Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › This is Big Bro, taking over the show Search for: This topic has 196 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 5 months ago by Ben Paddon. Scroll to bottom Viewing 47 posts - 151 through 197 (of 197 total) 1 2 3 4 Author Posts September 1, 2009 at 2:35 pm #102934 JoParticipant A very lollable flash game: http://www.chromeplay.com/game_view.php?id=298 September 1, 2009 at 2:35 pm #102933 AndrewParticipant > Rodrigo was the only other housemate to nominate, He DEFINITELY didn’t nominate. He did, of course – being an idiot, I omitted a pretty important fact in trying to pr?cis too swiftly – but I don’t see why I shouldn’t still claim the high ground simply because I was completely inaccurate. :-p Oh, okay, yes, I was wrong. > They seemed to show a higher percentage of Siavash?s nominations than anyone else I don’t think so – or, at least, not in an especially biased way. As far as I can tell, they showed every vote BY a current housemate FOR a current housemate. So, weirdly, Siavash’s votes kinda get shown up as some of the least influential/effective. > Excellent! Hopefully that?s Prue well and truly up-to-date, now :) To be fair, the poor love knows one episode in minute detail while being wholly unaware of, say, the awesomeness of Lisa and David’s trip around London in alien costumes and the others’ break into the camera runs. But hey, we didn’t know we were providing such a valuable service! Join Jo and I on BBreiterated.com next year! > Surely it would?ve been better to tell everyone to keep quiet so everyone got the surprise. I wondered about that, because there’s entertainment value to be had there. But, ultimately, they know the housemates bickering about HOW to nominate will have a bigger, and more interesting, impact than getting the same shock face from each one. (Which would have wilted by person three, with the names being called in order, mouths shut but bad moods emerging; they’d guess the deal.) The ructions caused by how whether vote at all – an interesting wrinkle this year that’s never really happened this way before – have been pretty incendiary. September 1, 2009 at 2:59 pm #102935 JoParticipant >Join Jo and I on BBreiterated.com next year! PLAN! >I wondered about that, because there?s entertainment value to be had there. Yeah, I was really annoyed at how the surprise nominations plan was executed last night, but as it turns out the way it’s gone has just made Lisa and David a million times more unpopular and one of them will be leaving this evening. (I hope it’s Lisa though!) I’m very much liking the speed of this nomination/eviction process :o) >To be fair, the poor love knows one episode in minute detail while being wholly unaware of, say, the awesomeness of Lisa and David?s trip around London in alien costumes and the others? break into the camera runs. This is true. As you insist…. it is one of the few episodes where I’ve warmed to Lisa and David. David dressed as a big furry orange and pink alien holding his big alien hands over his big alien mouth in excitement was great. As was the fact that, being on the top of an open topped red bus as well as being dressed in huge padded alien suits meant they couldn’t hear each other. D: (excitedly)Look it’s the Millenium Eye L: What? D: Can you see the Millenium Eye? L: Eh? D: over there! L: What? D: Oh… never mind Them being in the costumes was great – on a par with the housemates in boxes task (an endurance task where the housemates have to stay inside boxes – last person left in his/her box wins.) when they just cut to a shot of a photo of the housemate stuck on the box when they’re talking. It makes everything funnier… don’t know why! I did feel sorry for them too when they got back, all excited to tell everyone what they’d been doing and Charlie with a face like thunder sulkily told them “Well we pushed Marcus into the pool.” (despite the fact that they’d broken into the cameras runs while L&D were out – not sure why he decided Marcus in the pool was the better story topper!) they ended up in the bedroom on their own chatting about the day. I get the feeling if it had been any of the other housemates then they would’ve all been happy to listen to them. The escape into the camera runs was amusing if only to see Marcus outrunning various security staff – he’s fast when he wants to be! and Roddy breaking the rules for the first time ever! IMO it wouldn’t have happened if Lisa had been in there… she’s have pissed all over the idea. So good timing on BB’s part in pushing them to entertain! September 1, 2009 at 3:07 pm #102936 AndrewParticipant > IMO it wouldn?t have happened if Lisa had been in there? she?s have pissed all over the idea This. Just your telling it again has made me giggle. David talking to BB on a mobile phone on an open-top bus, with Lisa constantly yelling “I can’t hear you!” when