Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › This is Big Bro, taking over the show Search for: This topic has 196 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 5 months ago by Ben Paddon. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 197 total) 1 2 3 4 Author Posts July 28, 2009 at 2:36 pm #4219 JoParticipant I’m sure there will be people who say they hate it and they’re not watching it. But we are and it seems a few other people on here are too! So… I can haz Big Brother 10 discussion thread? :o) Who do you think is going to be up for nomnomnomination this week? I’m thinking Noirin and Marcus, though I’d love Lisa to go up she seems to have stayed off the radar a bit this week. July 28, 2009 at 3:05 pm #101611 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Yeah, Noirin and Marcus to go up with Noirin a clear favourite to go. Marcus may be a massive dick, but he’s being hugely entertaining at the moment so let’s keep him in until there’s a genuine chance of him killing someone. I’ve realised, though, that I don’t actively hate how anyone in the house is at the moment. Obviously Lisa is a massive idiot, but she’s quietened down considerably, and people like Sophie and Charlie have brightened up a lot after that poisonous cunt Kris fucked off. July 28, 2009 at 3:11 pm #101612 AndrewParticipant Marcus has gone brilliantly crackers since Noirin ‘dumped’ him. His stroppy teenager routine yesterday was just awesome – and yeah, likely to see him put up, I’d have thought. (Meanwhile he’ll be voting for Noirin and Siavash presumably.) We’re not seeing much of Hira, which is a shame. She seemed entertainingly dim and easily confused when she arrived… July 28, 2009 at 3:50 pm #101615 JoParticipant Yeah Hira, she did seem very entertaining, it’s a shame she’s fallen off the radar. I’d like to see a bit more of her and much, much less of Noirin. Charlie is great now that Kris has left, I thought that would be the case and I’m happy to see that I was correct. Rodrigo is a strange one, at first he was one of my favourites but since we’ve seen more of him and his strops I’m not so enamoured with him… but I do love him and Charlie together. Bea is another odd one. I have a bad feeling. I really, really liked her when she came in and befriended Freddie, but the way she seems to be running from one person to the next… it might all be innocent and well intentioned, but this is Big Brother so we’ll see! July 28, 2009 at 5:28 pm #101618 ChrisMParticipant We?re not seeing much of Hira, which is a shame. She seemed entertainingly dim and easily confused when she arrived? Her little singing performance outside Marcus’s cage somehow managed to be painful and cute at the same time. She generally comes across very sweet and…yes dim and a bit irritating (is this emotion ambivalence, cue dog eating peanut butter routine?) I noticed that when she talks to people she natters on interrupting them… Heh. The occasional time we see her that is. Rodrigo is a strange one, at first he was one of my favourites but since we?ve seen more of him and his strops I?m not so enamoured with him? Again with the ambivalence with me. I find the strops both irritating and amusing. Mainly because he is pretty much errupting over nothing. Bea is another odd one. I have a bad feeling. I really, really liked her when she came in and befriended Freddie, but the way she seems to be running from one person to the next? I’m just not sure what to make of her. I had the same feeling pretty much when she first came in. I actually don’t think she’s fake.. but a bit pretentious maybe, although I think she genuinely means well. I was on her side when she didn’t follow the others newbies pressure to influence Freddie, but then when the task was given out she blurted ‘THEY TRIED TO PRESSURE ME!” It’s understandable, I suppose but the whole passing blame (albeit she was right) felt rather a low blow to me. And yeah, Marcus is a big kid. Although I feel a bit sorry for him too. July 28, 2009 at 5:35 pm #101619 ChrisMParticipant Oh, and I think Noirin will go. But I thought that when Karly (or whatever her name is) went. I’m not sure what to make of Noirin either, although I don’t think she’s quite as bad as she is made out to