?keeping up with technology?.

    Well, it was more that the ambition in 1996 to try and keep up with The X-Files and the Star Treks worked against the actual ethos of a giggly comedy show somewhat, and so did the five years wasted (is ‘wasted’ unfair? Perhaps. But in the history books, it’ll be what it looks like) chasing movie backing. Surely everyone has been inwardly screaming “just write some new half hours of similes and dirty jokes like we like Doug! Please!” for some time? (Note: I’ve no problem with the CGI.)

    Maybe “technology” was the wrong word. But when RD started trying to play catch-up with anything but comedy (aiming for US-style gag-rates in VI – good. Aiming for US-style production values in VII – pointless and detrimental. Aiming for Hollywood production values for the movie – suicidal), it kept slapping itself in the face. I’m sure you understand the point I’m trying to make about how it has always felt to me. Chasing a “viral” audience is once again trying to make Red Dwarf something it’s not.

    Red Dwarf is a frequently hilarious, broad, half-hour audience sitcom. Why can’t it be that again? Thought of purely in those terms rather than as a “franchise” or something designed to hit a ‘lucrative youth market’? Think about the revenue only afterwards. That’s how it all happened in the first place. Make some proper new Red Dwarf, make it funny, anything else can wait a few moments, I’m sure.

    P.S. ‘The Beginning’ and ‘It’s Cold Outside’ are the best DVD extras I have ever seen.

    P.P.S. Stealing sheep is bad.

  • >> the prospect of a TV series has sadly fallen so far it?s plain not worth
    >> chasing anymore
    > No.

    Well, you want a new RD TV series, I do too. We all do. But, *seriously*, is there any glimmer of hope at all that indicates it’s in any way viable anymore on TV? Wishful thinking keeps us all going but Red Dwarf IX on TV really does seem like a lost cause. I hope I’m wrong as much as you. But I can’t help doubting it.

    I was discussing it with somebody a couple of weeks ago – the only thing I couldn’t rule out too much in possibility would be a ‘Return Of The Goodies/Allo Allo’ type affair. Get the cast out in character again on the set and have them introducing clips for an hour or so, with ‘why I love Red Dwarf’ talking head interjections. Yes, I know all that was done on Red Dwarf Night (and has the potential to be ghastly), but I reckon that’s yer best chance.

  • Didn’t mean to come across as defensive. Apologies.

    > I have friends that work at Radio 4 that didn?t disagree with me.

    Sure. But I had an email from a friend forwarding her pal’s response to the recent BBC revelations. Said friend worked in Beeb publicity and said the story was nonsense. Which it isn’t. There’s ‘inside’ and there’s ‘commissioning’.

    > Think about the revenue only afterwards. That?s how it all happened in the first place.

    Actually, that’s not accurate. Rob and Doug have always been mainstream writers. They never aimed for ‘cult’, and everything they’ve done hasn’t just been about being ‘good’, it’s been deliberately targeted at success.

    Marketing, unfortunately, isn’t the vocab of the enemy. You think Paul Jackson got where he did by promising just ‘funny’? And the recent landscape simply doesn’t allow for much risk. Ratings make budgets – that’s it. They don’t let you ‘just make stuff’. Dwarf chased deliberate popularity from day one, and with good reason.

    > Red Dwarf is a frequently hilarious, broad, half-hour audience sitcom. Why can?t it be that again?

    Because right now nobody’ll fund it. Showing people great numbers on the mobisodes helps.

    Also, it’s worth bearing in mind that one person’s take on the appeal of mobile animations doesn’t make it global. The phone content market’s in great shape right now, why shouldn’t we benefit?

  • I really really do wish all the luck in the world on the mobisodes. I’m just sad that Red Dwarf is presently in the most undignified state it has ever been in.