he was never actually speaking to her…you can’t plan for stuff like that. Just hysterical. September 1, 2009 at 3:19 pm #102938 JoParticipant David and Lisa the aliens! September 1, 2009 at 3:22 pm #102937 JoParticipant Don’t know if Prue will be able to view these or not but: http://www.channel4.com/bigbrother/gallery/Day83/d83_.html Pics of the housemates escaping into the camera run. >Just your telling it again has made me giggle. David talking to BB on a mobile phone on an open-top bus, with Lisa constantly yelling ?I can?t hear you!? when he was never actually speaking to her?you can?t plan for stuff like that. Just hysterical. I laughed a lot! It was an exceptionally funny episode, it sort of got lost with the Channel 4 news which is a shame. September 1, 2009 at 9:47 pm #102942 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Quite possibly the worst exit interview I’ve ever seen. No mention of any of her deeply horrible moments and just generally a stumble filled mess. Still, Lisa is gone! GONE! And with 68.59% of a six way vote. My prediction for the win is Siavash. September 1, 2009 at 10:43 pm #102943 JoParticipant >Quite possibly the worst exit interview I?ve ever seen. No mention of any of her deeply horrible moments and just generally a stumble filled mess. It was a bloody shambles! RODRIGO FTW! The cheers seemed to indicate that Sophie is favourite… meh. I will not be particularly happy if she does, she’s a big pile of nothing personality-wise. September 1, 2009 at 11:04 pm #102944 AndrewParticipant They really have stumbled over the last few exit interviews. A shame, because at the start of the series I liked the new format. Crowd reactions were fascinating. Poor David doesn’t deserve the hate, but Lisa’s just radioactive – I doubt it’ll wear off in the last few days. But I was really pleased by how balanced the cheers were for the others. I don’t think Sophie’s THE favourite, just on par. I don’t get the Rodrigo love at all. I find him awfully whiny and pretty selfish, plus utterly lacking in self-awareness. Nothing he’s done – comedy Queen gullibility aside – has been any more special for me than what the others have done. Charlie bugs me too much to get the vote, since he seems to think being young is the same as having a licence to be dickish, and has no concept of how to debate. But Sophie, while daft, is – for me – basically kind and considerate, and more self-aware than she’s often taken for. Not a winner by any stretch, and really not a woman whose ambitions I can especially applaud, but genuinely interested and curious about people. (Which, to be fair, Roddy also is.) So I’m kinda for Siavash by default. Partly, oddly, BECAUSE his recent actions have been so blatantly motivated to winning. He’s lousy at duplicity, but his motives I can appreciate. He’s always been on the wrong side of things, except he’s actually the person I tend to agree with. He’s not quick to judge or belittle. Until very recently, his was the version of ‘BB rebellion’ I could most easily identify with – more interesting, less scattershot. But I doubt I’ll vote at all. I did yesterday, to get Lisa out, but that’s the only time I’ve been passionate enough to do so this year. BB10’s been good for a lot of reasons, but creating heat around the public vote hasn’t really been one of them. September 1, 2009 at 11:49 pm #102945 JoParticipant >I don?t get the Rodrigo love at all. I find him awfully whiny and pretty selfish, plus utterly lacking in self-awareness. Nothing he?s done – comedy Queen gullibility aside – has been any more special for me than what the others have done. Selfish how? IMO, he’s a genuinely nice lad. He doesn’t bitch behind people’s backs, he’ll say things to people’s faces. If he has an argument with someone he goes over later once everything has calmed and clears the air, he doesn’t hold grudges. He does have a very bad temper, but tonight’s show (when he played himself having an argument over the shopping) shows that he knows that and can take the piss out of himself. He has acted in anger a few times (throwing oil on Charlie’s bed, water at Charlie – oh look who is involved in BOTH these situations… curious!) but he calms down quickly enough and he seems to feel bad for his actions when he does. Plus he has the most infectious laugh in the world. I’ve never seen Sophie or Charlie apologise for their disgusting behaviour towards Freddie in those first few weeks… and then again when Bea turned on him. September 1, 2009 at 11:52 pm #102946 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant I know someone who voted for Marcus 4 times, Noirin about 8 times and Bea even more than that. The whole show is geared towards giving the core viewership motivation to pick up the phone. The vote to win is a different matter, of course. As much as I like Sophie I don’t feel like I want to vote for her to win. I