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    >So with Jack, they only found 2-3 bits right? I guess they fused together and the rest regenerated? Stretching the healing stuff, but I really don?t mind.

    Jack doesn’t “heal”. He’s a fixed point in time so he kind of “reverts” to that fixed point. Although that doesn’t make a lot of sense since he also says he noticed that he IS getting older, only very, very slowly.

    I think that Jack may now have some serious mental issues. Perhaps claustrophobia? Or even agoraphobia?


    How would you feel about enclosed spaces if you were buried for 100 years.


    One little thing, mind – If Jack can ‘regenerate’ any missing body parts, how does he become just a head?


    If he was just a head I would assume it would just take very very long to regenerate his body or maybe it is like The Judge out of Buffy, he needs to be with other pieces of his body so if they grabbed parts of his body and spread them across the world then he wouldn’t regenerate.


    >If he was just a head I would assume it would just take very very long to regenerate his body

    I think Si meant just a face.


    A face with dreadlocks. In a jar.


    That Face of Boe thing was just a joke wasn’t it, I certainly don’t think Jack is the Face of Boe.


    >Jack doesn?t ?heal?. He?s a fixed point in time so he kind of ?reverts? to that fixed point.

    Yeah, I thought that might be how it worked, what with his ability essentially being from the Tardis, etc. That certainly gets around the regeneration as, technically there is no regeneration.

    The grey hair is interesting though (unless he just said that to make his daughter feel better.) We do know that the Face of Boe actually isn’t immortal, just very long lived. If The Face is Jack’s future (and I’m not sure it is, although it was a good gag.) that would suggest that maybe time does pass him, just at a much slower rate than everyone else. Kind of like the effect of Starbug’s stasis units opposed to Red Dwarf’s.

    As for becoming just a face, we know that The Face is billions of years old. That’s a long time for even a quasi immortal. Who knows how much the human form would mutate after so long, particularly one altered by cosmic energy. I’m curious about those references in one episode to the Face of Boe being pregnant though….

    Changing the subject (but still about Torchwood) I wonder how that strange little girl who Jack visits from time to time last series was affected. She obviously isn’t a normal little girl being so long lived and staying much the same. If she is really a little girl at all. I wonder if she chanted along with the others? I hope we find out more about her in future, although I have my doubts as young actors grow even if the characters they play don’t.


    I love that RTD deliberately sets these things to be: “Huh? What did he say? OMG! Let’s talk about this on the internet!”

    Half the things he writes like that (the fall of Arcadia, “I’ve been a Dad once”, taking the last room at the first Christmas) are the script equivalent of chucking a firecracker from a passing car. Loud bang and everyone saying: what was that?

    Re: The Little Girl, I imagine she’s something very non-human, maybe even extra-dimensional. What about Luke Smith, Sarah Jane’s son? I am genuinely curious as to whether he was affected and given it happened to kids, I’d be full of fanboy glee if they mention it in the next series of Sarah Jane Adventures.

    Pete Part Three

    I wouldn’t have a problem with Jack being the FoB, if it hadn’t been “revealed” in such a clunky way. “Btw, I used to be called the Face of Boe, KTHXBYE”.

    Anyway, another good episode last night. Not quite as interesting as Day One, but still pretty good. Some annoying bits though:

    * Gwen doing John Woo tributes
    * The world’s worst sniper
    * The badguys having to rely on “Mr Comic Relief Copper” to direct them to Gwen’s house. Huh? Do your research, badguys!
    * Jack’s arse.

    Tanya Jones

    >Jack?s arse.

    No, I was very pleased to see that. I did say “Why can we never meet anyone who can shoot straight?” whilst watching, though.


    >Jack?s arse.

    No, I was very pleased to see that.

    You little sauce-pot you.

    What about that quip one of the cops (I think) said concerning the ‘Woman in black*’:

    “If she’s anti-terrorist I want to be uncle-terrorist.”

    I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or wince. It was a crap joke, but… I kind of like crap jokes. Especially crap jokes spoken in Welsh accents.

    *Who I confess I found a bit hot. Worrying I know.

    Pete Part Three

    >I wasn?t sure whether to laugh or wince. It was a crap joke, but? I kind of like crap jokes.

    I actually thought it was a good, cheesy joke, just badly delivered and just there for the sake of it. I don’t recall there being any dialogue around it. It was just “A JOKE” and drew too much attention to itself as a consequence.

    Sally Slater is probably the worst thing about this, actually. She just wanders around scowling.


    If taken out of context, upon reading people rave about the Torchwood episode ‘Day One’ I’d think you were all crazy – sex-gas/Chibnall/gratuitous girl-on-girl snogging – loving looneys!

    Well I found it funny. They have the same name hahaha!


    >That Face of Boe thing was just a joke wasn?t it, I certainly don?t think Jack is the Face of Boe.