  • Why in hell would I want to pay ?3 for a (new or otherwise) very short episode of Dwarf? I’d pay that for a new, full length episode, or maybe even for 10 minutes of live action, but for some crappy animation? (and it will always be crappy animation until you can hold it up to Futurama standards) Make it available via the web, make it purchasable for 50p a time – I might take you up on it.

    Try and get me into any sort of subscription agreement, however lovely the company might be, and you can go away. I really don’t want Kryten announcing that my phone is ringing – it’s bad enough that phones don’t come with generic ringtones these days as it is. If I want a picture on my background, or a ringtone, I’ll grab it myself, thanks.

    What everyone says about radio is right. Get Dwarf out there. Get an audience back and listening on radio. That’ll prove that there is an audience, and you can work up from there. With all the BBC channels, and the Channel 4 ones on stream next year – one of those must want a good half hour of programming from a well known source to publicise their channel.

    I fully acknowledge that Rob and Doug always wanted to be mainstream, but at the moment, Dwarf isn’t that. I buy Red Dwarf stuff because I enjoy the shows. I’m not interested in buying it for the brand, I’m not interested in just buying endless calendars. I want new content. And proper content, not little animated skits. Part of Red Dwarf is the story telling. The fitting a massive plot in 30 mins, and making me laugh at the same time. If you aren’t interested in that market, I doubt many people here will stay with you.

  • > In my quote I was referring to the Red Dwarf mobile site. It says ?Latest Mobisode!? with a YouTube video below it so I assume the mobisodes find their way on to the site for free eventually anyway? If that can be done why can?t the special do the same?

    It isn’t. That’s maybe a flaw in the layout – it’s meant to suggest that subscribers get a new mobisode every week.

    The site’s had the ‘promo’ mobisode up there (as a QT file) since week one. Nothing’s being YouTubed.

  • > It isn?t. That?s maybe a flaw in the layout – it?s meant to suggest that subscribers get a new mobisode every week.

    I’d say that’s *definitely* a floor in the layout, then. I’m not sure what the current new mobisode is, so I had no way of telling.

  • Mr Flibble, that post shows such a fundamental understanding of pretty much everything that I don’t know where to start…

    In know there’s self-interest and taste, but bloody hell! “Get Dwarf out there?” Wow, really? Insert iconic Reese Sheersmith line from Spaced here.


    Sorry, I’ve wanted an opportunity to write that for so long.

  • Yes Andrew. Now I see it. Mobile video is the way to go! It’s so damn exciting. Sign me up for ?3 a week! I get a whole minute of new (amazingly well animated, none of this real people nonsense) Dwarf once in a while for that little money? And some ringtones that I won’t be able to hear when walking down the street/in a busy place/in another room? Wow, this is so exciting everyone will want to be associated with Red Dwarf! The BBC will be coming at it for another 29 series, and there’ll be movies every week for the next ten years!

    I really don’t know why you think that this mobile bollocks is more mainstream than a radio show would be. The main people who will sign up are going to be teenagers. Yes, I understand they have some advertising/marketing worth, and yes if you can get it viral there’ll be some big numbers. But for the moment it seems like a poor money making exercise aimed at an exceedingly narrow audience.

    I “backed up” GNP fully over Bodysnatcher not being a “fleecing the fans” release. I’m not going to over this. I know that doesn’t make a jot of difference to GNP, but I just want to remind you I’m not normally a GNP bashing kind of guy. But this is just a load of shit.

  • I don’t care what you think about the mobisodes. But where do you get this idea that this was chosen OVER radio? That’s it’s an either/or deal? Where did you get the idea that radio’s the answer to all our problems – funding no issue? Cos it’s free to do that, right? And any channel will take us, no question,. You’ve done the research?

    Your post talks like we’re idiots, as opposed to a company that’s done ONE thing you don’t like. Get over yourself and give us some damn credit.

  • They cut off before the joke when I downloaded, so I’m not longer registered for them…But the ROK player has been great for me when I don’t have my computer or want to watch while walking. I even offered others to watch Red Dwarf on my phone and some have and commented that they were thinking of buying the dvds. So the ROK player is not completely useless.

