Once again, a user on Youtube has shown us the way.

P.s. Stop bad mouthing series 8, it added a great new twist onto red dwarf ans allowed for the pete episodes and the back on red trilogy, how can you diss them? if you wana diss it just thing, how many other sitcoms had a better last line than "only the good die young" after Rimmer kicks death in the balls?

Well, that's told me. Ah, where would we be without them?

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Fat featured image

Look, everyone! Rob Grant's Fat! Alright, that's the last time we'll use that joke, we promise. But you have to admit, he's almost complicit in it with a title like that. Anyway, after a lengthy wait (although, to be honest, not as lengthy as some have made out - we're not exactly talking Duke Nukem Forever or Chinese Democracy, here), Rob's latest novel, Fat, is finally in shops. And after an almost as lengthy wait (fortuitous circumstances meant we were in a position to get a review of this book out for its release date; dire technical circumstances meant we failed to do so), the G&T verdict is here as well. So, what do we reckon?

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Forbidden Planet is delighted to announce a signing with Rob Grant. He will be signing his new book FAT (Gollancz - Special Offer Price £8.99) at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2 H 8JR on Saturday 6th January 1 - 2pm.

Marvellous! FP's own website, meanwhile, also tells us that he'll be in Bristol on Thursday 11th - although, annoyingly, it's between 2-4pm, so those of you with JOBS won't be able to make it. Which seems rather daft, really.

UPDATE : Word now reaches us from TOS that there's actually a full-blown tour in the works. Check out the dates over there - and note that in addition to the FP signing (where you'll queue for ages to see him for about thirty seconds), there's going to be a ticketed event at Waterstone's, presumably including a reading and/or a Q&A...

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The Plan featured image

Fan fiction. It's a phrase that carries a surprising amount of baggage, these days - and be it misty-eyed fondness, cautious apprehension or downright apoplectic vitriol, it usually inspires some kind of reaction in just about anyone who's ever considered themselves part of a fandom.

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Editorial, The Mirror, Friday 29th September '06 :

We warmly welcome reformed drug addict Craig Charles' return to Coronation Street.

The actor, who plays cheeky cabbie Lloyd Mullaney, will be back in the New Year after a stint in rehab and a police caution.

Everyone deserves a second chance and that certainly includes Craig, who is seeking to rebuild his life and career.

Granada TV bosses, who wrote out his character while Craig received treatment, have behaved responsibly and deserve to be applauded.

And we look forward to Lloyd being allowed once more to pick up fares in Weatherfield.

And ooh, look at us, aren't we wonderful for saving this man's career. All hail the Crusading Mirror. We originally printed the story with the express purpose of making him turn his life around, of course, and not just because we wanted a salacious, News Of The World-style story to sell a bucketload of papers.

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I can't believe we ever missed this one back on Observation Dome, but - better late than never :

THE DOCTOR : I don't know about Hitler, but you sure scare the hell out of me!

RIMMER : Well, I don't know about the enemy, but you certainly scare the hell out of me!

I promise that at some point I really will post some content on G&T that doesn't consist of pretending that Everything In The History Of Culture has ripped off Red Dwarf at some point or another...

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