Doug announcement. Dave press release. And the important bit: a podcast from us tonight.

Pre-production: October 2011. Shooting: November-January. Broadcast: September/October 2012. Studio audience preferred. 6 x 30 minute episodes, to fit in a 40+ minute slot. And yes, Dave are calling it Series X.

And the quote marks around "confirmed"? Simply that the cast haven't signed on yet. But nobody appears to be too worried that they will. At the moment, anyway.

The worst-kept secret in showbusiness? Quite possibly. But make no mistake: it starts here, folks...

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Hmm. Doug Naylor has just tweeted this:

An early Xmas present which I can't open until January. What a beautiful day Dwarfers!!!

This either refers to some sort of time-locked tin of Quality Street, or we might expect a big announcement in the new year. Either way, have a wonderful Christmas, and try not to get attacked by the pan-dimensional liquid beast from the Mogadon Cluster.

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