  • >I?m disappointed that I?m getting mobisodes instead of a date >with Chris Barrie.

    *Puts a picture of Chris’s face on a blow up doll for you*
    That’ll have to do! :D

  • Andrew / Fri, 2007-12-07 22:26 / new / #

    Mr Flibble, that post shows such a fundamental understanding of pretty much everything that I don?t know where to start?

    *raises eyebrow*

  • Hmm. This piece of news has generated what I feel are a couple of the worst comments ever posted on this site.

  • But where do you get this idea that this was chosen OVER radio?

    I haven’t got that idea. I merely suggested that it would be better than this current nonsense. Someone else entirely suggested radio in the first place.

    Where did you get the idea that radio?s the answer to all our problems – funding no issue? Cos it?s free to do that, right? And any channel will take us, no question,. You?ve done the research?

    No, obviously not. I’m just making a point that it *could* be easier than the current televisual climate. Radio’s a bit “in” at the moment.

    Your post talks like we?re idiots, as opposed to a company that?s done ONE thing you don?t like. Get over yourself and give us some damn credit.

    I don’t think you’re idiots, but it feels like we’re being played like idiots with this mobile thing. All your hard sell posts on it here, for instance.

    I regularly give GNP credit, as you well know. I have consistently praised the DVDs, I have them all on my shelf, all except one bought on release day, and even before I appeared on one I was pleased that GNP was treating the fans well and doing commentaries with them and finding lots of curios to fit on the discs. The DVDs are by far and away the best of anything ever, and it constantly annoys me when I get a DVD and find no/minimal extras, cause I’m used to the outstanding quality of the Dwarf releases. I mean even the first ones were pant-wetting, and they’ve got more so over time. And I genuinely salute you and all involved for the hard work and dedication.

    But I don’t think credit is due in this case. Normally in the mainstream activities (see DVDs, etc) the hardcore fans are catered for as well. And in this case I can see you’re trying. New Dwarf is very exciting, and I’m pleased it’s being done at all. But until you can offer it to me as a download for a price (I’m happy to pay, just not ?3, nor signing up and unsubscribing every six weeks to get it for 50p + bandwidth charges) I’m not going to join the party. And let’s face it – it’s what – two, minuteish long animations? With two of the characters? That’s new Dwarf, but only just.

    I hope you understand my points Andrew, and can see where I’m coming from. I can see where you’re coming from. I don’t think you’re doing this instead of anything else, and I can see how it would be useful to prove an audience point. But I think it could better prove that point in a way that includes me and many others here who either don’t have the mobile to manage it, or don’t have the will to pay ?3 on a subscription and all the hassle that entails. I’d love to see there be a new sketch every week. But make the experience of getting it more realistic. Then I’ll give you my money.

    (How about a ?3 every four weeks for one piece of content a week?)

  • Hmmm, whilst the mobisodes hold very little interest for me it’s difficult to be negative about them really. Yes, I would like to see them and I’m guessing my mobile should be adequate for the purpose (I’ll get one of the kids on the case perhaps).
    The thing is, why be negative?

    Whilst it may not set the world on fire, somebody has the faith in the product to invest into creativity. It’s new, it’s Red Dwarf and someone is interested, what’s the problem?

    I’m sure everyone would rather have a TV show, movie or even a stage show but those are not forthcoming at the moment, does that mean we should disregard other ventures, I think not..

    Over the last few years GNP have provided the ‘hardcore’ with more goodies than could ever be imagined yet these releases have also appealed to a larger audience. In other words, there’s been something for everyone.

    Clearly, the mobisodes will not appeal to everyone, but someone sees a market for them and they could bring in a new audience, something Dwarf needs at the moment to inject new life into the franchise. It’s not taking anything away from the fans and nobody has said this is the only way forward, full stop.

