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    Posted as a bulletin on his myspace, subject line “thanks”:

    I’ve had loads of nice messages from myspace friends since I posted a bulletin about not being involved in the new Red Dwarf stuff for the Dave channel.

    I want to say thanks for your support and thanks to those who bought a copy of my DVD. I also had around 80 people who decided not to be a myspace friend anymore and I found that rather sad really.

    Here’s something else that will probably make a few more of you depart. I will not be involved in any more RD and have decided to write a book on my experiences with Red Dwarf. It will be truthful, entertaining and give you an insight into my life which has not been very ordinary. I have been asked to write an autobiography on many occasions and I now feel the time is right.

    Thanks again.


    Wow. That sounds like an interesting book…


    Yeah, Norm. Whatever.

    Pete Part Three

    He could call it: “Grant Naylor Owes Me A Career”

    Tarka Dal

    > I have been asked to write an autobiography on many occasions and I now feel the time is right.

    Now the bridge is burnt. I’m not sure how I feel about all this. To start with I was pretty pleased he’s been a grumpy old sod, slagged off attempts to get the movie made and generally been a bit of an arse.

    Despite all that though, he has been a very big part of Dwarf’s history. So part of me does feel a little sad that it’s ended badly.


    i guess we may not know the true story … but the fact of the matter is as iv and others have said before .. its 2 episodes holly is not going to get hardly any screentime anyway .. and if they opend the door for more specials ( i see a series unlikely sein as budget is soo small for this ) then i think it would be same story ..shame he sayd he will never be involved though ..

    Ian Symes

    What a tit.

    Pete Part Three

    He left, they had the good grace to invite him back, the budget won’t stretch to involving him in this, he moans.

    He needs to get a grip.


    >What a tit.

    But do tits really deserve to be compared to Norman Lovett?

    >He needs to get a grip.

    But if he got a grip, he’d be denied such a fine chance to moan about it on the internet.

    Frankly, if he’s going to be like this it’s probably better for everyone else involved with Red Dwarf that he’s burnt his bridges. It’s a future opportunity for Hattie Hayridge, I suppose.

    Tarka Dal

    > But do tits really deserve to be compared to Norman Lovett?

    He does a damn fine tit impression.


    >He does a damn fine tit impression.

    Now I wish I knew how to use photoshop


    >He does a damn fine tit impression.

    Are you thinking of the moon impression? ;)

    I am rather sad he’s decided he’ll not have anything more to do with Dwarf though. Surely, he understands there were just the two episodes with a limited budget. Should it have been successful, it’s quite possible he’d be invited back for a full series. That being said, I’d welcome Hatty again. She didn’t have as much material in her years on Dwarf, but she did well with what she had. (Oo-er. You know what I mean.)

    I can understand his offence at the email though. They probably should have called him.

    Seb Patrick

    I hope he either has a bloody good editor, or works on his writing style, if his Myspace posts are anything to go by.

    Seb Patrick

    Oh, and I bet you anything it’ll include the story of Donna DiStefano taking his ball away.

    Pete Part Three

    Needless to say, he had the last laugh.


    He should just write a book around the Ball fiasco.


    April fool?


    I loved him in I and II, but Holly as a character was pretty redundant by IV, anyway.
    There was no real necessity for him to be in VIII, either.

    So, I really don’t care either way. But I do wish he’d STFU.


    Has anyone got a link or a quote of what Norm said about Grant Naylor productions? I heard he was having a go at their attempts of a film.

    Jonathan Capps

    > Needless to say, he had the last laugh.

    I was just on my way to this thread, hugely pleased with myself that I was going to make this joke. Damn you.


    >There was no real necessity for him to be in VIII, either.

    His material wasn’t as great in that series, it’s true.

    A couple made me laugh though.

    The rodent-bottomed gag. (Cheap but snigger-worthy.)

