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    Well yeh, I think the episode filming now is episode 4 or 5 but still I can’t see a girl from the 1800s wearing THAT, though Jaime did wear a watch.


    I hope Moffat does include a cheeky Jamie reference. The fact that she’s called Amy (which sounds similar to Jamie, didn’t you know) could lead to some kind of line. There could be a running gag where he keeps calling her Jamie.


    > a new (main) companion and then killed them off after four episodes

    Like when they finally put Amber Benson (Tara) in the opening titles of Buffy after a year and a half, only to kill her off immediately. Brilliant.

    Pete Part Three

    Yup. I didn’t realise there’d done this in the original series (SO’s example), but things are a little different now. The companion seems to be at an almost equal footing with the Doctor and there’s quite a bit of publicity surrounding the announcement of the new ones.

    I was watching The Impossible Planet/ Satan Pit two parter yesterday and it reminded me of when I watched it the first time. On initial viewing, I enjoyed the hell out of it (easily one of the best stories) but I just “knew” that Billie would be OK because we were only 2/3 of the way through the season. While a mid-season regeneration would be a horrible idea, killing a companion in throwaway fashion would give an “all bets are off” vibe to the series.


    >While a mid-season regeneration would be a horrible idea, killing a companion in throwaway fashion would give an ?all bets are off? vibe to the series.

    *Spoilers for the classic series*
    Much like Season 23 with Peri, though really that was dis-counted in part 14 of the story thanks to Colin (who openly admits his mistake) saying he didn’t think Peri should die, despite her being my favourite companion I still think if her end was kept that way it would be so much more brave and hard hitting, still it doesn’t detract from how good ‘Trial of a Time Lord’ parts 5-8 are which are my favourite episodes of the season, it was just so twisted and dark, you just didn’t know if the Doctor was the good guy or the bad guy and then you have the edge of seat moment of the Doctor being pulled back into the TARDIS to go to the court just as he is about to save Peri.


    > Like when they finally put Amber Benson (Tara) in the opening titles

    Oh you’ve gone and done it now, mentioning Amber…

    Michael Warren


    The End of Time then. 2 hours and 15 minutes in total.

    Anyone else thing “The Narrator” might be his actual name? Like The Doctor, and The Master…

    Ben Paddon

    He must be a riot at parties.

    “Leonard walked over to the to the buffet and assessed the selection of sandwiches, meat pastry snacks, and dips. He sighed the sigh of a man who…”

    “Will you knock that off? Please? For five minutes?”

    “But my name is–“

    “Yeah, I don’t care what your bloody name is, pal. You’ve been doing that since you stood next to me in the men’s lav. It was annoying then and it’s annoying now.”

    “Leonard’s brow furrowed, his teeth and fists clenching in unison. Enraged, he stormed up to the maOW OH CHRISTING FUCK THAT HURT.

    “Twat. And for the record, I was not staring at my dick ‘with the glassy-eyed sorrow of a man who wished he had more to offer.'”


    The Narrator? Oh that is not good. I’d prefer him to be called Omega =)


    According to DWM Colin Baker will gain a new companion in the BFA series next year, I say new, I mean old, Frazer Hines will reprise his role as Jaime to be his companion for the trilogy of audios in april. Shame I can’t afford much at the moment, I can barely get the DVDs!


    Fraiser eh? Well that could certainly be interestting. In many ways though i’ll be sad to see Charley go, her time with Colin has been very enjoyable.


    Hot off the press news here, the next Troughton up for release on DVD in early 2010 is ‘The Dominators’, keep it under your hats.


    Well it was fifty fifty.


    Okay, a possible spoiler re the new TARDIS interior, from the io9.com website:

    A poster at Gallifrey Base claims to have gotten a good look inside the new TARDIS set, which we’ll see in 2010. Supposedly, the interior of the TARDIS will have two different levels, joined by a spiral staircase, and we’ll be seeing a console room, a lab area, a sitting room, a long corridor, and “numerous other little nooks and crannies.” The set is designed to be modular, so that pieces of the set can be moved around and double as other parts of the ship, when we visit other rooms inside the TARDIS.

    The console room itself is a shaped like a hexagon attached to a square rather than being circular, the color theme is mostly silver and gold, and the coral finish has been replaced with marble. The roundels decorating the walls are now inverted hemispheres, and while they appear throughout the set, they do not appear on every wall. The roundels have different color schemes for each room: gold in the console room, silver, gray, and blue in the lab, and brown in the sitting room.