    Where’s the problem??

  • > Where?s the problem??

    I guess that some people could see this being slightly cynical as ?3 for one mobisode (plus some other stuff that people might not really want) is pushing it a little.

    It doesn’t particularly bother me though but I certainly wouldn’t pay that to see it and will wait to see if it appears on the net in some form or other.

  • I can see that there’s maybe a cost issue involved but ?3 only becomes a problem if you spend it.
    Time will tell if it works at that cost and it’s fair enough if anyone doesn’t want to pay that sum but it is down to choice whether you go for it or not.
    I’ve little doubt that somewhere down the line it will surface somewhere else, legally or otherwise.

    GNP is a business after all and as such shouldn’t really be condemned for seeking out new markets.
    After all, it has to be to the benefit of all Dwarf fans if GNP bring in some dosh.

  • My mobile phone certainly isn’t up to this. Shame. Hopefully it will find it’s way onto the internet soon enough, which I suppose is also kind of a shame

  • The question which comes to mind after rereading the above exchange is this:

    Has GNP enquired about doing a radio Red Dwarf or not?

  • > I hope you understand my points Andrew

    I did the first time. But your points seems to be “Don’t do anything I don’t want” and ‘Get Dwarf out there”.

    You think the latter isn’t going on? You think that’s a brand new suggestion? And you think you’re entitled to the former?

  • I think we should all step back and realise what’s actually going on. We’re going to be seeing the first genuinely new Red Dwarf material for nearly ten years, and I don’t think that’s something to be taken lightly.

    Well done Andrew and GNP and thankyou!

  • This is stating the obvious somewhat, but remarkably, it seems to need stating. The main problem in the recent discussions about new Dwarf material is that people keep making suggestions that assume two things. Firstly, that GNP as a company has the power to make whatever the hell they want, regardless of budget and distribution. For instance, people complaining about the Remastered episodes being “bundled in with” The Bodysnatcher Collection, as if GNP could just *decide* to release a single DVD of documentaries and old scripts, but *chose* to make it a four disc thing. People keep saying “they should release this, this and this”, as if “they” (GNP) can magically make DVDs appear in shops, with whatever content they choose. GNP are not a distributor. They are a production company that need budgets from distributors in order to make things. In order to get these budgets, they have to prove that whatever it is they’re doing will sell, and be worth the distributor forking out for it. People (not necessarily in this thread, as I know both Darrell and Flib have more nous about them than that) don’t seem to get this. The same applies to a new TV series, a radio show, a stage show, audio dramas, whatever. People seem to think that if a production company decides to do something, it can happen straight away, and that them *not* doing something is always a concious decision.

    The second assumption is that whatever you’re suggesting is a revelation to GNP. It must be ridiculously annoying for people to criticise you for not doing something when you’ve already tried to do so but not been able to. Or when people make the same stupid suggestions over and over again, such as the “why can’t all the fans chip in twenty quid for the movie” thing, that seems to have been around for decades. Or just being downright stupid, confrontational, willfully-misunderstanding, or telling lies about your work. (Again, not in this thread, I’m using it as an excuse to vent! For the record, I’d love a radio series, and am not too wild about the mobile stuff, but will probably subscribe to get the new material.) We’re very lucky that Andrew continues to stick his head over the parapet on G&T; not only paying attention to criticism of his work, but commenting on and discussing it. Without wanting to get too crawlybumlick, we should all remember at times that this is a privilege, not a right.

  • I don’t personally have a problem with mobile (or otherwise) content, its just ncie to see somethings. (Even if I will have to buy a new phone to view it.) Maybe adding an option to allow people to simply download the mobisodes for the same fee would be somthing that would help win some people over a it? That way no revenue is lost, although granted I would guess that it wouldn’t work due to contractual issues.