would rather vote for Siavash because he’s been more of a character throughout the series and has been through more shit than anyone else left in there. If he hadn’t played up the victim act and ‘taken himself out of the game’ IMO he would have been the perfect winner. He probably won’t win in the end because of this. September 2, 2009 at 12:19 am #102948 Danny StephensonKeymaster Sorry if this has been mentioned, but the costumes of (Sophie and Rodrigo is it?) have what look like Daft Punk’s ‘Harder Better Faster Stronger’ lyrics on them. What was that all about? September 2, 2009 at 1:22 am #102949 AndrewParticipant > Selfish how? Once he has an issue, it’s all he’ll let anyone focus on. It goes with the tantrums, but also comes out of little, basic things like the shopping lists. There’s an awful lot the babysitting needed, but he’s supposed to be a grown man. And his clashes over the rule-breaks come from a very odd place. A place I find unsettling. But s’just me. I don’t think his temper cools quickly, either – they have to pull him into the diary room and wait for an hour while he settles. That’s a long old time to keep spinning over such trivial stuff. But sure, no grudges are held. Though I’m not sure the recreated row shows he’s got a particular sense of humour about himself – he didn’t seem to play it that way. Just did the lines, as if they still represented an correct and important point of view, and because NOT doing the lines would breech his slightly odd sense of the rules. But hey, s’just me. > What was that all about? They performed that very track. With their bodies. It was excellent. Here’s a crappy video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTRBkKFNDYU September 2, 2009 at 1:41 am #102950 JoParticipant >That?s a long old time to keep spinning over such trivial stuff. The whole BB environment means that emotions are heightened anyway, but I’m sorry if I was asleep and 3 idiots jumped on me, then one of them took the piss out of me until *I* was called to the diary room, I think that I’d be fucked off too. I’m not saying he doesn’t have a temper and yes it’s something that he needs to deal with, but Charlie has deliberately pushed his buttons on a number of occasions, knowing what the reaction will be. The fact there are feelings there means that this is going to affect Rodrigo more than if he was arguing with anyone else. I’m sure you’ll correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think that Roddy has not been called to the diary room to calm down after arguing with anyone other than Charlie. And I don’t think he was in there for an hour. As for the shopping stuff it’s a recurring argument because the housemates never cottoned on to a fair way of doing the shop. The first week that they actually got the luxury budget Rodrigo got told to wait till the end and then got forgotten about. So every week he tries to ensure he’s not forgotten and yes it kicks off. But that’s not all his fault, Marcus and Noirin were shitty with him and so he reacted. >and because NOT doing the lines would breech his slightly odd sense of the rules. Odd in what way? He finds it disrespectful when the other housemates don’t follow the rules set by BB when they went in. That’s fair enough and probably very much related to his upbringing. The escape in the camera run is the first time he’s ever been daring enough to break the rules! >But hey, s?just me Well that’s your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. September 2, 2009 at 2:39 am #102951 AndrewParticipant > And I don?t think he was in there for an hour. There was one where it was like ’43 minutes later’ or something. I only remember it because I kind yelped and went “How long?!” And they still had the actual talking to do. But sure, Charlie button-pushing, sexual subtext, shopping stress, etc. etc. Not denying any of that. But they’re all in the same environment, and Roddy’s reactions differ from others. More than just culturally. And his reactions don’t endear him to me. I also have a particular problem with that kind of flare of irrational, violent temper which is just mine. I don’t think there are good excuses for it. Just reasons. And his reasons don’t make him any more likeable when I watch. (But sure, they make Charlie a dick, too. No argument there.) The rules of Big Brother stuff – well, they also talk about violent behaviour. He forgets them when it suits. There’s another level to his sense of the rules, though. Upbringing only covers so much – Bea’s like she is because of her upbringing, she doesn’t a free pass on that basis – and Roddy’s made specific judgement choices. And there’s…something in his mental process that concerns me. The way he waves his propriety about like a lightsaber – hypocritically, sometimes, and unaware of it, but mostly just with aggression. There’s a strange willingness to be bent to the show’s shape – as