Home › Forums › Ganymede & Titan Forum › ‘Red Dwarf- Animated’…New Online Series Search for: This topic has 306 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by Carlito. Scroll to bottom Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 307 total) 1 2 3 … 5 6 7 Author Posts July 2, 2009 at 9:10 pm #4010 karcreatParticipant …Being created by fans for the fans! Have a look at the opening credits for series one, and some partial test animation… http://www.youtube.com/RedDwarfAnimated -K July 3, 2009 at 12:05 am #100688 BlisschickParticipant I’m actually kind of impressed. July 3, 2009 at 12:05 am #100689 littlesmeggerParticipant The voice acting may not be perfect [although Lister ain’t that bad!], but both the animation and the food gag were done rather well! For the sake of supporting a fan product I’ll be keeping my eye on this… July 3, 2009 at 12:20 am #100690 Plastic PercyParticipant I actually let out a bit of a chuckle at the Hot Dog gag. I’m impressed. Keep up the good work. July 3, 2009 at 6:12 am #100693 TheLeenParticipant That wasn’t bad at all. And I was impressed with the voice acting, actually. July 3, 2009 at 7:01 am #100695 Ben PaddonParticipant Voice acting aside, that was pretty funny. July 3, 2009 at 11:06 am #100708 siParticipant Voice wise, Lister was best. Why Duff beer though? July 3, 2009 at 11:18 am #100711 Seb PatrickKeymaster Hmm, I didn’t think Lister was that good – just ‘cos it was Scouse doesn’t mean it sounded like Lister. I thought Cat was quite good, actually. The hot dog gag punchline was nice, but the pacing of the setup could do with improvement. Interesting, though, I’ll be watching out to see what else you come up with. July 3, 2009 at 5:16 pm #100725 Ben PaddonParticipant Lister’s line “Kryten, I knooooooow” really bugged me. The first time I watched it I had to stop. It made me cringe. July 3, 2009 at 6:43 pm #100729 Stabbim the SkutterParticipant Wow, very very good. Leaps and bounds ahead of the attempt I made at a Red Dwarf animation. :p I can’t wait to see the finished product! (and can do voice acting if you’re interested. I’ve got a high-ish quality mic) July 3, 2009 at 7:57 pm #100733 karcreatParticipant Can you do a good Rimmer?…;) (Hell, ANYONE here…if you are a voice actr, and are willing to help out, please drop me a line at… kkarstens@cableone.net …and thank you ALL for your support and interest! K July 3, 2009 at 11:20 pm #100737 Ben PaddonParticipant As previously stated, my Kryten is supposedly very good. My Rimmer, on the other hand, isn’t so much an imitation of Chris Barrie as it is an embodiment of the character. Or so I’m told. July 4, 2009 at 12:26 am #100743 karcreatParticipant Could you email me a few samples, (WAV, etc) of each character (Rimmer and Kryten), reading some of the lines from the attatched script (below)? This is the rough draft for our test ‘pilot’ for the animated series… ****** ‘Timehole’ After title sequence, we open on a shot of STARBUG, zooming to camera, R to L. CUT inside to interior, Kryten and Lister seated. KRYTEN- Sir, it…it just DOESN’T make SENSE! LISTER- Kryten, I KNOW… KRYTEN- I mean, WHY would they DO such a thing?! LISTER- Kryten, you just have to accept that that’s the way it IS… KRYTEN- But who perpetrated this cruel hoax? WHY is it ALLOWED to continue??! LISTER- Krytes, if you want to fit in with humans, you have to learn to ACCEPT illogical things in life… KRYTEN- It’s just so EVIL! So downright WRONG! LISTER- But that’s the WAY IT IS. Hot dogs are sold 10 to a pack, and buns are 8 to a pack! You have to simply accept illogical facts like that if you want to blend in once we reach Earth! RIMMER- Oh yes, because a faux paus in the the area of hot dogs to buns ratios will make him stand out, not the fact that his head looks like a mound of Silly Putty that’s been left out in the sun for a fortnight. Suddenly CAT pops his head in from the front of STARBUG… CAT- I hate to interupt this deep discussion of life, the universe and everything…but we have a ‘Swirly Thing Alert’ situation! LISTER- Cat, how many times have I told you? You need to be more specific than that! I mean, how are we supposed to know what the smeg you are