    There’s no way of knowing until the last ever episode of Torchwood,


    >Sally Slater is probably the worst thing about this, actually. She just wanders around scowling.

    But that’s like… her job. She’s good at it. Her job is to stalk around the locations, slinking her hips with the gun holster pronouncing the feminine movement and scowl at the people she seems incapable of actually killing.

    The joke was good. Andy’s a great character and was very enjoyable in “Asylum”, the Radio 4 play.


    >pronouncing the feminine movement

    Whatting the what?

    Pete Part Three

    I think I’d prefer a character rather than a facial expression.

    Another good episode last night, although I’m worried that I’m enjoying each episode a little less. The scene in the conference room was very good, even if the stuff with the alien reminded me a little too much of Independence Day.


    Also, Day One (series One) was essentially just the second part of the first episode (‘Everything Changes’, wasn’t it?).

    Pete Part Three

    It’s so you can tell it’s been inspired by 24.

    That show uses the same episode titles every year too.


    >>pronouncing the feminine movement

    >Whatting the what?

    You’re right, that’s awful use of English. You my my sincerest apologies. What’s the short phrase that would sum up:

    “She’s wearing a low-slung hip holster and belt arrangement so that every time she stalks around in her army boots, looking like a moody, homicidal Lara Croft, her natural hip motion is accentuated making her body language both scary and feminine.”



    As much as I’m liking Children of Earth, and kinda know the eventual reveal of the 456 looks like it’s gonna be something Lister would snog when under disguise… did you see the snout… I still feel like the whole 5 episodes thing is cheating us out of 8 good stories.

    The BBC are calling it an ‘event’ to introduce Torchwood to the mainstream audience, I just think it’s called tightening the budget. Besides, it looks like it could be the last Torchwood anyway… no hub, rumours of Ianto being killed off… where can they go from here?

    And more to the point, why haven’t they covered the rift converter being destroyed? If the Hub has been blown to smitherines, then technically Cardiff is now just an open portal for aliens and weevils to step in and out of. The Doctor ain’t gonna be pleased the next time he stops for fuel I tell ya!


    I doubt they would kill off Ianto.

    Pete Part Three

    >I still feel like the whole 5 episodes thing is cheating us out of 8 good stories.

    If Torchwood had 8 good stories to its name, that would be a justified criticism. Unfortunately, up until Children of Earth it’s been decidedly ropey and survived purely on its ready-made fanbase. This mini-season has done it the world of good. Reviews have been positive and the prospects for the future look far rosier.

    >If the Hub has been blown to smitherines, then technically Cardiff is now just an open portal for aliens and weevils to step in and out of.

    On a similar note, does this mean that we’ll never see Suzie or Gray again?

    Btw, anyone else think of “The Real Hustle” during the “Torchwood Goes Thieving” bit?


    >I doubt they would kill off Ianto.

    The soundtrack being released next week has two tracks with suspicious names.

    26. The Ballad of Ianto Jones
    32. He Was a Good Man

    And when speaking about the future of Torchwood, while other members have said it depends on ratings etc, Gareth hasn’t really commented.

    John Hoare

    I recall an interview where one of the team – Russell? – said that whilst the five episodes thing was positive and made sense for all sorts of reasons, the Beeb flat-out couldn’t afford 13 eps this year anyway.

    From a Beeb-loving point of view, the fact they’re in that position sucks. But it’s difficult to feel too badly about it in this specific case, when the quality of the show is much higher.


    It’s getting harder and harder to fund scripted dramas and comedies. The situation right now is genuinely dreadful, so it’s no wonder Torchwood struggles right along with the rest.

    Frankly, I’d take a ‘Torchwood Week’ like this every six months, say, over a new regular series anyway. Not that they could afford that either…


    If they do kill off Ianto, my sister’s liable to throw herself off of the nearest tall building.


    Watch out for The Briggs in tonights episode.


    Btw, anyone else think of ?The Real Hustle? during the ?Torchwood Goes Thieving? bit?

    Heh, yes! I really enjoyed that sequence. Nice to add a bit of comedy after the body horror (ok it wasn’t that bad) of the previous episode.

    Apart from the decent story, this blend of tone (serious, creepiness, horror*, mystery and comedy) is another thing they’re doing well.

    *Ok, creepiness and horror is probably linked. Horror covers the gruesome stuff too though.

    John Hoare

    It?s getting harder and harder to fund scripted dramas and comedies. The situation right now is genuinely dreadful, so it?s no wonder Torchwood struggles right along with the rest.

    This is depressing.

    Frankly, I?d take a ?Torchwood Week? like this every six months, say, over a new regular series anyway. Not that they could afford that either?

    I’m really enjoying the series, but I must admit that I’m finding five hours in a week a bit too much for me. But then I find hour-long shows generally too long full-stop – I much prefer 45 minutes.


