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    It was a really good task :o)

    >To be fair, if she?d gone through ALL of the available W words in the English language in her minute, they might have had to compensate.

    She didn’t even get ‘word’ :oP
    Sophie did the same though “I’m trying to think of other ‘O’ words” and then didn’t get ‘other’. Rodrigo made me do massive lolz with his score of 2 in both English and Portuguese, at least he took it in good humour. Mind you he always does with the tasks.

    >> get rid of her whiny, bitchy little gerbil-like face.


    That’s not what noise gerbils make, silly! ;o)

    Tonight’s show made me laugh so much that I got hiccups! Bea did not like everyone having a laugh at her expense AT ALL.
    “I’m leaving tomorrow” Blah, blah, blah. Yet MORE attention seeking from the rodent faced one!


    She really missed a trick there. If she had just laughed along with everyone else she could have been in a position to get back on everyone’s good side, but NO she just had to pull the ‘but what about me?’ act again.

    The funniest thing ever would have been if BB told her that her mum had refused to do the message because she didn’t want to be associated with her bitch of a daughter.


    “Bea, Big Brother was unable to contact your mother or any other family member to get a personal message for you. Big Brother has been informed that your entire family appear have moved without leaving a forwarding address and they’ve all changed their phone numbers…”

    Ben Paddon

    Lemming Saturday, they called it.


    Was there anybody watching that who wasn’t laughing just as much as Rodrigo?
    I loved the cheekiness of Rodrigo every time Bea told him off for finding it funny and he said “but it is funny”.


    And it was funny. Oh God it was funny.

    It was just a glorious checklist of brilliant responses. Essentially calling her mum selfish for not wanting to be on TV to please her daughter. Telling Rodrigo that this isn’t like when he’s upset, because this is actually REAL and SERIOUS. Explaining that she doesn’t want to keep talking about it…and banging on all sodding day.

    And the tears. Oh yes, the ‘gimme sympathy’ tears. On and on and on. How hard-done-by she is.


    And when they laughed at her response, she somehow twisted it into being their fault “she’s my best friend! If you keep laughing it might offend her!” Like her response in the first place might not have done that.* Which was one reason Rodrigo and Charlie were laughing…

    *Actually it proably didn’t as her friend knows she’s missing her mum. But the point is, I’m sure she’d be more likely to be offended at Bea’s response than a bunch of people she doesn’t know laughing…


    I’m sure her friend has a good idea of what Bea’s like. Not actively malicious, exactly, but so blinkered in her selfishness that she becomes incapable of perspective, or of taking other people’s feelings into account.

    I’m sure she’d be hurt by what Bea said…if she wasn’t already pretty used to it. After a while you learn to brush that crap off, or you ditch the friend.

    Ben Paddon

    Y’know, hearing you guys talk about it, I actually feel like I’m missing out on something special in this year’s Big Brother.

    Jonathan Capps

    You are. Probably my favourite Big Brother ever for the various chunks I’ve experienced over the years.


    And if there’s a better ending to an episode than three housemates running in to catch a guy wanking from within his duvet cocoon, I don’t know what it is.


    Another great episode :o)

    Great twist with Siavash and Sophie refusing to nominate. Massive lolz at Rodrigo leading Siavash and Sophie to catch Marcus ninja wanking, Rodrigo’s laughter is infectious and he was so excited he was jumping on the sofa. Fab :o)
    I don’t understand when people say that she’s a good housemate and should stay (these people are out there – scary I know!) this is so much better TV than seeing Bea moan and complain all the time.


    They have to be the last 4 – Siavash, Sophie, Rodrigo and Marcus. Marcus is a big, well, wanker BUT he has provided plenty of entertainment since he got the fuck over Noirin.


    Bea has left the building. HURRAH!


    I’m utterly disappointed by the clip selection tonight. Neither the eviction show nor BBBM really pulled out the big guns – not in terms of puling Bea down, just in showing her the contradictions and hypocrisies in her behaviour. It’s hard for her to respond – aside from with that ‘go on, you know I’m basically nice and innocent’ grin – when she doesn’t really have a grasp of what’s being shown.

    Has anyone else noticed how well put together Big Mouth has been? There’s some very decent, inventive, funny VT being cut together, and somebody’s writing actual jokes for Davina!


    >Has anyone else noticed how well put together Big Mouth has been? There?s some very decent, inventive, funny VT being cut together, and somebody?s writing actual jokes for Davina!

