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  • #4969
    Seb Patrick

    So, this is where you’re allowed to talk about anything relating to Doctor Who, even if it’s illicitly-obtained information that isn’t general public knowledge yet. If discussion brings you on to the original series (or earlier RTD episodes) then don’t feel you have to suddenly move over to the other thread – but if you’re only talking about existing episodes then please go over there.

    When we left off, we were talking about these photos and these photos. To wit :

    … go nuts.


    First thought looking at that picture was being glad the bow tie look may be a one-off, then realised that’s Tennant’s costume isn’t it? :(

    Pete Part Three

    Because after you’ve died and regenerated, you’ve just gotta have a Cornetto.


    He’s not looking after it well, is he?


    > Because after you?ve died and regenerated, you?ve just gotta have a Cornetto.

    Cornettos rock. You see Ed eating one in ‘Shaun of the Dead’ just after they’ve bludgeoned the zombies in their garden to death. Yum.


    Large amounts of cash on there being a Moffat-y dialogue run about the length of that skirt.


    I can’t be the only one who thinks that blue lolly has got the right idea.


    New logo:


    What do we think?

    Interesting, if nothing else.


    I liked the one at the end of it, sorta like the Pertwee one, the other version which is in the shape of the TARDIS well, that isn’t very good. Still it is better than a flying turd.


    Actually, I like the TARDIS shaped one. That’s just crying out for a t-shirt.

    (surely we’re alright to embed one here, in the spoilers thread? Okay, here we go:)

    Pete Part Three

    I’m not sure about the text, but I like the TARDIS insignia. It’s the most consistent mainstay of the show, so it makes sense to use it here.

    Michael Warren

    I look forward to new episodes of DOCTON WHO in 2010…

    Ian Symes

    (surely we?re alright to embed one here, in the spoilers thread? Okay, here we go:)

    Technically you could/should have embedded it in the other thread – things that have been officially released by the production team aren’t classed as spoilers. This thread is for paparazzi shots and rumours and the like, the other is for things the production team want us to know.


    Well, I just didn’t want to fall foul of you and your staff, mein fuhrer.

    Seb Patrick

    What are you doing in this thread anyway, given that the other one was created for YOUR BENEFIT?

    Seb Patrick

    >I look forward to new episodes of DOCTON WHO in 2010?

    That only works if you assume they’re mixing upper and lowercase letters. Which they’re not, because they’re not twats.


    From Graham Linehan’s Twitter feed:

    No, no, no! The new Doctor Who logo is TERRIBLE! Have you seen it? http://yfrog.com/7ho63j

    (hint – follow the link)

    Seb Patrick

    By the way, the logo is all kinds of win. Especially the TARDIS thing.

    Michael Warren

    >I look forward to new episodes of DOCTON WHO in 2010?

    That only works if you assume they?re mixing upper and lowercase letters. Which they?re not, because they?re not twats.

    A good font should make each letter distinctive enough to eliminate any possibility of confusion with another though, no?

    It was also a joke…


    I think the thing about this logo and the TARDIS version is that they are so much more practical than the previous one, maybe not as recognisable though. By practical I mean that you won’t have to squish it all up to fit it on the 7 billionth figure of Tennant.


    I like it better than the previous one. But that wasn’t such a hard task to achieve.

    It would be better without the lense flare. Lense flares are stupidly nineties.

    Not sure why the tardigram is there at all, but okay… well. After initial resenting I figured I don’t actually mind it much. Except for the lense flare. God do I hate lense flare.


    It’s good. It’s all good. And I propose the full adoption of the term Tardigram.



    Seb Patrick

    I’m baffled by the people (not here, but elsewhere) assuming the Tardigram (yes, adopting it as well) is a permanent part of the logo, and that it’s always going to be laid out like that – and thus complaining that it looks “uncentred”.

    Surely those are two different logos to be used, either independently or together, in various situations? I highly doubt the Tardigram will even be seen onscreen…


    One of things I liked about the RTD era logo was that it took the emphasis off the word WHO, but this puts it right back.


    Good point there, actually

    Michael Warren

    Surely those are two different logos to be used, either independently or together, in various situations? I highly doubt the Tardigram will even be seen onscreen?