be. She is accused of stringing guys along but often or not the guys own infatuations seems to narrow their own vision of the situation somewhat. (Not sure I phrased that right. Point is, we can see she isn’t really interested*, but they can’t.) *Apart from Siavash. Dear me how boring is this… July 28, 2009 at 8:38 pm #101624 AndrewParticipant Noirin’s really not doing herself any favours. I’m amazed how passive she’s able to play things and still have the mostly-intentional effect she’s having. Men are crap. I don’t think it’s an in-game thing. Like Lisa, she’s behaving more or less as she would outside. She just seems to define herself by the attention she gets, while Lisa’s natural instinct is to wrestle control the world around her, which means removing the people she’s not keen on. (It’s bizarre to watch her reactions when something happens that she had no control over or that she never saw coming.) Meanwhile Siavash’s utter uselessness now he’s on the Noirin leash has really endeared me to him. Admitting that all his ‘great with women’ entry video schtick was just talk was a big deal, and includes the kind of self-awareness Marcus, Kris and others lacked. > I?ve realised, though, that I don?t actively hate how anyone in the house is at the moment. Not now Kenneth’s walked. The big gimp. July 28, 2009 at 11:24 pm #101626 JoParticipant Noirin Vs Marcus it is! I;m a bit gutted Lisa didn’t get nominated, but as I said – she’s been so quiet (sulking) that she’s not really provoked any kind of reaction this week. I think her not being nominated this week will give her some confidence back and hopefully she’ll open that massive trap of hers and get herself nominated next week :oD >Not now Kenneth?s walked. The big gimp. I was not happy at all that he got a leaving show. The whole thing is you walk, you get nothing! The papers and Heat magazine are there to do those interviews with him and Karly. STOP DOING BIG BROTHER WRONG! Bah! I really like Siavash, he’s all cute and smitten bless him! Though I did like him before all this too – he’s in my final three with Charlie… not sure who else though I think Halfwit/Freddie has lost the sympathy vote since Lisa and Kris have stopped attacking him so I can’t see him staying that long now. The problem that I have with Noirin is that her words don’t match her actions. Yes, she has been pro-active in telling various people that she’s not interested in them. Good stuff, but 10 mins later she’s with those same people cuddling on the sofa/in bed, stripping off and having her back painted or joking about flashing her tits in return for a can of beer. If Tom had stayed she’d have made a play for him, as it is she’s settled for Siavash but is keeping him on a tight leash. She actually used the phrase “Friends with benefits” FFS! I’m thinking Noirin to go this week. July 29, 2009 at 1:41 am #101627 pfmParticipant Siavash and Dogface are going to be the last 2, mark my words. Halfwit will go before the final week because he will be screwed over by Bea. Others in the final will be Lisa (bah), Charlie, Rodrigo and Hira. July 29, 2009 at 9:25 am #101630 AndrewParticipant > I?m thinking Noirin to go this week. Ditto. Which, given the ridiculous way Marcus has been behaving, shows just how egregious her behaviour has been. July 29, 2009 at 10:04 am #101631 Danny StephensonKeymaster “What is ‘egregious’?” July 29, 2009 at 10:22 am #101632 Jonathan CappsKeymaster What I worry about is whether we’ll be getting yet another new house mate in to replace Kenny. I could just about cope with the extra five as they turned out to be at least entertaining, but it starts getting horribly messy when new people are brought in all over the shop. July 29, 2009 at 11:20 am #101633 Jonathan CappsKeymaster lol: http://www.irrepressible.