    Theres an old saying that ‘you can please some of the people some of the time,but not all of the people all of the time’. The only time to worry is when no bugger is pleased ANY of the time. ;)

  • I think this mobisode was held back from being in the series so that they could make us buy it on video phones…they just needed to wait while they were invented.

  • I’m complaining cos I’ve never any credit on my phone and can’t afford this type of stuff.

    The fact that I continuously buy DVDs means that no-one will have any sympathy with me, but I don’t care.

  • I am pleased to see some genuinely new RD material arrive. I’m not going to bother to see it. I personally find the visual style of the Mobisodes too irritating, which makes me wonder if this can be listened to audio only? Are there gags or sequences that require a visual input to make sense? If not then I’ll consider it a short audio adventure and actually be happier. I would like to see a radio play being made (Hell, I’d like to see a new TV series or movie being made, but we know where that’s gone). I don’t know what steps GNP have made towards testing the waters for a radio show, so I can’t make any other comment other than “I’d like to see it tried” and “Have they looked into it?”. I’m sure they have, I’d love to know what the result was. I might be disappointed in the “We don’t think our listeners are interested in that sort of show” response that probably stopped them doing it, but at least I’d know.

    I’m willing to buy (indeed have bought) books, DVDs, calendars, T-shirts, glove puppets, electronic playsets, Corgi diecasts, dogtags and RPGs. I love Red Dwarf. I’ve put my money where my mouth is. I’m still not going to fork out on a new phone and a subscription to obtain something that I might only like if I listen to. I am delighted that something new is being made. I hope a new audience will pick up on it (though I have reservations). I hope it’s a success, but it’s just a bit too much for me to consider worth going for.

  • “Whose Holly impression is scarier, mine or wayne?s?”

    LOL! Youknow as dim as this may make me sound I actualy habn’t thought of that. I had it taken a while back for a publicity shot for a book I have due out middle of next year. (No it’s nothing intersting before anyone asks.) Although I think yours edges it in the holly stakes. ;)

    The way I see it I’m about 3 years overdue for a new phoen anyway, so I may as well give it a whirl out of curiosity. If they are bad / crap /not my cup of tea (delete as approriate), the I can always cancel it, so its not the end of the world to me.

  • Wayne says…
    I had it taken a while back for a publicity shot for a book I have due out middle of next year. (No it?s nothing intersting before anyone asks.)

    Well now I’m curious. Do tell!

    Edit: Actually, I’ve just realised that I actually know you. So I already know what it’s about :)

  • Yep you do ;) plus its under a shed load of none disclosure agreements right now so I can’t say a whole lot apart from its a text book and it has many words and pages lol. A LOT of pages in fact. :S

  • Quantum authoring is the way of the future! :D Write it after people have already read it thus meaning you can live off the royalties while you spend endless weeks of your life writing the damn thing lol. (It is running to about 2-3 times the length ofa dcent sized novel if I hit the targets by the way…. so yeah lots of pages and even more words….)

  • It’s a breakthrough in literature marketing. It’s out in stores, before the book is finished…

  • > So, subscription only for now, then. Bah.

    In case anybody missed it on the RD site, the mobisodes – and other content – are now available subscription-free, per-item, from three major providers in the UK.

  • The first of the new Christmas specials has been released today and its ok but too short to get any laughs from.

  • > In case anybody missed it on the RD site, the mobisodes – and other content – are now available subscription-free, per-item, from three major providers in the UK.

    Excellent stuff!

  • >In case anybody missed it on the RD site, the mobisodes – and other content – are now available subscription-free, per-item, from three major providers in the UK.

    … except for Orange. Not that I blame you lot for that, it’s probably Orange being crap. Because they are crap. Bah.

  • Well, I’ve signed up for the mobile service, and a review of Red Christmas is coming on Sunday. I would have it finished today, but Tanya’s taking her phone away with her for the weekend.

    I can’t say I like it, though, sadly. I don’t think it’s funny, and I don’t think it fits in the Dwarf universe either.

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