    Are you serious? I didn’t watch it this week but we watched last week to see a bit more of Freddie being interviewed and I thought it was absolutely appalling!


    That was a bad week actually. But it’s generally been very good. IMHO.

    Jonathan Capps

    > and somebody?s writing actual jokes for Davina!

    Which would be fine if she wasn’t the most hideously incompetent host on television.

    Anyway, Bea’s gone! Hurrah! The house is going to very different without such a big cause of unrest in there.


    Ah well, very much just me then…


    It’s better produced, maybe (probably down to there only being 1 episode a week this time) but it doesn’t stop Davina being a bit crap and annoying (what could??).

    They should have laid into Bea a lot more, really got the knives out. Though whatever anyone said, nothing could ever have beaten Marcus calling her a ‘puppet’, meaning what she looks like, not that she’s being controlled. I never liked Bea but I don’t think I’d ever be able to bring myself to slag a girl off like Marcus can.




    At least five years too late, methinks.


    I like BB, but it’s probably not a bad thing it’s going. This can’t be a bad thing:

    The broadcaster said it had already started to allocate funds which would have been spent on Big Brother into new drama.

    Depending on what the drama is of course.

    Back to recent episode, Sophie and the World map. I’d have had a bit of dificulty with placing one or two, but I would have gotten them close. She got UK mixed up with the continent of Africa. Africa. And I liked her reasoning for the placement of Brazil. Funny stuff.


    > THANK GOD.

    Oh do fuck off.

    Jonathan Capps

    > Oh do fuck off.

    I’d get used to it, the entire Internet is going to covered in this shit for ages now.

    Pete Part Three

    Stay away from the middle bit, it’s especially bad there.


    > Oh do fuck off.

    Don’t worry, it’ll be back in 200,100 AD:

    Pete Part Three


    Five are ruling out a bid for Big Brother because they want to move in a new direction. S’funny, I thought they’d stopped showing mucky movies because they were bored of new directions.

    Sorry. That was really bad. And didn’t really work. Oh well.


    It should end with every single ex-housemate and Davina going into the house with big blowtorches, baseball bats, chainsaws, angle grinders and the like. Then they go outside for tea and scones and a good fuck on the grass.



    YEAH! A programme that you don’t watch and have no interest in is not going to be on Channel 4 after next year. GOOD ONE!

    That’ll teach them for turning you down eh Si? Bet they’re sorry now!


    I would love to go on. Though I’m not extreme enough in any way for them to even consider casting me. And I’m not good-looking so I couldn’t go on as a dumb good-looking one. Maybe I could style myself as ‘the repressible performing monkey’. It would fuck me up being in there. What the hell would I do without my digital dictaphone??

    Ian Symes

    I like the way this is being reported as if it’s entirely Channel 4’s decision, and indeed that the show has been “AXED”, rather than “a long contract is coming to an end and not being renewed”. Also, the assumption that it’s due to BB10’s ratings, despite a) the ratings still being higher than Channel 4’s average and b) the fact that the decision was made a *long* time before BB10 started.

    Still, last night’s show was the best single episode for a long, long time.

    Pete Part Three

    I also like the way The Sun website’s headline was:


    And this was under the banner for “Big Brother Latest” at the top of their homepage, above all the actual news that is happening in the world.


    I’m glad this shite is going. Not a constructive comment, but, yeah.


    >I?m glad this shite is going. Not a constructive comment, but, yeah.

    Do you watch it?


    This is the thing that amuses me… Big Brother gets the axe, and suddenly people who don’t even watch it feel the need to put energy into voicing their opinions, knowing full well the threads they’re posting it on, are threads full of actual fans.

    What kind of response are they expecting exactly?! :S


    Well, I did say it wasn’t a constructive comment. :P

    My reasons for disliking, occasionally verging on detesting, Big Brother are broadly similar to those you’ll see elsewhere. It strengthens the prominence of the now almost unavoidable Z-list celebrity culture; associates 1984 with what seems to me to be its intellectual opposite, as well as something related to the society about which I think George Orwell was worried; and, perhaps the strongest reason of all, viewers derive pleasure and companies profit from people whose mental health sometimes seems to be genuinely questionable. And so on. I’ll happily admit I’ve watched little of the show, though; and being true to the theme of not wasting much energy on it, I’ll step out of this thread.