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/page2.html Have a look in the gallery to see whose site that is (if you can’t guess.) July 29, 2009 at 11:25 am #101635 AndrewParticipant I’m wondering if they haven’t, finally, taken it as read that a proportion of housemates will walk each year and factored it into the schedule. Saffia walked and wasn’t replaced (um, I don’t think; I barely remember her!). And both Kenny and Tom skipped out just recently – which would mean putting two more in there. We’ve got 11 housemates (!!) left with five evictions to go and, actually, a lot of emotional fireworks filling out them show (anyone else finding that the constant tasks are getting in the way of the content of the daily show rather than enhancing it?). Shoving someone else in is possible, but two more, this late…I’d not be pleased. July 29, 2009 at 11:26 am #101634 TheLeenParticipant > ?What is ?egregious??? I can’t pronounce it. Edit: And I don’t understand it either. According to my dictionary, it can mean anything from “outrageous” over “put-and-out” to “brilliant”… eh? July 29, 2009 at 11:33 am #101636 AndrewParticipant > Have a look in the gallery to see who?s site that is (if you can?t guess.) Excellent! July 29, 2009 at 11:36 am #101637 AndrewParticipant > Edit: And I don?t understand it either Egregious = conspicuously bad or offensive; extraordinary in some bad way; glaring, flagrant, outrageous, notorious July 29, 2009 at 11:50 am #101638 TheLeenParticipant Ta. “Conspicuously” with a “u”, there. God, your language is so confusing. As I’m not watching Big Brother, I’ll shut up now. July 29, 2009 at 3:51 pm #101640 Danny StephensonKeymaster Sorry I was trying to be clever and quote the League of Gentlemen. Apologies for the confusion. July 29, 2009 at 5:30 pm #101642 ChrisMParticipant I actually find myself liking the guy a bit after seeing that website. He’s still a twat on the show but… July 29, 2009 at 6:11 pm #101643 Jonathan CappsKeymaster He’s clearly been working on it for ages. There’s an absolute tonne of pages. July 29, 2009 at 6:56 pm #101644 siParticipant I’ll have said this before somewhere, but I’ll say it again – I haven’t watched BB since I didn’t get past the first stage of the open auditions for BB5 when I was at Uni down in Cardiff. I’d told all my mates that I wouldn’t be at the lecture because I’d be down Cardiff Bay, but I was ‘evicted’ so early, I was back in time for the lecture. I never watched again. Up to that point, however, I’d been mad about it. I even had a diary which detailed every day for the first four BBs. July 29, 2009 at 6:59 pm #101645 siParticipant >Sorry I was trying to be clever and quote the League of Gentlemen. Apologies for the confusion. I’ve been watching LOG every day this past week as I await the gripping conclusion of Psychoville. Every episode with the commentary on – I’m up to episode 2.4 at the moment. July 29, 2009 at 7:04 pm #101646 JoParticipant That website is hilarious :oD What do people think about what’s going to happen in tonight’s show? I’m not massively happy about this messing around again. It’ll be Kenneth and Karly all over again! July 29, 2009 at 7:09 pm #101647 AndrewParticipant I’m wholly unimpressed with the what they’re about to do. Aside from having already done it once this series, it’s ALREADY the bloody Noirin show. Do we really need a fifth bloke in her tedious orbit? I’ve been watching some of the old videos on the BB website. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if they were show old series again (maybe in some condensed ‘a week every three days’ form) I wouldn’t be able to resist tuning in. ‘Member I told you! July 29, 2009 at 7:11 pm #101648 AndrewParticipant Also: Dogface said she had sex with Kris while in the house. She’s a pretty – if frighteningly top-heavy – girl, and I’m extremely disappointed that this footage has not seen the light of day. July 29, 2009 at 7:15 pm #101649 CarlitoParticipant > I?ll have said this before somewhere, but I?ll say it again – I haven?t watched BB since I didn?t get past the first stage of the open auditions for BB5 when I was at Uni down in Cardiff. I?d told all my mates that I wouldn?t be at the lecture because I?d be down Cardiff Bay, but I was ?evicted? so early, I was back in time for the lecture. I never watched again. What a sad, sad story. Cardiff Uni, ey? Monday nights in Solis… happy days. July 29, 2009 at 9:28 pm #101650 JoParticipant I expected a live show tonight, strange that they’re doing it as a normal show! After tonight’s show: *Looks like Lisa is getting back to her bitchy old self! *I dislike Bea even more *I like Siavash even more (Aw, his little face when he was talking to