    The “I’ve hacked into the system and you’re due an inspection in 10 minutes” gag.

    and the gem:

    “It’s times like this I’m glad I’m just a head.”


    ” theres stuff down there that will make your hair stand on end ……… brill cream its called “


    >He could call it: ?Grant Naylor Owes Me A Career?

    That certainly seems to be a succinct summary of his outlook. Sure, we may not know the whole story, but how anyone can take his side over GNP’s is beyond me. He left, they had him back. He’s traded on his Red Dwarf character and reputation for most of his work over the last couple of decades. His website, his standup tours…And yet he seems to have no respect for the people who provided him the opportunity in the first place, shit-talking them at every opportunity. I’ve yet to figure out in what way he’s been so mistreat by GNP over the years.

    Writing a grubby little tell-all book seems wholly in keeping with his attitude, and I’m sure that’s what we’ll get.

    Just saw this comment someone left on his MySpace:

    “ah well im sure you could get into another good show.”

    Oh yes indeed, I’ll bet the offers are flooding in. No wonder he was so pissed off about being asked to set a few days aside. The mind boggles to think of the great offers the much in-demand star of ‘I Lovett’ turned down to accommodate those backstabbing evil-doers at GNP.


    It could be that he wasn’t even set or asked to be on the specials and just made up the story for more sales of his DVD which seemed to be successful since he mentioned more people got it.


    I wonder how many copies a Norman Lovett DVD has to sell to be considered successful…

    Double figures?


    4 1/2


    thats pushin it …does anyone here actually own a copy .. a family freind of mine was forced to go see him live once and he walked out after about 20 minits he said ” was just some old guy talking bollocks ” considein this family friend of mine is about 2 years younger than norm .. says alot haha

    Pete Part Three

    I’ve only ever seen his stuff on Smeg Outs and it seemed lazy, observational stuff.


    >I?ve only ever seen his stuff on Smeg Outs and it seemed lazy, observational stuff.

    Same here. If his ‘hilarious’ dog shit story was really chosen as the clip because it was the highlight of his set, I pity anyone who had to sit through the whole show.


    he shudnt get in a shitty and start slaggin off gnp ust because h wont be in these 2 episodes .. if he was in it and he travelled however many miles to a studio and did 1 or 2 lines then was told to go home .. he would moan at that .. ad now he dosent want anymore to do with red dwarf .. but wants to make money slaggin it off .. go away please

    Squeaky Gibson

    it’s going to be ashort book considering he was only in I, II & VIII (inc VII’s cameo). it’s a pity he has lost the love of Dwarf, but it’s still nice that he went and supported Danny a few weeks back at court. I wonder if he will take part in the Documentary that’s being made as well or will that only focus on the 4 main players?

    Jonathan Capps

    I really enjoy Norman’s stand-up, actually, and I have the first version of his DVD. You know, before he released it again.


    >You know, before he released it again.

    With less material I believe.


    >? theres stuff down there that will make your hair stand on end ??? brill cream its called ?

    Heh. That one, I wasn’t so sure of. Although I’m forgiving.


    Never saw his standup, unfortunately my whole impression was coloured by the ‘everything’s shit’ fiasco and previous dwarf-related sour grapes.

    Mr Flibble

    Oh, I don’t think it’ll be a short book, somehow.

    We’ll get at least a chapter about the ball incident and how unfair it was, no doubt we’ll get a lovely account of how he left and was assured someone like Hattie wouldn’t take over – that’ll take up a few hundred pages. We can expect the first third of the book to be a detailed account of how he pestered Ed, Doug and Rob to be seen on screen, rather than just as a voice, and then wrap it all up with a tedious rant about how under used he was is Series VIII, and whether he likes the moon gag or not.


    hmm talking of ed .. i wonder if hes involved in these specials ??

    Mr Flibble

    His last show with Nicholas Lyndhurst has recently been cancelled… (Which is odd, because from the little I saw of it, it looked… OK)


    Maybe Norman’s deeply depressed.