talkin’ about, unless you give us a more DETAILED description of what it IS out there?! CAT- Sorry, Bud. LISTER- I mean, every time there’s something ODD out there, YOU come back and tell us ‘It’s a SWIRLY thing’ or a ‘GLOWING thing’ or a ‘PULSATING thing’…do you see a pattern here? CAT- Yeah, of course I do! You like to YELL at me a lot! LISTER rolls his eyes in exasperation. CAT- Maybe ya better come see for yourself…! LISTER, KRYTEN and RIMMER join CAT in the COCKPIT. LISTER- Will ya look at that! What is it, Krytes? SHOT out of the front of STARBUG, a massive rotating mass of color. KRYTEN- Best guess, I would say it’s some sort of vortex, a massive rupture in the space time continuum, leading somewhere where time and logic have NO MEANING! CAT- Oh, great…a doorway to the Bush Administration! LISTER- What’s that? Looks like something just roared out of the center! RIMMER- Incoming, at two ten! CUT to shot of a radar screen, a small blip moving across it to the center. KRYTEN- Interesting! The vortex seems to have spit out a object of some sort, headed directly for us! LISTER- Do a security scan, see if it’s safe to bring aboard. KRYTEN- Right away, Sir! DISSOLVE to the group, all seated around a table…Lister is holding a small cannister, about a foot long. LISTER- So this is it? KRYTEN- Yes, Sir…an object from the late 20th century, according to Starbug’s carbon dating software…apparently it contains a pilot… CAT- A PILOT? In THAT little thing? What’s he gonna steer, the ‘Billy Barty’ party ship? KRYTEN- No, no Sir…a PILOT…a videotaped episode for a potential television series. LISTER- Then why does it have these ‘warning’ messages on the exterior? SHOT of the CANNISTER in LISTERS grip…it reads ‘CAUTION- Potential Danger- View at Own Risk’. LISTER- I say we go for it…I mean, how bad can it be? DISSOLVE to STARBUG cabin w/ large wall sized video monitor, CAT, LISTER and RIMMER seated. KRYTEN stands next to the video player in the wall, tape in hand. KRYTEN- Are you SURE about this, mister Lister? LISTER- I was BORN sure, Kryten…pop it in! CUT to the static ridden screen, which goes to black…then the video fades in. It’s the ‘RED DWARF USA’ pilot. We see a few seconds of a selected scene. CUT to LISTER, CAT, RIMMER…all looking utterly HORRIFIED. CUT to KRYTEN, eyes bugged out… his head EXPLODES. THE END. July 4, 2009 at 12:34 am #100745 Plastic PercyParticipant Cat’s quip about the Bush Administration is wrong for his character. Remember, this is the sort of guy who is completely uninterested in anything except his clothes, his hair and eating. Plus, the joke’s been done to death. Yeah, yeah Bush is an idiot, blah, blah, Iraq War. It’s too much of a ‘now’ joke for ‘Red Dwarf’. If you want to keep it in though, give it to Rimmer or Kryten. They’re the sort to know their history and politics. Also, the Billy Barty joke is too obscure and again wrong for Cat. July 4, 2009 at 2:40 am #100747 karcreatParticipant Please suggest some alternate lines rather than just a comment about how the ones you mentioned ‘don’t work’, it would really be appreciated as I am very new to ‘writing’ anything…;) My only other two attempts at writing a ‘script’ were admittedley well receieved, but I have no problem admitting this is all VERY new to me! My other two ‘scripts’ can be seen here… ‘Family Guy’ Chicken’s Lair (Dragon’s Lair spoof)…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=712Lc5JIE5A Venture Brothers Imaginary Minisode, ‘Lam-Pooned!’ PT 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOAYou7Bpjs PT 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijUy6GhXuB8 Thanks! K July 4, 2009 at 8:04 am #100749 Mr FlibbleParticipant Please suggest some alternate lines rather than just a comment about how the ones you mentioned ?don?t work?, it would really be appreciated as I am very new to ?writing? anything?;) Shall we eat your dinner for you too? July 4, 2009 at 8:38 am #100750 TheLeenParticipant Complaining is a lot easier than being constructive, I know I know. karcreat, I don’t know the last thing about writing comedy so I can’t help. Also, I’m trying not to read the script. I’d rather see the finished thing, ho ho. Loved