    I generally prefer 45s, too – I don’t think there’s an episode of Life on Mars that couldn’t stand to lose ten minutes – but these eps are, so far, generally making the most of their runtime. I get to the half-hour point and it feels like less, which I almost never say about Beeb one-hours.


    >I doubt they would kill off Ianto.

    Not much to doubt now I’m afraid. :/


    He isn’t dead you see, he is the Rani, he will regenrate.


    Or the one thing that will have survived in the explosion is the ressurection glove, and he’ll be our second undead like Owen. There’s always ways around it.

    Pete Part Three

    I’ve just realised what Si’s avatar is. Lovely stuff.


    Frankly, I?d take a ?Torchwood Week? like this every six months, say, over a new regular series anyway.

    Ideally I’d like see two or three story arcs stretched out for the series if the same quality can be maintained.

    Though I must say if the 456 ambassador doesn’t appear in full for the final episode, I think it would have much been better off having never been seen in the first place (bar the relevance to the children) rather than the plastic tendril and comedy splat noise.


    If they do kill off Ianto, my sister?s liable to throw herself off of the nearest tall building.

    You do realise I’m really having to keep a careful eye on her so that she doesn’t do anything stupid?


    A friend of mine from Uni, Alan, co-presents a local radio show down in Wales, Carry On Friday, on GTFM.
    It’s available to listen to on the interweb, and it’s also put up on YouTube as well.

    Why am I telling you this? Well tonight, they’ll be speaking to Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto) and Kai Owen (Rhys), and I thought some of you might be interested.

    The GTFM website can be found here:


    And the YouTube site is:


    Carry On Friday is on tonight, 10-11pm.

    So there. That’s me, providing a service.

    Tarka Dal

    Two things:

    1) Is it just me or are they cramming a hell of a lot into each hour? None of them have dragged at all for me and a couple of times I’ve almost convinced myself “this must have run for over an hour”.

    2) Please, please somebody confirm that Ianto is really dead. I’ve a horrible feeling that he’s somehow going to acquire Captain Jack’s healing properties through all the bum sex.

    Now they just need to get rid of Gwen and we can have a shiny new team in place for Series Four.


    Nononononono, you can’t get rid of Gwen as well.

    And as much as I don’t want Ianto to be dead, perhaps it would be for the best – dramatically speaking – if he stays dead (if my sister sees this, she’ll kill me).

    I agree with Karl though – every night has been nail-biting stuff. My mum’s really enjoyed it, and she’s not a Torchwood fan at all.

    But, my god, they’ve got us really wanting to know how it ends, haven’t they?

    Tarka Dal

    To be fair Gwen is the only one I’d even consider salvaging so I’m glad she’s the last one standing. However with Gwen comes the hubby and I’m allready bored of their ‘real-life’ conversations.


    >However with Gwen comes the hubby and I?m allready bored of their ?real-life? conversations.

    I sort of know what you mean. I’m not a fan of it either… but I do think it’s applicable with providing a bit of realism.

    One good thing about these episodes is that they haven’t dragged out the domestic squabbles. Previous episode for example, Gwen’s husband was smegged off (hark at me with the Dwarfisms) that Jack found out about Gwen’s pregnancy before him and there was the predictable explosion. I groaned inside… but then that was the last we heard of it. They moved on, and that’s a good compromise.

    I’ve liked all episodes so far. It’s really been up and down emotionally hasn’t it? There was fun in the previous episode, and then this went to a dark depressing* place. I hope today’s episode is of the same quality as the others. I know that goes without saying really, but in the past, it’s often been the endings which have fallen a bit flat in the multi-parters of Who and Torchwood.

    *Depressing in subject matter I mean. As I said, I liked the episode.

    Tarka Dal


    I’m not against them including the domestic side of life in the show, I like that idea. The problem is how it’s done.

    Thankfully it’s all been handled pretty well so far. Gwen’s hubby is a more likeable character than Owen or Tosh, but long-term I’ve got no interest in him and just think that they can do better. Gwen at her best is a watchable charismatic character, but it really depends on what they give her to do.


    Guess who just got Children of Earth through the post on DVD from preorder, even though it’s not out til next week?

    Now here’s the question, do I watch Day Five now seeing I have it on disc, or do I wait for it to be broadcast? Hmm…


    Watch it now!


    I will when I get back in, in 30mins… and then if any good, watch it again at 9!


    Where’d you get it from? I’ve ordered from Play, and am expecting it in the morning.


    It’s occurred to me today – Gwen is the only member of Torchwood Cardiff we’ve never seen ‘die’ (Suzie, Owen, Tosh, Ianto, plus Jack, on multiple occasions).

    Not relevant in any way, but there you go.


    She had that episode were Suzie was like draining her life away, I would say she was close enough to death.

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