Marcus!) *I think BB needs to stage an intervention and remove Marcus from his duvet. July 29, 2009 at 10:10 pm #101651 AndrewParticipant I’m not sure Lisa’s back, so much we’re getting time to show her usual behaviour again after the recent chaos… And at this point I think Siavash is actually going win the damn thing! July 29, 2009 at 11:44 pm #101653 pfmParticipant > Every episode with the commentary on I think I know the commentaries better than the episodes! Who ARE they?? > She?s a pretty – if frighteningly top-heavy – girl, and I?m extremely disappointed that this footage has not seen the light of day. I doubt that footage would be anything more than a duvet moving around in nightvision. Hardly them writhing about in the garden, reverse cowgirl. I’m trying to think why I just typed ‘reverse cowgirl’, why that came to me. Is it because sub-consciously I would NOT want to look at her massively deformed breasts as I was doing the deed?? But then I’d have to look at her straggly hair extensions! Am I messed up in the head?? No, I just love natural girls, redheaded ones at that. Oh yeah. July 30, 2009 at 12:30 am #101657 Jason aka Smeg4BrainsParticipant Does anybody else think Halfwit has managed to get some weed in the house? He talks as if he’s constantly stoned. July 30, 2009 at 3:14 am #101658 Ben PaddonParticipant I live in America. We do not currently have Big Brother, and from where I’m sitting that sounds like the best thing ever. July 30, 2009 at 7:16 am #101660 Ian SymesKeymaster I?m trying to think why I just typed ?reverse cowgirl?, why that came to me. Is it because sub-consciously I would NOT want to look at her massively deformed breasts as I was doing the deed?? But then I?d have to look at her straggly hair extensions! Am I messed up in the head?? No, I just love natural girls, redheaded ones at that. Oh yeah. No, you *would* be able to see the breasts in a reverse cowgirl – that’s where the woman is facing away from the man. Erm, carry on. July 31, 2009 at 12:28 pm #101690 JoParticipant So… Isaac. I’m still nt entirely happy about them sending someone else in. But that said, I actually quite like him! I mean he’s arrogant and pretty controlling of Noirin (maybe she needs that given her behaviour), but he tried to break the ice with Siavash and offered to have a chat or set up a chat with Noirin if Siavash needed it which I thought was nice of him AND he pulled Bea up on her shit stirring! Hurrah! Isaac being in there has got Siavash and Marcus talking again which is good! Marcus seems to have perked up no end and Siavash has inherited the duvet of depression – hope he snaps out of it soon though! I loved that the housemates all ignored him when he came in just and ate their fish and chips :oP I’m liking Bea less and less each time I see her, for someone who says she’s all about peace and love she is a very negative person who spends most of her time talking and/or bitching about other people behind their backs. July 31, 2009 at 5:14 pm #101696 AndrewParticipant In his Girls Aloud wig, I genuinely mistook Charlie for Lisa. July 31, 2009 at 6:31 pm #101697 AndrewParticipant Just watched the rest of last night’s ep and…ugh. > I mean he?s arrogant and pretty controlling of Noirin (maybe she needs that given her behaviour) I think he encourages her to be even more fundamentally inconsiderate and selfish than she already is. Needless to say, I’m not considering this a benefit. (The way she talked to Rodrigo was all him.) > but he tried to break the ice with Siavash and offered to have a chat or set up a chat with Noirin if Siavash needed it which I thought was nice of him I can’t agree. That’s not an act of kindness, it’s an act of territory. He’ll talk to Siavash to stamp on the guy’s affection for Noirin, and set up a chat with Noirin so SHE can do the same. Coached in advance, no doubt – the guy’s not to keen on letting her think for herself. (Not that it does her much good, but still.) It’s a single-minded action, there’s no generosity in it. >AND he pulled Bea up on her shit stirring! Hurrah! Much as I have variable opinions of Bea, she’s the only one to pull Noirin up on the crap she’s pulled over the last week – and she more than deserved it. Doing it in front of the guy is