the trailer! July 4, 2009 at 9:21 am #100751 karcreatParticipant Shall we eat your dinner for you too? ******* If its hard to chew…yes, please…I’m old and bent, my teeth are grizzled…;) As I mentioned, I am not a writer, Im new to this…that entire script (above) was literally ‘off the top of my head’, based on an idea I had, that was it…I suspect that there are a LOT better writers here on this very forum, and I would MORE than appreciate any assistance with this that might be offered…after all, this whole project is meant to be ‘by fans, FOR fans’. Thanks in advance… K July 4, 2009 at 9:31 am #100752 karcreatParticipant Cat?s quip about the Bush Administration is wrong for his character. Remember, this is the sort of guy who is completely uninterested in anything except his clothes, his hair and eating. ***** Good point. Ok, so we need to make the line a reference to ‘a doorway’ to someplace where time and logic have no meaning…how about changing it to ‘Oh, great! A doorway to BBC Four!’ ***** Also, the Billy Barty joke is too obscure and again wrong for Cat. ***** Hmmm…well, it still needs to be a line COMING FROM Cat, as he is the one ‘confused’ by the term ‘pilot’…so how about changing it to something more simplistic, like ‘A PILOT? In THAT little thing? What?s he gonna steer, the ?Oompa Loompa’ party ship?’ What do you think? K PS…Your avatar RULES, Sir…I’m a confessed MST3K-aholic, Forrester was just misunderstood, DAMMIT!…;) July 4, 2009 at 1:58 pm #100755 CarlitoParticipant > Cat?s quip about the Bush Administration is wrong for his character. Remember, this is the sort of guy who is completely uninterested in anything except his clothes, his hair and eating. >> Good point. Ok, so we need to make the line a reference to ?a doorway? to someplace where time and logic have no meaning?how about changing it to ?Oh, great! A doorway to BBC Four!? Why not just something a bit simpler and punchier, like a dumb country. That’s not out of keeping with Red Dwarf lines from the past (“welsh fish and chip shop”/”Albanian shepherd” etc) I’d change the line to Rimmer though. Hmm. How bout… ———————————————————————————– KRYTEN- Best guess, I would say it?s some sort of vortex, a massive rupture in the space time continuum allowing objects to pass through it into a different plane of reality. CAT- Wait a second, bud. You telling me that thing is some kinda magic doorway? KRYTEN- In a way, sir, yes. Probably leading to somewhere where time and logic have no meaning, where reason and reality is distorted beyond all human comprehension! CAT- What’s he saying, helipad head? RIMMER- It’s a doorway into your mind. CAT- Great! LISTER- Ignore ‘im, Cat. Woah… what’s that? … ———————————————————————————– July 4, 2009 at 2:00 pm #100756 Plastic PercyParticipant Cheers, I think the Oompa Loompa line might work better. Well, Oompa Loompa or Munchkin. Again, I think the BBC Four joke is a little too ‘now’ and Cat wouldn’t have any idea about it. Yes, I know Kryten made a similar joke about Channel 5 during the 10th Anniversary Smeg-Ups, but C5 is just a universal joke. Perhaps something like “A doorway to a shell suit/flares convention?” or something similar might work. Not that I profess to know the first thing about scriptwriting. P.S. – Cheers for the MST3K appreciation, Dr. Forrester was by far the best Mad. “Push the Button, Frank!” July 4, 2009 at 2:00 pm #100754 CarlitoParticipant After coming over all Red Dwarfy after Back To Earth, I wrote a full length Dwarf script titled “Tiresias”. No idea why or what I expected to do with it. Guess I just wanted to dip my hand back into writing after a long break of being a full-time braindead employee. Wonder if Doug ever accepts spec scripts… then again if anyone ever fancies animating a whole half hour episode… :D July 4, 2009 at 4:17 pm #100758 hummingbirdParticipant I like it. Sure, the voices aren’t perfect … but not bad, not bad at all. Nice work. Looking forward to more. July 4, 2009 at 9:10 pm #100762 Almighty_crjParticipant Try these: LISTER- Hey, Get a load of this! What the smeg is it, Krytes? _________________________________________________________________ (Original sentence sounded too