    You should, of course, take this with several truckloads of grains of salt. [Gallifrey Base, Thanks Bluehinter!]

    Should this be the case, should be interesting to look at.

    Seb Patrick

    Might as well C&P the full description, since io9 have rewritten it for reasons known only to themselves ;-)

    “Hi all,

    I used to post at OG a little, but decided to move on when it closed.
    However I had to come here to post this as I don’t believe there’s
    been any concrete news on the new TARDIS set as yet? My friend works
    for a company who the BBC outsource a lot of their back office work
    to, he and a few others were today given a tour of BBC facilities in
    Wales which included a peek at the new set. He’s generously allowed me
    to post his email to me, obviously any names/ sensitive specifics will
    be altered!!

    Had “the tour” today, managed to get a few photos but they’re not the
    best as we were under pretty close scrutiny as you can imagine – we
    all had to hand camera phones etc on the way in.

    The set is on 2 levels, joined by a spiral staircase, but is not as
    big as I’d thought. It’s apparently finished though sections of it
    seem to be missing at present. We saw the console room, a lab area, a
    sort of sitting room area, a fairly long section of corridor leading
    nowhere and numerous other little nooks and crannies. The console room
    reminds me of a new and shiny version of the old one, except the
    roundels are very simple and basic looking, simply spherical dents in
    the walls.

    These new style roundels are featured throughout the whole set, though
    not on every wall. Back to the console room – mainly golds and silvers
    and the coral theme has been replaced with a smooth marble like
    finish. Also the room is not circular, it’s a kind of
    hexagon-joined-to-a-square shape, the hexagon bit containing the
    console, which to me looked like the same console they’ve used
    throughout the series except with new buttons and blinky lights,
    though apparently it’s entirely new. Your beloved hatstand was still
    there but no sign of the interior doors, also there was no ceiling to
    the set – could be that these bits are meant to be there but were
    missing from the set for some reason I suppose.

    Apparently the whole set has been designed in a modular way, so things
    can be moved and double as other parts of the ship. The roundels are
    different colours in each area, gold for the console room,
    silver/grey/blue in the lab, brown in the sitting room. The roundels
    can be removed/swapped out or even turned around completely to be
    convex rather than concave, in order to become a different area. I’ll
    forward some photos and more info shortly…”

    The fact that they seem to be putting so much effort into making the interior bigger certainly supports the rumours that there will be at least one episode set largely inside the TARDIS.

    Meanwhile, Matt Smith is apparently at this moment fighting Daleks (new colour scheme, apparently) on top of a building in Cardiff.

    Seb Patrick

    Oh, also – if the rumoured plot of the Dalek episode isn’t true, it bloody SHOULD be.


    And this ‘new’ Dalek colour scheme is Grey/Black, apparently…


    Yeah the episode does sound good, at least it’s different, but I really wish they weren’t back so soon. Hopefully it’s just the one Dalek.

    Ben Paddon

    What rumoured Dalek plot? Where can I read it?


    Well it could be similar to or an adaptation of the Dalek Project graphic novel, which was actually pulled, most likely for this reason. Though a short description of it was released – set in 1917, an arms manufacture reveals a ‘new secret weapon’ that he ensures will win the British the Great War. The Doctor is there at the demo and lo and behold it’s a Dalek, which the guy claims he invented.

    The episode being shot seems to be WW2-based, perhaps suggesting that Mark Gatiss’s Nazi episode has been merged with the graphic novel’s storyline. Who knows? We certainly don’t, yet.


    Apparently it is a Mark Gatiss story.

    Jonathan Capps



    Some seem to think Rob Shearman is writing this Dalek story, frankly if they get Rob to write a story for Series 1 I will be over the moon, best Who writer since Robert Holmes.

    Jonathan Capps

    It’s series 5, for fucking fuck’s sake.

    Ian Symes

    Or 31.

    Jonathan Capps

    Or series 2010.


    It is Series 1. It is being produced as Series 1. It is being promoted as Series 1.

    Jonathan Capps

    > It is Series 1. It is being produced as Series 1. It is being promoted as Series 1.

    Yes, and it’s a fucking ridiculous idea.

    Ben Paddon



    I don’t have to post anything anywhere anymore. Ben does all the work for me!


    According to set reports the Daleks now make the tea. Nick Briggs was seen on set too so that is a confirmation of his return.



    And that IS real, it was posted by someone who also posted some pictures and set reports.

    All together now, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

    *makes cup of tea*



    “I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks.”

    Oh dear.

