Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › This is Big Bro, taking over the show Search for: This topic has 196 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 5 months ago by Ben Paddon. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 197 total) 1 2 3 4 Author Posts August 5, 2009 at 1:52 am #101872 ChrisMParticipant Did you hear what she said about the queen? “Her husband is dead. That’s why we have a queen and no king.” (Or words to that effect.) Mind you I noticed she smiled shortly after saying it, so maybe she was pulling Rodrigo(Rodriguez?)’s leg. August 5, 2009 at 10:00 pm #101912 JoParticipant No, I think she’s actually quite thick, She just covers it with a posh accent. Tonight’s show = excellent. I love the fact that BB waited 5 HOURS before telling Hira she didn’t have to actually eat her way through the whole giant cake. I did massive lolz! And then she totally misunderstood and kept fanning herself after she was back in the house as “part of the task”. This woman is wonderfully dim :oD Big old argument = Entertaining. Freddy cackling like a mentalist and saying he’s popular and so won’t be leaving = MASSIVE FAIL. August 5, 2009 at 10:41 pm #101916 ChrisMParticipant I found myself laughing at the ruckus. Maybe I should have been disgusted and annoyed… but of all the days to row, it’s the day they’re dressed up in silly costumes. And… basically rowing about nothing. (Am I wrong for finding that funny?) And yes, Hera’s task was funny. And messy. I liked the small seat gag. Wonder if she got it? August 5, 2009 at 11:52 pm #101919 pfmParticipant Does anyone else think Freddie is about this close (just imagine I’m holding my finger and thumb 25mm apart) to a nervous breakdown? His manic laughter isn’t something you usually see outside of some sort of medical facility. And his ‘singing’ was way more disturbing than them singing Joseph songs on Psychoville. August 6, 2009 at 7:52 am #101927 Jonathan CappsKeymaster I loved last night’s show. Excellent tasks, a massive and bizarre row and Rodrigo wearing the cat costume from Big Train. And, yes, Freddie is going to snap very soon. August 7, 2009 at 2:19 pm #101971 DaveParticipant Oh God, is it still on? August 7, 2009 at 2:24 pm #101972 JoParticipant No, we’re just making it up. August 7, 2009 at 2:59 pm #101979 Jonathan CappsKeymaster > Oh God, is it still on? Yes, and better than it has been in years. August 7, 2009 at 3:14 pm #101981 AndrewParticipant I’m never keen on the gross-out talks. I don’t enjoy watching them, and I’m not convinced they improve the show – certainly the long-term fall-out tends to be fairly minimal. But at least there was a mix with these – not all yucky stuff. And bonus points for inventive photography with Hira’s. August 7, 2009 at 9:47 pm #102005 JoParticipant Poor Hira! Stupid BB fucking around with the voting! BAH! August 8, 2009 at 12:57 am #102015 pfmParticipant They had to do it because there are too many weeks left for them to lose anymore of the main characters just yet. August 11, 2009 at 12:44 am #102152 JoParticipant Freddie is actually going mental isn’t he? I was chuffed that in a brief moment of clarity he called Bea out for her bitching – he face was great. Sadly he didn’t have the backbone to stick up for himself and kept apologising, of course Bea accepted his apology in her usual graceful manner. I really, really dislike her! August 12, 2009 at 12:06 am #102170 pfmParticipant I’m not sure whether I love or loathe Freddie. Bea is making it very easy to sympathise with him atm (at the moment). Though I hope he never becomes a politician, seeing as it’s taken him about a month to realise that he’s been manipulated. Hopefully he’ll learn from this whole charade. I want Marcus to go because he’s the biggest baby going. Whinging and whinging about Big Brother and yet, as Sophie said, why doesn’t he just walk out? because he’s like a baby with a nappy full of doodoo, that’s why. He would never walk out of there unless he knew 100% he was being evicted. August 12, 2009 at 12:19 am #102171 AndrewParticipant It’s bizarre, the journey Halfwit’s been on. – but I suspect it ends this week. All those weeks of survival, and he let it make him cocky. All the Lisa-baiting is gonna come back and bite him this week. So despite Bea being utterly vile (I’m now sick to death of her insulting people and then crying when they get upset with her), I think his card has been marked. But dear God, have ever two men been more deluded than Marcus and Halfwit when it comes to ‘the game’? They consider themselves these great readers of behaviour, but they’re right about as often as…well, Charlie. August 12, 2009 at 12:26 am #102173 pfmParticipant As evil as Bea is she’s far more in tune with reality than Marcus or Halfwit. That’s why she can be so manipulative, of course. Siavash will slide past all of them. August 12, 2009 at 2:09 am #102175 Ben PaddonParticipant Did you see that one housemate do that outrageous thing? It was outrageous! August 12, 2009 at 7:44 am #102177 JoParticipant I saw this on DS forums and it made me do massive lolz… Save our BB Womble!! He must keep “Wombling Free!” :) Marcus is pure BB uniqueness. We CAN’T lose him. Who else wanders around in a duvet at night like a hairy casper, staring through the mirrors? Who else tries to outwit BB for a bit of five fingered “M” time, and is completely open and humorous about it when they catch him? Who else goes hash hunting in the garden at night, like a hash snuffling truffle pig? Who else speaks cryptically of “Interesting objects in the garden that we are not allowed to have” and then says, “I found a little interesting thing which I stuck to another interesting thing, to make a bigger interesting thing” He’s an effing BB Womble! Uncle Marcarius! From the Womble song “Pick up the pieces and make em into something new…is what we do!”