American.) RIMMER- Incoming, at two ten! CAT- There’s plenty of time. It’s only one o’clock now! CUT to shot of a radar screen, a small blip moving across it to the center. KRYTEN- Interesting! The vortex seems to have spat out a object of some sort, headed directly for us! RIMMER: Ah, so that’s what happened to that carton of Lister’s curry I flushed out of the airlock. _______________________________________________________ (Added jokes.) KRYTEN- Yes, Sir? this pod contains an object, from the late 20th century according to Starbug?s carbon dating software?apparently the pod contains a pilot? CAT- A PILOT? In THAT little thing? Who the hell volunteered? The Incredible Shrinking Man? ________________________________________________________________________________ (While it may be obscure reference to an audience, Lister is a bit of a movie buff and we know they watch films together. In addition its unlikely that the 20th century sent the film into space so I made sure the spacial carrier wasn’t referenced date wise.) LISTER- I say we go for it?I mean, how bad can it be? Rimmer stares daggers at him silently. July 4, 2009 at 9:32 pm #100764 karcreatParticipant RIMMER- Incoming, at two ten! CAT- There?s plenty of time. It?s only one o?clock now! CUT to shot of a radar screen, a small blip moving across it to the center. KRYTEN- Interesting! The vortex seems to have spat out a object of some sort, headed directly for us! RIMMER: Ah, so that?s what happened to that carton of Lister?s curry I flushed out of the airlock. ****** MUUUCH better, thanks!!! LOVE the silly ‘plenty of time’ line from Cat! ****** CAT- A PILOT? In THAT little thing? Who the hell volunteered? The Incredible Shrinking Man? ****** EXCELLENT!!!…;) Thank you! K July 4, 2009 at 9:38 pm #100765 karcreatParticipant After coming over all Red Dwarfy after Back To Earth, I wrote a full length Dwarf script titled ?Tiresias?. No idea why or what I expected to do with it. Guess I just wanted to dip my hand back into writing after a long break of being a full-time braindead employee. ****** Would you perhaps be interested in writing up some 10-15 min scripts, based on concepts we have for series one? Example: Cat seems to be overly addicted to using the Virtual Reality software on Starbug, in particular, playing out ‘superheo’ roles (a scene from this potential story can be seen in the animated opening credits, Cat in the ‘Catman’ suit, holding the electric cables, etc) and the gang is worried about him…we thought that a REAL emrgency might somehow come about, and Cat suddenly has to truly be the ‘hero’, or something…basically, thats all we have, we just liked the ‘Cat as a Superhero’ base for a story, and we need writers to fill in the plot aspects…you don’t even need to add the jokes and so on, we can attempt that part…we could use storyline elements, tho…;) K July 4, 2009 at 10:52 pm #100768 Ben PaddonParticipant As stated in my email, once I am marginally less dead I will be happy to record my voice for you to use as a form of techno-voodoo. July 4, 2009 at 10:59 pm #100769 CarlitoParticipant I can throw you a 10 minute script or two when I get a chance. July 5, 2009 at 2:37 am #100770 karcreatParticipant Thanks to everyone so far for all your input and assistance…keep it coming, we appreciate it! Just so you know, too…we have launched a ‘Red Dwarf- Animated’ website! http://www.karcreat.com/RedDwarfAnimated.html …a few of the links work (including the ‘Goodies’ one, where you can snag some RD games and screensavers) and as soon as I hear back from everyone involved, the ‘Who Are We?’ section will be finished, along with the rest. Thanks Again! -K July 5, 2009 at 8:15 am #100772 Ben PaddonParticipant WELCOME TO THE INTERNET CIRCA 1997. July 5, 2009 at 8:26 am #100773 karcreatParticipant WELCOME TO THE INTERNET CIRCA 1997 ???? K July 5, 2009 at 8:56 am #100776 ChrisMParticipant The front page looks fine to me. Who is the guy in the glasses in Rimmer’s place though? In front of the Poly- Oh wait the penny just dropped after I typed that. Rimmer after suckage. Gotcha. I’ll get my coat. July 5, 2009 at 9:31 am #100779 karcreatParticipant LOL!!! No, don’t grab that coat, man…stay a bit…;) Thanks for the kind words, RE, the site set up…I guess it just aint fancy enough for some, but honestly, I loathe those websites with huge graphics and adverts, animations that take an eon to load, etc, etc…simple works fine in my book…;) Thanks again… -K July 5, 2009 at 10:45 am #100782 karcreatParticipant As stated in my email, once I am marginally less dead I will be happy to record my voice for you to use as a form of techno-voodoo. **** Just now noted this post from you..