    Seb Patrick

    Love that line. Less sure about the voice. It’s… different. At least you can say that. Playful, not really what I expected.

    We’re currently watching Tomb of the Cybermen, and I’m basically expecting Smith to be playing Troughton. He sounds a lot younger than I’d anticipated, there.


    ‘The Tomb of the Cybermen’ = Best Doctor Who story ever.



    Matt Smith fails before he’s even started.


    I generally only consider everything up to the present as “ever”. If I say “I will own everything in the world” it doesn’t include things in the future! So nyeh!


    Matt Smith is crap, he sounds like a child pretending to do a scene from Doctor Who, he can’t pronounce the words ‘The Doctor’ or ‘Daleks’ in a way that pleases, oh no, help us, we’re all going to die, 2012 can’t come soon enough, that’s when we learn the alien truth and we won’t need to mess around with this poncy ‘drama’ about some stupid-haired wanker poncing around saving the Cardiff suburbs from jumped-up extras in shopping trolleys with plungers and a few bulbs attached to them, we will be LIVING IT!! Well, apart from the Cardiff suburbs bit, unless you live there, in which case get a flat near the Bay you effing loser.



    Apart from the fact that the guy filming was underneath them in an elevator (I think) and it was done on a phone well that line of Matt’s was out of context, infact it would be a very good line thinking about what was said previously about the Daleks, offering people tea, if a Dalek comes up to him and says “Would you like tea” ofcourse he is going to go crazy and shout “I am the Doctor and you are the Daaaaaaaaaaleks” because he is just so confused as to why it wants to give him a cuppa.

    Ben Paddon

    There’s a wonderful lilt in Matt Smith’s voice that somehow puts in mind of both Peter Davison and Colin Baker at the same time.


    I like the suggestion that when he’s saying ‘Daaaaaaaaleks’ he’s writing it out on a board, like how a teacher would. The idea that the Daleks don’t know who they are is good.


    If the Daleks didn’t know who they were you wouldn’t remind them though surely? ;o)

    I am not encouraged by that sound clip. Matt Smith sounds awful… :oS


    > Matt Smith sounds awful

    10 points from Gryffindor. Or Slytherin. Yep, probably Slytherin.


    > If the Daleks didn?t know who they were you wouldn?t remind them though surely? ;o)

    To me it’s a heartening, Doctor-y thing to be doing, actually. To be so affronted by manipulation, brainwashing, enslavement (or whatever) that – even when it’s the Daleks – he wants it put right. And he starts by stating the case VERY LOUDLY.

    I really, really hate these clips, though. It feels, I dunno…disrespectful to be grabbing them and posting them like this.


    > It is Series 1. It is being produced as Series 1. It is being promoted as Series 1.

    >Yes, and it?s a fucking ridiculous idea.

    I was talking about this on Gallifrey Base, I actually see it as a good idea, I posted this on the matter –

    If anything I think calling it Series One is a good idea, many people would see Series 5 and think “Hey, so I will have to go back and watch Series 1 first” when it is just not true, it is why they didn’t call the 2005 series Season 27, if somebody saw Season 27 they would just be confused, if they see Series 1 they think they are watching it from the start and the people who really care know it is not the start but a continuation. Simple.

    Ben Paddon

    That idea would work if there were a 16-year gap between the Christmas specials and the start of the new series.


    If a person looks at the 2010 series and it is Series 5 they will think they need to watch the previous 4 when that just isn’t true, in a world of shows with ongoing stories and arcs it is hard to go into many shows with Series 5, calling it Series One makes it easier for both the new production team and people who arn’t into the show.

    Ben Paddon

    If that were the case, every TV show would do that when it changes hands.


    The thing is, Moffat said his episode 1 follows immediately on from the end of the last special. If he had left a huge gap with unseen 11th Doctor adventures (as there were presumably unseen 9th Doctor adventures, regardless of him ‘noticing’ his appearance in the mirror in Rose) then maybe ‘series 1’ could be justified to some degree.

    It’s utter bollocks, that’s what it is. Or, as I suggested on GB, maybe Moffat is such a stubborn fanboy that he wants to make a mockery of the whole series labelling thing just because they won’t let him call it ‘series 31’. Can you imagined if they changed it to that now? The DVD set with Matt Smith, ‘Mummy I want series 31! I’ve already got series 4 AND the Specials Blu-ray boxset, but I haven’t got The Next Doctor because they didn’t put it on it, because it wasn’t shot in HD, so I want that too, on DVD, so pick them up after you finish work, you mingebag!’ I would have to say.

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