    Actually, I’m imagining a title sequence which starts as the new logo video does – the Tardigram fading in – then turning into the TARDIS, which spins and opens its doors into a vortex effect, through Smith’s face, ending up with the new logo…


    Actually, I?m imagining a title sequence which starts as the new logo video does – the Tardigram fading in – then turning into the TARDIS, which spins and opens its doors into a vortex effect, through Smith?s face, ending up with the new logo?

    Sorry, I’m not.

    Seb Patrick

    Well, okay, it might be used in some way – but the point is, no way is that image going to be the show’s title card.

    Seb Patrick

    I love the Moff :

    Steven Moffat, the new Lead Writer and Executive Producer, said: “A new logo. The 11th logo for the 11th Doctor ? those grand old words, Doctor Who, suddenly looking newer than ever.

    “And, look at that, something really new ? an insignia! DW in TARDIS form! Simple and beautiful, and most important of all, a completely irresistible doodle.

    “I apologise to school notebooks everywhere, because in 2010 that’s what they’re going to be wearing.”


    I would have thought the Tardigram would be used for merchandise were it is better to leave more room for what the product is! Certainly something like DVD and book spines would be an ideal place for it.


    Actually, I bet the DW “Tardigram” WILL be in the title card. And I kind of like it like that.

    I think if they were genuinely separate, they’d probably have been presented differently. (Which isn’t to say you’ll NEVER see one or the other presented separately, just that I think “together” is the default)

    Tarka Dal

    Look no offence like, new logo, ‘Tardigram’ or whatever you want to call it, but have we really exhausted all talk of Karen Gillan’s outfit allready!?


    Odd as it might be, I’m sorta waiting to see the girl act and emote and stuff.


    >Odd as it might be, I?m sorta waiting to see the girl act and emote and stuff.



    Why wonder if she can act when you can fantasise about having her in an ice-cream van? Can I have a 99 please??

    Danny Stephenson

    Can I have a 99 please??

    Now, take that number and subtract 30 and then you’ll have your golden number :)



    Just read out your comments to my husband and he added “well she is a nice bit of ginger biscuit, isn’t she?”



    Doctor and Sarah Jane again.

    Not breaking news, but nice.


    > Just read out your comments to my husband and he added ?well she is a nice bit of ginger biscuit, isn?t she??

    My girlfriend reckons she’s gonna ban me from watching the series. This after I’ve had to put up with her drooling over that lanky streak of nothing Tennant for the past 2 years! She’s not into Matt Smith, thank god. That’s what she says anyway. I thought the ripped suit might change her mind but she’s like ‘no, how dare he wear David’ suit!’


    Yep I definitely think this is revenge for men everywhere having to suffer in Tennant’s shadow. I reckon I could take her though – she looks skinny enough….

    Seb Patrick

    “Take” her.


    First one….then t’other…


    Brilliant post on the Doctor Who Magazine Facebook page:

    David Farmbrough (London) wrote 2 hours ago

    The BBC today confirmed that the forthcoming series of Doctor Who, its 31st, will be recorded exclusively in black and white. Executive producer Steven Moffat confirmed ?to be honest, we feel now that colour was an 80s and 90s fad, and that a different feel was needed. Everyone thought I was barmy when I first suggested it, but to be honest, it will save a lot of time in the tone meetings (Grey) and it?s the only way we can get away with another ginger companion?.

    Speaking from his pool in Beverly Hills, former producer Russell T. Davies said ?It?s Steven?s baby now, I?ve moved on. But I really wish I?d thought of it first. Trust Steven Moffat to come up with something as brilliant and bonkers as that!?.

    New Doctor Who, Matt Smith, 10, said ?obviously I wasn?t around to remember black and white television, but everyone says the black and white days of Doctor Who are way better than the colour ones?. Eagle-eyed fans (or at least those with telephoto lenses) had spotted Smith?s black and white costume in some location filming, and the BBC?s unveiling of a monochrome logo earlier this week confirmed fan suspicions

    A BBC Spokesman said viewers would need special adaptor boxes to watch the series, as it marked their much-publicised return to the old 405 line format, They also said that they had preliminarily scheduled the wanton destruction of the video tapes for March 2015.


    Seb Patrick


    Kris Carter

    I think he missed a trick by not having Matt Smith’s age be 11, but hey, what’re y’gonna do. :)

    Jonathan Capps

    > ?Brilliant?.

    Oh, come on, the (presumably) fake Moffat quote is very strong.


    Well I thought it was funny.


    >I want to be 10 again.

    Yeh well you are stuck as Matt now.

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