. Proof, if proof be need be, of Marcus’s Womble status! The Womble of Borehamwood garden is he, making good use if the things that he find’s, things that the everyday folks leave behind You gotta keep the Marcus! I think that I would rather Freddie leave this week, if only to get him away from the vile Bea and into some sort of counselling! Watched the live feed for a bit last night and saw Bea and Lisa being all chummy at the bus stop, chatting about how the problem with Freddie is that he has live a sheltered life, has too much money that he hasn’t earned and talks about it too much. Bea then goes on to say how when she was younger she spent many of her summers staying with friends in St. Tropez. Stupid bitch. August 12, 2009 at 4:44 pm #102197 pfmParticipant > Stupid bitch Maybe she just has a penchant for war history. August 13, 2009 at 2:29 am #102222 JoParticipant OMG! I hope tonight’s live feed goes in the highlights show. Marcus is currently KICKING BEA’S ASS! It’s TV GOLD!!! :o) She’s totally in denial, she’s insisting that she’s genuine and positive. She thinks that Marcus is making it up I won’t spoiler too much but this is quote from Marcus: “Basically everything you say is the opposite way round, you do all the shit you say you don’t and everyone else is vice versa” August 13, 2009 at 2:31 am #102223 JoParticipant Marcus SO needs to stay! August 13, 2009 at 9:06 am #102227 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Marcus will definitely stay if he’s been kicking Bea’s arse. This is excellent. August 13, 2009 at 4:43 pm #102242 pfmParticipant Bea has been rumbled by Siavash, Halfwit and Marcus all in the space of a few days. Failure! August 13, 2009 at 10:16 pm #102266 AndrewParticipant And I’d say that was Marcus totally safe for the week. Thank you and goodnight. It’s amazing with Bea – at this point, almost everything she says about someone else would be entirely acurate if played back to her to describe herself. August 14, 2009 at 8:01 am #102274 PrueParticipant I would just like to pop up here… We don’t have Big Brother here in Australia at the moment (thank goodness), and after a couple of showings of the first Big Bro, I couldn’t stand it anymore (didn’t do anything for me and I couldn’t stand watching ‘non-scripted’ people sit about, show off for the camera, or just be gits). However, saying that, I am loving this thread (probably because to me it isn’t ‘real’)! It’s like reading a drama that I don’t have to watch!!! Much, much more entertaining!!! Thanks for keeping us all informed!!!! I’ll go back to hiding now…….. August 14, 2009 at 8:43 am #102276 Pete Part ThreeParticipant I can’t believe Sally and Keith had sex in the pool! August 14, 2009 at 5:23 pm #102308 Jason aka Smeg4BrainsParticipant I can’t call it this week. I’d much rather there was a third person up for eviction because Marcus and Halfwit are the most entertaining people in there. And it’s all Bea’s fault. The CUNT. August 14, 2009 at 5:52 pm #102310 AndrewParticipant I’m generally not too bothered with the bits of manipulation done to keep the show interesting. (Without it, Rodrigo meeting ‘The Queen’ would never have happened.) But I do feel like this series has gone a little too far nomination-wise. If/when Lisa survives to the final, it won’t be down to any quality on her part, but simply the tricks used – ‘vote to save…from everyone’, ‘you can talk about nominations this week’ – to keep the show active. There was a time when making it the end carried some value, at least in terms of being ‘nice’. I worry that Bea’s about to get the same treatment by the production – cos those fireworks are worth hanging onto… August 15, 2009 at 12:59 am #102330 pfmParticipant I get the feeling that Rodrigo is now the only person who can realistically win. If you think about it, the whole feel and theme of the series has pointed towards it. A few of the others have qualities that may have won them PAST series’ (Charlie seems to act like he’s IN a past series, he’s trying so hard to be a cross between Craig from BB1, Brian Dowling and Anthony who won it a few years ago, and yet he’s nowhere near) but Rodrigo really fits the bill this time around. The other two contenders are Siavash and Sophie. I reckon the producers might see a Sophie win as being a bit too boring, even though she has assets that will get her in the media. However nice she is, once the series ends she will be seen as just another reality TV blonde bimbo, a