if any challenge of authority is to deserve punishment. In or out of the house. Not fear of punishment, but actual deference. Like he just wants to be told what to do. Which gels with the idolisation of royalty, I guess. He’s like the willing subject of a dictator. Not just unwilling to rebel, but unwilling to let the questions be asked. I don’t believe that take on the world is limited to the show, for him, and as such it makes me very uneasy. > Well that?s your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. I know. But you asked me to explain, so I did! Not trying to persuade you one iota! Nor do I want him executed, or judged as some kind of evil git. Just saying he’s no kind of winner for me. September 2, 2009 at 3:08 am #102952 JoParticipant I think a lot of your perception of him has to do with your issues rather than him as a person. I really can’t see what you see. You make him sound almost sinister. >> Well that?s your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. >I know. But you asked me to explain, so I did! Not trying to persuade you one iota! I know I did, and after reading it I disagreed. I never said you were trying to persuade me! September 2, 2009 at 3:51 am #102953 AndrewParticipant > I think a lot of your perception of him has to do with your issues rather than him as a person. That’s a little harsh. Since we can only see from our own perspective, it’s not really fair to suggest that there’s something unbalanced about my take while yours is dead level. It’s all perception. It can only ever be. I don’t care for strong tempers or unquestioning subjugation. Not sure that’s especially unusual – but nor is it something I see in everyone on TV. Why must my take on his psych processes be based on too-drastic personal projections while your defence of his emotional justifications is wholly objective? Is it okay for me to suggest you’ve got ‘issues’ for liking him?! I don’t think so, and I wouldn’t – it’s not something I’d have said, even if if I thought it. (Though I don’t.) Can we keep this about the show? I’ve no wish to make this about you and I – I know I’d never win that one! :-) Maybe I’m seeing extra stuff, or maybe you’re missing certain things. Or maybe we’re both basically right. But I’d really rather we didn’t turn this discussion into some personal thing where we dig at each other’s natures. > I really can?t see what you see. You make him sound almost sinister. Sinister wasn’t the intention at all – he’s not making plans or anything, never said anything like that. But he’s possessed of issues, certainly, just like everyone is. Though not overwhelmingly – I could do a list of his good qualities, too, but that’s not what we were talking about. His hot temper, I think, comes from more than just his crush; and his decisions regarding authority stems from more than simple niceness. I don’t think that’s much of a stretch. And that’s really all I’m saying. September 2, 2009 at 2:41 pm #102955 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant I hope everyone is enjoying this as much as I am. Andrew is right, after all. September 3, 2009 at 6:44 am #102957 Tanya JonesParticipant Care to clarify, The PerformingMonkey? September 3, 2009 at 10:18 am #102956 PrueParticipant Very good !!! Lovely summaries and I can picture things in my head (although I have no idea what these people actually really look like – and don’t want to!! I sorta like my visions of what they could look like!!!). When is the final nominations/end show? Thanks guys!!!! Keep the updates coming in!! September 3, 2009 at 1:30 pm #102958 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant > Care to clarify, The PerformingMonkey? Anyone who uses the phrase ‘unquestioning subjugation’ gets my vote. He’s also right about keeping the discussion about the show. Is all. September 3, 2009 at 4:22 pm #102959 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Why don’t you stick to the one account, prick? September 3, 2009 at 11:11 pm #102961 ChrisMParticipant Ooh look at Siavash’s leaving during David’s party when he’s only got a day to go anyway. How controversial. Oh wait, he didn’t. I really hope he doesn’t win now. September 3, 2009 at 11:41 pm #102962 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant > Why don?t you stick to the one account, prick? Why don’t you stop insulting people and keep the discussion on topic? > I really hope he doesn?t win now I second that. Going into the diary room for a drunken rant about leaving definitely wasn’t part of any gameplan, definitely not… Of course, we don’t know what Big Brother said to him during the hour+ he was in there. For all we know he really could have seen the doctor as well, like he said. He could have walked out the door, had a 20 minute chat with the producers in the portakabin next to the house, then gone back into the diary room. We would never know. September 