more respectful than behind his back, so it’s pretty crass for him to call her on doing it that way. Noirin’s revisioned a history – which Issac apparently buys – where she told Siavash that if her ex returned, he’d be out on his ear. Which, no, isn’t the signal she was giving out to him. And Issac coming in telling Bea that SHE misunderstood the situation…that’s bullshit. She couldn’t even tell Siavash he came in second to Tom. Noirin now has this guard dog guy who’ll bark at anyone who calls her on the crap she pulls. That’s not healthy. For anyone. Telling people it’s none of their business – which she’s also now started doing – is ridiculous. She roped everyone into the damn saga when it started, and it’s been proved in the last week that what she does affects the entire house. Bea’s attempt at a reality check, for me, was a brave and valid thing, and it’s only a shame it won’t be allowed to continue. Also: “Daddy’s back”, “Maybe we shouldn’t share a bed tonight.” He’s in the house for an hour. What a cock. (I struggle to respect a man who’ll happily stay split up, getting himself a load of ‘I was on TV’ shagging, until such time as a TV network ask him to be reunited. His reasons for doing this, they way he’s done it – march in, back on within the hour, along with Noirin’s disgustingly immediate and cold “Sorry Siavash!” announcement to a kitchen he wasn’t in – and his blatant lack of interest in anyone’s emotional state but his own…Cock.) > Isaac being in there has got Siavash and Marcus talking again which is good! Every year there seems to be one day of Big Brother than has me screaming at the screen and pacing the floor. In those moments, you try to grab on to the truest, kindest emotional moments to remind you that life isn’t all cruelty and selfishness. The Marcus/Siavash stuff provided that, at least. July 31, 2009 at 9:14 pm #101702 JoParticipant The “Daddy’s back” comment made me be a little sick in my mouth :oS After tonight’s show I’m less inclined to think of him in a positive way, HOWEVER I still think him going in the house is actually a good thing for these reasons: *It’s shown Noirin’s true colours and (hopefully) confirmed her eviction from the house tonight. *Siavash and Marcus are friends again which has made me happy. *Whatever your thoughts on Bea, since Isaac has come in the house she’s upped her bitchiness by a massive amount. Which is fine and entertaining, but she’s a fucking hypocrite. I expect it from Lisa not the peace and love hippy rich girl. *His comment tonight about the rectum tree (?) gave me the biggest laugh I’ve had all day when Lisa so astutely pointed out that he was calling them all arseholes. She acted like she’d broken some secret code! Very amusing. I’m hoping that if Noirin leaves tonight he’ll get bored and walk, certainly no-one else wants him in there… except maybe Bea. The hypocritical toolbucket. July 31, 2009 at 9:33 pm #101703 AndrewParticipant No question it’s added drama, and thrown Noirin’s behaviour into sharp relief. But I also feel like Big Brother cheated, somehow. They play a lot of games to turn the heat up, always have, but…Siavash was already going to get hurt a bit, putting Issac in seemed like an act of cruelty to him. Yet usually I don’t bemoan their meddling (chucking an annoying housemate back in after they’re kicked out? S’fine). Not sure why this time it feels unfair to me, but somehow it did. > I?m hoping that if Noirin leaves tonight he?ll get bored and walk, I think this is what’s completing my contempt for him. I’m not keen on the way his return didn’t even include a ‘sorry I ditched you, wanna get back together?’ question – but the killer is that he’s planning to stay on the show. If I were serious – dead serious – about reuniting with the love of my life, even using reality TV do it, you could be damn sure that it’d matter more to me than the exposure (he can’t think he’ll win the ‘100,000 dollar’ prize!). “If she left, she’s all that matters to me and I’d be packed and out the back door before Davina asked her first interview question”. July 31, 2009 at 9:38 pm #101704 DaveParticipant I haven’t seen it, but my god the advert was annoying: “I’m the man, it’s a done deal, done and dusted” July 31, 2009 at 9:49 pm #101707 JoParticipant >he can?t think he?ll win the ?100,000 dollar? prize! If he does win, which he won’t, but if he does they should give him 100,000 DOLLARS. Ha. I know they met on a reality show, maybe the internet rumblings are right and they planned as a couple for him to turn up all along… mostly the these rumours are all shit but yeah, strikes me as odd that if he’s there to “win her back” he doesn’t even apologise. Just “Daddy’s back” now heel, there’s a good girl! Hmmm. July 31, 2009 at 10:44 pm #101708 AndrewParticipant Aaaannnd – he’s left! Interestingly, it seems he quit after everyone told him Charlie was a shoo-in to win… July 31, 2009 at 10:57 pm #101710 JoParticipant It’s a shame I’d half hoped after Noirin was so certain that he’d walk tonight that he’d actually stay. That would have pissed her right off! Ah well! August 1, 2009 at 11:59 am #101735 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Sophie not being able to spell Marcus, there. August 2, 2009 at 10:40 pm #101777 AndrewParticipant Marcus is sick of Siavash’s constant moping post-Noirin. Viewers have called the hypocrisy police to the house. August 3, 2009 at 12:17 am #101778 ChrisMParticipant I had to switch over during Freddie’s ‘performance.’ It really made me wince. Not the fact it was out of tune (although that was part of it.) I just found it very embarrassing, with all the jazzy du-bab du bab stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like some jazz, but this was just corny in the extreme. He put his all into it though bless his heart. I do quite like him. Hera’s performance was cute and amusing. (And a bit saucy.) I think she deserved the prize. (As far as I can tell as we didn’t see all the performances.) August 3, 2009 at 12:30 am #101782 pfmParticipant I bet the story Marcus recited for his bit was one of the short stories off his website. The Irrepressible Dark Horse. The funniest thing on there is the quotes page where he’s got quotes by Churchill, C.S. Lewis, Aristotle, Optimus Prime and others alongside his own quote. August 4, 2009 at 8:49 pm #101854 AndrewParticipant Oh, Bea. Bea, Bea, Bea.* I cut you some slack earlier because, drama queen though you are, you’re basically fearless and willing to tell whole-truths to people who need to hear them. But now… Well, now you’re kinda Noirin. If you don’t fancy a guy, you don’t fair enough. You gave a few signals, but since they were non-verbal we’re still in that safe zone where you can also take them back again. But “Do you fancy me?” – even in that needy, Half-wit way – is not an act of cruelty. Saying ‘no’ is fair enough. Beating the guy up the next day for asking the question, making him feel like a heel just for voicing the question, is kicking a silly posh boy when he’s down. A gimp he is. A bastard he is not. And deflecting your guilt and awkwardness back at him that way is simply not on. Everyone’s up for eviction this week. Bea, you’ve just gone from ‘likely top three’ to ‘top candidate for the chop’. *I’d like to point out that I’m perfectly aware that she can’t actually read this post. It’s just a style thing. August 4, 2009 at 10:52 pm #101863 Jonathan CappsKeymaster Bea is appalling at taking any apologies. She just continues to whine, without an ounce of grace. August 4, 2009 at 11:08 pm #101866 JoParticipant I really, really dislike Bea… it’s between Bea and Lisa to go I think. Well it would be if BB weren’t fucking around with the voting. IMO, we should only vote to save/win in the final. August 5, 2009 at 12:43 am #101870 pfmParticipant Yeah, vote to save. Could they make it any more blatant?? Even though Bea is a fairly horrible human being in terms of how she’s acting on the show (she could be nice in real life, how do we know?), things are still quite interesting with her around which is why Endemol have switched the voting to keep her in. I thought it was prety funny when she just said ‘no’ to Halfwit when he asked her if she fancied him. Flippin’ heck, not even I’ve ever had it said to me that bluntly! Although, like Bea said, you don’t usually ask someone that unless you’re about 14. Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 197 total) 1 2 3 4 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In