(sorry…’DUH’ on my part!…;) Hope you are feelin’ better by the time you read this (I had something pretty similar to deal with last week, sore assed throat, lots of ‘donkey bray’ coughing…ACK!…took a week or so to get better, so I know where you are comin’ from) as we are looking forward to hearin’ your Rimmer…;) Take care, man! K July 5, 2009 at 10:53 am #100774 karcreatParticipant Just added a section on the website concerning ‘contributions’ for those interested… Thanks in advance! K July 5, 2009 at 11:06 am #100775 CarlitoParticipant Noticed your other video… my suggestion: don’t put canned laughter on it. It’s presumptuous and distracting. July 5, 2009 at 11:20 am #100783 lego7770Participant We bowed to youtube opinion on that one :) Did you get my email yesterday? P July 5, 2009 at 12:58 pm #100784 CarlitoParticipant No, rarely check my e-mails coz theyre mainly junk. I’ll take a peek in a bit. July 6, 2009 at 1:52 am #100789 karcreatParticipant Hey Everyone… Wanted to first thank everyone quite sincerley for the help that has been offered here so far…it’s one of the cool aspects of doing a fan based project like this, I think, in that you get feedback that can really improve the outcome, and make it something the fans will dig…;) Ok, speaking of which, here’s the revised script for our ‘mini-pilot’ test episode, with some of the best suggestions replacing the weaker, initial stuff I threw out there…lemme know what ya think! ****** ‘Time Hole’ After Opening Titles, we fade in on a shot of STARBUG, zooming to camera, L to R. CUT inside to interior, Kryten and Lister seated. KRYTEN- Sir, it…it just DOESN’T make SENSE! LISTER- Kryten, I KNOW… KRYTEN- I mean, WHY would they DO such a thing?! LISTER- Kryten, you just have to accept that that’s the way it IS… KRYTEN- But who perpetrated this cruel hoax? WHY is it ALLOWED to continue??! LISTER- Krytes, if you want to fit in with humans, you have to learn to ACCEPT illogical things in life… KRYTEN- It’s just so EVIL! So downright WRONG! LISTER- But that’s the WAY IT IS. Hot dogs are sold 10 to a pack, and buns are 8 to a pack! You have to simply accept illogical facts like that if you want to blend in once we reach Earth! RIMMER- Oh yes, because a faux paus in the the area of hot dogs to buns ratios will make him stand out, not the fact that his head looks like a mound of Silly Putty that’s been left out in the sun for a fortnight. Suddenly CAT pops his head in from the front of STARBUG… CAT- I hate to interupt this deep discussion of life, the universe and everything…but we have a ‘Swirly Thing Alert’ situation! LISTER- Cat, how many times have I told you? You need to be more specific than that! I mean, how are we supposed to know what the smeg you are talkin’ about, unless you give us a more DETAILED description of what it IS out there?! CAT- Sorry, Bud. LISTER- I mean, every time there’s something ODD out there, YOU come back and tell us ‘It’s a SWIRLY thing’ or a ‘GLOWING thing’ or a ‘PULSATING thing’…do you see a pattern here? CAT- Yeah, of course I do! You like to YELL at me a lot! LISTER rolls his eyes in exasperation. CAT- Maybe ya better come see for yourself…! LISTER, KRYTEN and RIMMER join CAT in the COCKPIT. LISTER- Will ya look at that! What is it, Krytes? SHOT out of the front of STARBUG, a massive rotating mass of color. KRYTEN- Best guess, I would say it?s some sort of vortex, a massive rupture in the space time continuum allowing objects to pass through it into a different plane of reality. CAT- Wait a second, bud. You telling me that thing is some kinda magic doorway? KRYTEN- In a way, sir, yes. Probably leading to somewhere where time and logic have no meaning, where reason