    >Maybe Norman?s deeply depressed.

    I would imagine that goes with the territory of being a whinging git who never seems to see the good in anyone or anything.


    Yep, that’s about it.


    Maybe he’s a whinging git BECAUSE he’s deeply depressed and self-destructive and emotionally wounded by the rejection of losing the only light at the end of his bleak tunnel over the last decade… reprising the role of Holly in a movie or new episode of Red Dwarf.

    His recent months have been spent walking on air at the thought of a reunion with his old friends, a new chance to appear on TV and revive his career, his chance to once again be a part of the role that has defined his career and in many ways his entire life, and it was cruelly snatched away from him by budget restraints at the last second, leaving a gaping hole in his existance which he will now fill with bitterness and misery.

    Well… maybe not. But you can’t just say “no”, coz you don’t know.


    Well, firstly he’s been a whinging git for years, but…

    >His recent months have been spent walking on air at the thought of a reunion with his old friends, a new chance to appear on TV and revive his career, his chance to once again be a part of the role that has defined his career and in many ways his entire life, and it was cruelly snatched away from him by budget restraints at the last second, leaving a gaping hole in his existance which he will now fill with bitterness and misery.

    This is the same role/light at the end of the tunnel that he left once before? The one delegated to him by people who he’s been none-too shy about slagging off recently?

    I know what you’re saying, but I find it difficult to feel sorry for someone so willfully negative about so many things.

    He just seems like an opportunist: Takes the job, leaves after two series, thinks he should somehow have say over who takes over, complains when he doesn’t, returns, show ends, cashes-in on the character and popularity, complains again ad infinitum, expects to be asked back, complains when he isn’t, writes a book about it…


    Indeed. If that’s how it is, well, couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


    You do know I was joking, right?


    >You do know I was joking, right?

    Of course! So was I!

    Ok, no I didn’t.


    Thing is, he’s a clown to burn the bridge when he must know how tight the budget is, and I’m sure that unless the new script actually writes Holly out for good (which, even if it did, doesn’t mean anything anyway because artistic license can always resurrect a character from any situation, just look at Tony Almeida) then if any further Dwarf projects get the green light, chances are he’d be a part of them…

    and the only chance of that happening is if the new ones are a success…

    and the new ones won’t be a success if the budget is squandered on making sure everybody gets their lines in at the expense of any kind of quality in the dept of costumes, sets, effects et al. A great script won’t mean much to a casual viewer who’s expected to accept that the office block corridors the witty banter is conducted in are meant to be the corridors of a technologically advanced space ship.

    ie. he should be willing to take the hit and the smarting botty of not having a role in these new episodes knowing that ultimately it will be helping the cause and in the long-term possibly provide him opportunities to play Holly again. And hopefully again, and again.

    What does he have to lose by keeping a dignified silence? Stiff upper lip, see how things progress once the new shows air, rather than throw all his toys out the pram and say “never again”?


    >What does he have to lose by keeping a dignified silence? Stiff upper lip, see how >things progress once the new shows air, rather than throw all his toys out the >pram and say ?never again??

    It seems particularly daft on his part to take things so personally when he’s said himself it was a budget-constraints issue rather than a GNP conscious decision to exclude him. And I wonder how many of the DVDs/tickets sold on his recent tours are thanks to the no-doubt free promotion on RD.com?

    If he’s hoping to divide the fans into ‘Norm supporters’ and ‘GNP supporters’ I think he’s going to come up sadly short.


    I can understand he’s miffed… if you keep a space in your schedule for a work offer which is then taken off the table just a week before you are due to begin production, yes I can see why he would be a bit annoyed… but he’s going over the top.

    Maybe it’s just a ruse anyway, maybe he will still be in it… we’ll see…


    i wonder weather doug will change the script now to purposly write him out for good … or maybe not even mention holly at all … tho me thinks kochanskis absense will have to be referenced in some way … bye norman *waves*

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