fairly predictable outcome. They won’t want Siavash to win because it seems he couldn’t give a flying fuck about anything anymore. Rodrigo, on the other hand, is extremely enthusiastic and would genuinely love to win. August 15, 2009 at 3:03 pm #102339 JoParticipant The problem with Sophie is that she doesn’t really have a personality so when people like Bea, Kris and Karly come in she just claims their opinions and personality traits as her own. Which is not doing her any favours really. She’s better when she hangs around with Rodrigo, but that’s just because Roddy is (mostly) fun. I agree, I think Roddy is favourite to win (at the moment anyway – these things can change in an instant) the fact that he took the whole Queen thing in good humour did him a great favour. August 15, 2009 at 4:48 pm #102343 AndrewParticipant The final is so wide open right now – or, at least, between a few possibilities – that it’s going to end up depending on the events of the final weeks even more than normal. The Queen thing put Rodrigo up front after pinging between dull stupidity and idiotic tantrum. But Siavash gained similarly when the Noirin thing climaxed, having previously been a showy but easily-dismissed side-runner. Frankly, if they got Sophie, David of Charlie to do something good-natured, emotional, but faintly humiliating right now, their odds would shoot up, too. Bea and Lisa can’t win, that’s pretty much the only cert. Marcus still could if he toned down the cockiness – he’s arguably had the most screen time. August 15, 2009 at 8:52 pm #102348 JoParticipant Bea talking about Marcus “He likes science fiction, I can’t be friends with anyone who likes science fiction” OH NOES! Bea will never be friends with us! Boo Hoo! Stupid bitch. August 15, 2009 at 9:09 pm #102349 AndrewParticipant To be fair, she said (I think) “none of my friends like science fiction.” She could make an SF friend, I guess. If they were deaf. And brain dead. She is a stupid bitch. That’s just not one of the major reasons. Meanwhile Rodrigo’s temper is going to make it very hard for him to win… August 15, 2009 at 10:47 pm #102350 JoParticipant No, she definitely said she can’t be friends with anyone who likes science fiction. I typed it right after she said it ;o) >Meanwhile Rodrigo?s temper is going to make it very hard for him to win? Or Charlie purposely baiting him? I predict that Roddy is the next target for Bea and Charlie. August 15, 2009 at 11:51 pm #102352 AndrewParticipant > No, she definitely said she can?t be friends with anyone who likes science fiction. I’ll check when it appears on 4oD – because I’m pretty sure she said she ‘wasn’t friends with’ (or some variant) not ‘couldn’t be friends with’. I’d argue that the latter was certainly implied by her tone, but it wasn’t worded that way. But we’ll see when it goes up. Either way – cow. > Or Charlie purposely baiting him? Oh he’s certainly doing a bit of that – though only, mostly, because he’s entirely too dim to know when he’s crossing the line. I don’t think he says stuff to get a rise so much as to prove he has insight and notices things. Trouble is, he’s not smart enough to phrase the observations kindly, or to save them until the person won’t hear. Nor, indeed, for his insights to actually be that insightful. And he’s a dick when he’s drunk, of course. But Rodrigo’s temper’s not something he can control – prowling around the diary room, unable to cool down. He goes there too easily. It may not start out as his fault, but, like Freddy, it’s not doing him any favours when he over-reacts and fights back so hard and so badly. Whatever the cause – and it’s not all one-way – he’s actually the one who’s closest to physical violence when the kicks off. August 16, 2009 at 12:08 am #102353 pfmParticipant > because I?m pretty sure she said she ?wasn?t friends with? (or some variant) not ?couldn?t be friends with?. Definitely ‘couldn’t’. And yes, she most certainly is a bitch, one of the biggest ever to dwell behind those ‘cardboard’ walls. For Freddie to go before her is a huge injustice IMO, though I want to see Marcus in there more so it was a sacrifice that had to be made. Marcus may well strive towards the final four now that he’s coming across as more of the good guy. He deserves it more than the utter knob Charlie. August 16, 2009 at 2:04 am #102359 AndrewParticipant > she definitely said she can?t be friends with anyone who likes science fiction. > Definitely ?couldn?t?. This just in from the ‘taking it all far too seriously’ department: The show is up on 4oD. The quote in question appear at around 24:58, and runs as follows: “Also, he likes science fiction. I’m not friends with anyone that likes science fiction. And he’s just a bit weird. He’s just a bit weird and not really my type of guy.” http://www.channel4.com/programmes/big-brother/4od#2932391 Ms Potato, Mr Monkey, you may grovel when ready. :-p August 16, 2009 at 3:03 am #102362 pfmParticipant Well fuck the crows. August 16, 2009 at 3:45 am #102364 JoParticipant Can’t believe you watched to check! Either way – cow. ^This. August 16, 2009 at 11:07 am #102370 AndrewParticipant > Can?t believe you watched to check! Only cos I couldn’t believe people were using the word ‘definitely’! August 16, 2009 at 12:57 pm #102374 pfmParticipant Twat. August 16, 2009 at 1:31 pm #102376 JoParticipant I definitely thought that’s what she said. So ner. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t even matter, she still meant the same thing! August 16, 2009 at 3:22 pm #102382 AndrewParticipant > I definitely thought that?s what she said. So ner. Hey, you correct people on a public forum, you gotta back it up! And since I started the whole ‘you’re wrong’ thing, I wanted to either evidence the point or, y’know, apologise for getting it back-asswards. I’d be dragged through things and over things and then stuffed into a thing before I’d be allowed to get away with using the ‘well I definitely thought’ defence! What I do like about all this is the way it evidences Bea’s powers of offence. There’s a story that Hitler (blah, blah, Nazi meme) appeared before a huge crowd one day and friends were turning to each other and saying ‘Hey looked at me! He nodded right to me!’ Only it turns out everybody felt that way. With Bea, she may not be meaning to attack specific people, but her gift is she hits those targets whether she’s aiming for them or not – every time she opens her mouth, more people feel specifically wound-up. Bless her. August 16, 2009 at 3:30 pm #102383 AndrewParticipant Actually, thinking about Bea and Halfwit, it all boils down to ‘They started it’. Bea’s coven of cacklers and tea-stealers can hardly claim the high ground over Freddy laughing and crowing. They’ve matched each other insult for insult, cruelty for cruelty. But if you asked Bea how she’d justify it, it’s that Freddy deserves it because he was mean first. He was being negative first. And if you asked Freddy, you’d get much the same response – that he didn’t start acting that way until she laid into him under cover of ‘informing him of the truth’. Bea’s been harsher by a long way, I’d say; and started it. Though you blame it on lack of tact if it weren’t for the way she wheels out the crocodile tears when she gets caught going too far… August 17, 2009 at 1:35 am #102404 Jason aka Smeg4BrainsParticipant I don’t think she’ll last much longer. How much of a bitch she is was once again backed up at the end of today’s episode. I thought she was really harsh to Charlie when she said “Never EVER do that again”. At the end of the day she was being a pain in the arse when everyone was trying to sleep and deserved to have water spat at her. I think he should have spat piss at her…or maybe not. August 17, 2009 at 7:41 am #102409 JoParticipant She was SHOCKED! Fair enough, I’d maybe a bit annoyed if someone did that to me (spit water in my face) but then I wouldn’t have laughed to start with like she did. It was only when she realised that she could make a big drama out of it that it became a massive issue. I think she’ll go up this week. I think Lisa will nominate her, possibly David too… and if both Marcus and Siavash nominate her (likely) then that’s all we need to get rid of her whiny, bitchy little gerbil-like face. August 17, 2009 at 11:15 am #102410 AndrewParticipant The lack of self-awareness is just amazing. She spends all this time moaning about how people are negative and totally misses the irony. Even that ‘letter’ contest – “I’d hate to lose out on a prize on a technicality’. Right, but you’d be happy to WIN a prize over other people on a technicality, then? That’s the spirit! August 17, 2009 at 3:25 pm #102412 pfmParticipant > get rid of her whiny, bitchy little gerbil-like face. *miaow* I was watching it live last night and counting how many times she said the word ‘upset’. After about 10 I couldn’t be bothered any more. When you have to keep telling people you’re ‘upset’ over and over again there comes a point where no-one buys it. Not even from an 8-year-old. August 17, 2009 at 3:37 pm #102413 ChrisMParticipant Yeah. “In the alphabet some letters have more words…” following long explanation “that’s why more pages are devoted to them'” blah blah. And she thinks that should be taken into account like it’s unfair. Apart from the obvious fact that all letters were face down and everyone has an equal crack,etc. Part of me enjoys watching her though. Annoying people make good telly. Interesting thing is Rodrigo has his childish hissy fits, yet I still wouldn’t mind if he won, although I hope he tones down thte nonsence. His nasty side is a result of over-sensitivity, while Bea is selfish. His seems more forgivable, albeit he’s probably the closest to violence when he gets in a strop. Probably because when he’s nice he’s very nice. August 17, 2009 at 3:41 pm #102414 Jonathan CappsKeymaster And there are loads of words beginning with ‘W’, the stupid cunt. August 17, 2009 at 4:04 pm #102416 AndrewParticipant To be fair, if she’d gone through ALL of the available W words in the English language in her minute, they might have had to compensate. If she wants compensating for getting W, Charlie should be allowed extra time for being thick. Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 197 total) 1 2 3 4 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In