4, 2009 at 3:52 am #102963 JoParticipant >That?s a little harsh. Since we can only see from our own perspective, it?s not really fair to suggest that there?s something unbalanced about my take while yours is dead level. >But I?d really rather we didn?t turn this discussion into some personal thing where we dig at each other?s natures. It was never my intention to ‘make it about you’ rather than the show. I merely meant that I couldn’t see what you see and since you felt so strongly about it perhaps there was another reason that I was unaware of causing that. I didn’t mean I’m right and you’re wrong. …I really don’t care to be honest, I support who I support, you support who you support. I haven’t the energy or inclination to argue. I apologise if what I said came across in a bad way or as me attacking you, I feel your insinuation that I was having a personal dig at you quite upsetting to be honest. I didn’t realise that anything I’d said would be interpreted in such a nasty and negative way, it certainly wasn’t my intention. I’ll say no more on the subject. Performing Monkey, yes we should keep it about the show. So stop posting stupid links and stay out of it. Thanks. September 4, 2009 at 11:31 am #102964 AndrewParticipant > I support who I support, you support who you support. As I say, I don’t really support any of the finalists at this point. Not even Siavash, who I vaguely preferred but not enough to actually protest his right to win, nor even to vote. (And especially not now, following his ridiculous non-departure last night.) I’m struggling to care about any of them, one way or the other, and it’s making for a lot of indifference to the final. Roddy’s got a few issues that I don’t care for, but I don’t feel especially strongly about them – they just don’t endear me, that’s all – and it’s not like the others are lacking in that area. (Charlie’s brattishness is interesting…wonder how that goes down in his daily life.) I could almost go for David at this point, since he’s been pretty entertaining – but the Lisa association is going to make it hard for him to get the votes. September 4, 2009 at 2:26 pm #102965 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant David would have been so much better without Lisa being there. He’s the type of character who’s never going to be universally liked (his general loudness) but he IS likeable and IMO doesn’t have a bad bone in his body (unless he has some kind of disease he’s failed to mention). Sophie will win but she’s not been as entertaining and value-for-money as David, Rodrigo and Siavash have been (Charlie is such an annoying baby he doesn’t even figure). She’s a really nice girl and I’m sure most people will be pleased if she wins, BUT she’s gonna make shitloads of money from photoshoots regardless so I wouldn’t mind the prize money going to any of the others – bar Charlie. His mum’s ill, it doesn’t mean he automatically deserves the ?70,000 or whatever it’s up to now. What he has failed to see throughout the weeks is that if he had simply acted like less of a nasty, attention-seeking tosser he maybe COULD have won. They’ve never shown him doing ‘Nana’ on the highlights either. Imagine if any of the others behaved in that way? They would have shown it straightaway, I don’t know why they’ve protected Charlie there. Oh, and I recommend everyone make sure they get their five a day, it helps to relieve stress, you know. Just something to consider. September 4, 2009 at 10:12 pm #102967 ChrisMParticipant Hmm, I figured Either Charlie, Rodrigo or Sophie would win. I’m glad Sophie did, (she is very sweet) but I was a bit surprised the other two were the first two to leave. Then again, thinking about it I can see that their brattishness can be pretty irritating and divisive. Siavash second though? Ok, he’s been on a journey and I can see why he’s liked. September 4, 2009 at 11:30 pm #102968 JoParticipant For Prue: 5th – Rodgrigo (He was robbed!) 4th – Charlie (should have been 5th) 3rd – David 2nd – Siavash 1st – Sophie (Meh) For your amusement here are the pics from our BB final night party… http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=313030&id=689490474&l=6cb5c1c180 Pfft… what are we gonna talk about now then? September 4, 2009 at 11:55 pm #102969 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant > 1st – Sophie (Meh) 1st – Sophie (Yes!) This is the first time in ages I’ve not shouted ‘Noooo!!!’ at the winner’s announcement. I’m so so pleased that she won, though she really should tell Kris to piss off. My gelf wanted Rodrigo, dammit, and my mum Charlie or Rod. When will these women ever learn?? Best result there could have been! On another note, how cunning have Endemol been with the prize money? Oh we’ve got ?28,000 going spare so we’ll give it to charity, look how good we are! They stop giving a percentage of the phone votes to charity but use money from the winner’s prize fund! Not that Sophie won’t make that money elsewhere. They usually get a cool ?10,000-20,000 for media deals. September 4, 2009 at 11:56 pm #102970 PrueParticipant Thanks for all the updates! Is everyone happy with who won? I know that they are axing BB, but it is after this one or the next one? September 5, 2009 at 12:03 am #102971 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant There’s one more celebrity series (presumably in January as usual) and one final normal series next summer. Then that’s IT, on Channel 4 at least. Though I can’t see it being picked up by any other broadcaster, and even if it was it could never be as good. September 5, 2009 at 12:08 am #102972 ChrisMParticipant >I know that they are axing BB, but it is after this one or the next one? They’re axing it on channel 4 after the next one. Whether or not it will jump channels is yet to be seen. September 5, 2009 at 12:08 am #102973 littlesmeggerParticipant > Not that Sophie won?t make that money elsewhere. She’s been making money elsewhere the whole time she’s been in the house thanks to preshooting Nuts photos. Not to mention her two stints with Playboy, so I doubt the prize fund is the reason she went it. Her agent must’ve sent her in for publicity. > Though I can?t see it being picked up by any other broadcaster, and even if it was it could never be as good. Endemol are currently looking into doing online versions of the show, to try and help expand the online viewing boom that will obviously grow over the coming years. But I can see initial figures plunging that way. Another idea one newspaper had was for someone like Living to take it on, where 2-3 million viewers is deemed a number one show for them. September 5, 2009 at 12:45 am #102974 JoParticipant >Endemol are currently looking into doing online versions of the show, to try and help expand the online viewing boom that will obviously grow over the coming years. But I can see initial figures plunging that way. … and you know this how? September 5, 2009 at 4:12 pm #102978 Ian SymesKeymaster Endemol are currently looking into doing online versions of the show, to try and help expand the online viewing boom that will obviously grow over the coming years. Endemol doing online productions? It’ll never work! September 5, 2009 at 6:20 pm #102980 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant No, people don’t want to watch shows on their PCs, definitely not. Btw SingingPotato1979, your party looked great. September 7, 2009 at 7:58 am #103016 CarlitoParticipant I reckon they could easily find a broadcaster for more Big Brother when the Channel 4 deal ends, as long as the producers aren’t playing hardball with the finances. Think about it, as long as the deal is fair financially, any second string digital channel could have first-run original programming for as much as 24 hrs per day for 3-4 months of the year, with a built-in fanbase and all the cash cow milking opportunities that come along with it. That’s a good deal if they can afford it. September 7, 2009 at 9:46 pm #103042 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant I really don’t think it will return to television, at least not for a LONG time. If a cheap crappy version of it was made (this is what it would be even if Sky or Five took it) the majority of the fanbase would ditch it anyway. September 8, 2009 at 6:46 am #103046 Tanya JonesParticipant >No, people don?t want to watch shows on their PCs, definitely not. I’m certainly far more inclined to use the iPlayer now it’s on my PS3… September 8, 2009 at 11:52 am #103049 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant I find that I can pretend I’m doing something productive if I’m watching, say, the Merlin repeats on iPlayer. If I was watching it on the PS3 through my TV I would get shouted at. September 9, 2009 at 8:47 pm #103072 Ben PaddonParticipant No, people don?t want to watch shows on their PCs, definitely not. Explain to me, then, the immense success of American online streaming site Hulu, where presently people in the US can watch the latest episode of The Simpsons, The Daily Show, Hell’s Kitchen as well as the entirety of shows like Arrested Development, The Green Wing, and Spaced. September 9, 2009 at 9:59 pm #103078 Danny StephensonKeymaster And for the UK audiences, clips of Family Guy and American Dad which can literally suck up an entire evening… September 9, 2009 at 10:10 pm #103081 Pete Part ThreeParticipant Yes, much suckage. September 9, 2009 at 10:36 pm #103087 Danny StephensonKeymaster Oh shush. September 11, 2009 at 1:50 am #103145 The PerformingMonkeyParticipant Ben, I was being sarcastic with that comment. I must have watched around 200 episodes of television on my PC this year. September 11, 2009 at 5:15 am #103147 Ben PaddonParticipant Well.. then… er… …yeah. 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