    **OT**Not sure if this is a bug or if Teatime keeps editing his post but I’ve been back twice since originally reading the above post and both times it’s said there is one new comment – click on it and it just brings me to this^ one again.**


    > Still, last night?s show was the best single episode for a long, long time.

    Anyone would think the ‘axing’ announcement deliberately coincided with it.

    > This is the thing that amuses me? Oasis split up, and suddenly people who don?t even listen to them feel the need to put energy into voicing their opinions, knowing full well the threads they?re posting it on, are threads full of actual fans.

    Corrected that for you there.


    I’m not a fan of ‘watching’ Big Brother, but I’ve become a fan of ‘reading’ about the UK Big Brother!!!!

    Keep me informed SingingPotato!!!!!


    I will indeed! The Irrepressible Dark Horse has left the building. This is the first eviction result that I?ve been genuinely surprised at, I fully expected Siavash to go last night.

    Only 7 more days to go!


    I used to quite like Siavash but he’s getting on my nerves a bit.


    Thing is, it’s very easy to vote FOR Marcus. I’ll bet the vote would have gone about the same if it was ‘Who do you want to save?’ – Marcus would have scored highly there, too. Because he’s been both awful and brilliant.

    Siavash…at this point he’s someone you’re kinda indifferent to. He would have stayed wholly that way throughout if not for the Noirin thing. But as it is, he’s low on the ‘get him out!’ list AND on the ‘I want him to win’ list. Something which, irritatingly, is true for a lot of the housemates at this stage.

    Freddie and Marcus are the stars of this BB, and really should have been facing off in the final. As it stands. somehow Lisa is still sat there, Sophie continues to plod on, and Rodrigo, David and Charlie are splitting the dim-and-basically-pointless vote.

    Ian Symes

    I really wanted Marcus to win, but of who’s left, I’m backing Rodrigo.


    Rodrigo should win if only because of how he says ‘shut up’.

    I think if Marcus had stayed he could very well have won. Because he’s such an extreme character he really had it in him to beat the rest. Though I don’t think Endemol would have wanted someone who was constantly like ‘fuck you’ to them to win. It was best for them to keep him out of the final week.

    The most memorable characters from this year – Marcus, Halfwit, Bea, Noirin, Siavash, Angel (cut down before she could really get going IMO), David (as annoying he is you won’t forget him).


    An update would be good – what’s happening, who’s with who, who is fighting who, who is being bitchy – come on!!!!


    Actually we had a good one last night. A surprise set of nominations threw them all into chaos and really pushed a divide that’s been there for a while: Lisa and whatever minion(s) she’s got at the time (currently just David, who lumbers around behind her like a big gay henchman) versus Siavash and his gang (now everyone else).

    Lisa’s first reaction was that she’s not going to vote. In fact, that was everyone’s reaction. Which is odd, because when Siavash used to refuse to vote over the previous weeks, she was the first one to smack him around for disobeying rules and putting them all in jeopardy. (To punish him, they’d do more than simply put the guy up for nomination. Trick noms, or putting everyone up.)

    She’s an odd one, Lisa. A misogynist lesbian rebel who wants nothing more than another cigarette and a cuppa. But she’s constantly consolidating power – not, I don’t think, in a ‘voting within BB’ way, it’s just her way. She doesn’t have friendships so much as people she knows will agree with her and will do, vaguely, what she wants them to do.

    So she elects to vote in the end – pouncing on the opportunity, actually, “Oh, I could vote really easily”. One suspects the initial panic came from the fact that, with the house assuming no voting was left to be done, she’s finally dropped any veneer of politeness. Barely an hour goes past without her telling everybody how it is. And being wrong.

    (Of particular pleasure was a tirade about how, when she voted, it was about who she did and didn’t like. She was being true to herself. Some people yesterday might have voted for her because she just went in and voted for them. And that, apparently, isn’t a good reason, and shows they’re NOT being true to themselves. I still have no idea how she works through the logic of that, beyond the usual ‘It’s not what I want to happen, so it must be unfair’.)

    So while the house initially plan not to vote, when goofy David blunders into the diary room, he announces – totally straight-faced – that he WILL vote, Big Brother, cos nobody tells him what to do. The irony, had it been pointed out, would have been lost on him.

    So the coven of two vote, the others don’t, and it all ends up barely mattering because EVERYONE ends up nominated. Though they don’t know that yet, so it’s all heavy-rift time. Lisa and David sat outside, Lisa issuing wisdom about how the world will see the true sides of those she dislikes, and her know-for-sure theories about how the show is being run.