and reality is distorted beyond all human comprehension! CAT- What?s he saying, helipad head? RIMMER- It?s a doorway into your mind. LISTER- Ignore ?im, Cat. Woah? what?s that??Looks like something just roared out of the center! RIMMER- Incoming, at two ten! CAT- What’s the rush, then? There?s plenty of time. It?s only one o?clock now! CUT to shot of a radar screen, a small blip moving across it to the center. KRYTEN- Interesting! The vortex seems to have spit out a object of some sort, headed directly for us! LISTER- Do a security scan, see if it’s safe to bring aboard. KRYTEN- Right away, Sir! DISSOLVE to the group, all seated around a table…Lister is holding a small cannister, about a foot long. LISTER- So this is it? KRYTEN- Yes, Sir…an object from the late 20th century, according to Starbug’s carbon dating software…apparently it contains a pilot… CAT- A PILOT? In THAT little thing? Who the hell volunteered? ‘The Incredible Shrinking Man’? KRYTEN- No, no Sir…a PILOT…a videotaped episode for a potential television series. LISTER- Then why does it have these ‘warning’ messages on the exterior? SHOT of the CANNISTER in LISTERS grip…it reads ‘CAUTION- Potential Danger- View at Own Risk’. LISTER- I say we go for it…I mean, how bad can it be? DISSOLVE to STARBUG cabin w/ large wall sized video monitor, CAT, LISTER and RIMMER seated. KRYTEN stands next to the video player in the wall, tape in hand. KRYTEN- Are you SURE about this, mister Lister? LISTER- I was BORN sure, Kryten…pop it in! CUT to the static ridden screen, which goes to black…then the video fades in. It’s the ‘RED DWARF USA’ pilot. We see a few seconds of a selected scene. CUT to LISTER, CAT, RIMMER…all looking utterly HORRIFIED. CUT to KRYTEN, eyes bugged out… his head EXPLODES. THE END. July 7, 2009 at 10:44 am #100815 DaveParticipant I thought hot dogs were sold 8 to a pack, and buns were 6 to a pack. July 7, 2009 at 1:27 pm #100819 Pete Part ThreeParticipant July 7, 2009 at 8:03 pm #100835 karcreatParticipant Dave: Nope…the ratio is 8 to 10, standardly…love your ‘Scary Door’ avatar, by the way!…;) K July 8, 2009 at 8:34 pm #100875 karcreatParticipant Hey Everyone!…;) We’ve added the Series One episode descriptions/outlines to the RDA website…just look under ‘Episodes and Outlines’…let us know what you think… Thanks again! K July 10, 2009 at 6:31 pm #100997 lego7770Participant Ben glad to hear your voice is better, look forward to hearing it :) P July 10, 2009 at 7:32 pm #101011 Seb PatrickKeymaster >Nope?the ratio is 8 to 10, standardly? Maybe in America… but Lister isn’t American. Here, a tin of Princes hot dogs has eight sausages in it, and buns come in packs of six. July 10, 2009 at 7:38 pm #101012 Ben PaddonParticipant But how many dollarpounds do they cost? July 10, 2009 at 8:21 pm #101014 karcreatParticipant Maybe in America? but Lister isn?t American. Here, a tin of Princes hot dogs has eight sausages in it, and buns come in packs of six. ****** LOL!…;) Might have to get Pete, the resident of the UK on the project, to look into this, then! Thanks! K July 11, 2009 at 10:52 pm #101017 lego7770Participant We?re talking about packs, and the only REAL hot dog is Herta and they are sold 10 to a pack. Unless you buy jumbo, as I did the other week and well worth the added expense. But Jumbos are sold 4 to a pack. July 12, 2009 at 6:57 pm #101070 DaveParticipant >Might have to get Pete, the resident of the UK on the project, to look into this, then! Get him to watch Ant Muzak as well: July 12, 2009 at 9:32 pm #101072 lego7770Participant I?m Pete BTW?..Wow there is some of the best British talent in that vid??..How come I?ve never seen it before. Thanks for letting me know about this one ? Sadly I spent the afternoon shopping with my family, all I could find was herta frankfurters at 10 to a pack and buns at 6 to a pack. It throws the equation out even further??..and it would drive Kryten crazy. I even photographed them, how sad is that!????..My wife despairs. Cheers P Author Posts Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 307 total) 1 2 3 … 5 6 7 Scroll to top • Scroll to Recent Forum Posts You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In