    And inside, we have Siavash, Roddy, Sophie and Charlie. Who start talking about quitting the show all together – they even get as far as going to the diary room to ask to go, but Big Brother called their bluff and they crawled back to the house in an utterly lame demonstration of willpower. But the show they described, Lisa and minion, alternating between tea, fags and cries of “nanu nanu” (something David has taken to yelling for no reason, presumably thinking he needed a catchphrase – sadly he’s failed to notice it’s already someone else’s) was hysterical.

    As was Charlie banging a pan like a gong over a sleeping Lisa. Which only antagonised an already-angry beast – but it’s nice when Charlie’s idiotic and childish pranks (“I’m 22! I’m just being daft!” being the usual defence) contain a subtext. He used to do stuff to Rodrigo to relieve the sexual tension. Instead, now, they’ve had a little under-the-covers session they think nobody knows about. They talk in code about it to fool the cameras…but the code mostly involves mouthing the words “Did you tell anyone?”



    > She doesn?t have friendships so much as people she knows will agree with her and will do, vaguely, what she wants them to do.

    Precisely, and she hates being called out on this behaviour. I think she would even screw David over if it came down to it.

    > As was Charlie banging a pan like a gong over a sleeping Lisa

    This is the only time I have ever laughed at his antics. He’s probably still the worst person in there though.

    Jonathan Capps

    Fucking good summary, Andrew.


    I really hope that Lisa has kicked her own ass – I think I might just call up to evict her one more time… :oP
    She totally ripped poor Roddy to shreds for making her jump when she came out of the bathroom. (this was before all the nominations drama) He had been waiting for her to come out and then shouted BOO! as she opened the door. He rolled around laughing like an excited child and she just stomped off swearing and saying that if he’d done that in the outside world she would have punched him. (Um… threatening behaviour BB?!) Then she continued to shout and discipline him until he looked thoroughly miserable.

    Fantastic update Andrew! I just have an adjustment to make…

    >So the coven of two vote, the others don?t, and it all ends up barely mattering because EVERYONE ends up nominated.

    Rodrigo was the only other housemate to nominate, he nominated Lisa and David as he knew they’d both nominated and his nominations meant that everyone was up. Lisa was NOT happy. Lisa and David decided that this meant that Roddy clearly wanted to win and was after the money. They on the other hand are just in there for a sight-seeing tour and really don’t care about the prize money… no really, that’s why they talk about how much they don’t care a few dozen times a day.

    Big Brother also showed the housemates a selection of nominations videos (this was before the surprise nominations), under the pretext of having to do a test on them, but more likely to cause friction in the house. They seemed to show a higher percentage of Siavash’s nominations than anyone else (perhaps an additional punishment for his weeks of not nominating?)but basically they showed him nominating Lisa 6 times, Rodrigo nominating her for being a bit dull and drinking tea and smoking all the time. Lisa then ranted constantly about this mentioning how she didn’t actually care though.

    Most of the housemates took it all with a pinch of salt knowing that it was done to cause problems and knowing that nominations were part of the game. Roddy was visibly upset to see Charlie nominate him though and funboy Charlie tried to laugh it off. Roddy in a moment of great maturity just let it pass without comment, but Lisa couldn’t be having that! No no no! She had to keep poking knowing that it was a sore point and was very smug and obviously took great pleasure in Roddy’s upset when BB asked them a question relating to that nomination.

    Lisa seemed to think that the judgement of her doing nothing but smoking and drinking tea was unfair… and she said so, many times, while outside having a fag and a cup of tea. She does seem to have taken a sudden dislike to Roddy, perhaps she realised suddenly that he’s competition and she thought she was through to the final so she let rip… she was not happy that she’d been nominated by Siavash over various weeks. (fair enough he did lie about how many times he’d nominated her when she asked him – but still why ask? They never got on anyway!)

    Oh and she also labelled Sophie Siavash’s “little lapdog” (or similar) because she’s the only housemate not to have nominated him. She really is a vile human being, but awesome TV to see her downfall :o)

    Jonathan Capps

    Excellent! Hopefully that’s Prue well and truly up-to-date, now :)

    Last night’s show really did threaten to be hugely frustrating. Why, for example, did BB only surprise Charlie with the nominations? Surely it would’ve been better to tell everyone to keep quiet so everyone got the surprise. Thank Christ Roddy nominated, really.

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